One physical attribute you wish you could change...

Do I even need to write it? C'mon, some of you guys who've seen pics of me and have since been filled with an emasculated feeling of jealousy or unworthiness--or in LB's case, lust and longing--can fill in the blank for me here.

Generally speaking, Nature has been very kind to me (Think Greek God, 'cept I'm Nordic)

Starting to get flabby around the hips and stomach though (not as bad as Arnie, but still)

Should run or row again, but can't afford ANY kind of illness or injury at the moment, so that's out.

No complaints otherwise.

SO complains 15" is a bit too much (j/k)
I wish my feet were smaller, finding sizes above 17 are hard, especially when you have extremely wide feet.

Other than that I'm fine with myself. I'm a little on the fat side, 6'4" 320 pounds, but I have no problems running a 2 mile jog or doing work outs all the time. I just like to eat. :)
Chalnoth said:
Well, my e-mail keeps telling me my penis isn't big enough....

Joking with some of the guys at work a few years back, a 50+yo quiet little female co-worker overheard me loudly saying, "How the hell do those spammers know I'm bald, overweight, and have a small dick?!!!" We heard here in her cube back in the corner just laughing her head off.
my email is not much about my penis, it routinely offers me millions of dollars/euros instead but I decline the offer :)

well I'd like to gain one or two kilograms (have to work out and eat a lot for that). I'm probably at 55kg, would like to be 57.
have to get rid of tobacco addiction.

Skyring : my feet are 43 (I kid you not :p )
John Reynolds said:
Joking with some of the guys at work a few years back, a 50+yo quiet little female co-worker overheard me loudly saying, "How the hell do those spammers know I'm bald, overweight, and have a small dick?!!!" We heard here in her cube back in the corner just laughing her head off.
Awesome :)

Anyway, perhaps the one thing I'd change is my balding hair. But obviously since I haven't tried Rogaine and/or Propecia I'm not that worried about it.
I'd like a new pair of lungs, a new left leg and a new pair of inner ears please Santa. Oh and a (much) better brain, ta very nicely. The brandy and mince pie have already been drunk/eaten....sorry!
I do have about 30% bodyfat :oops:
But I also have flat feet (which will suck when im old) and asthma.
I think I'd wish I didn't have flat feet since with asthma I just use my inhaler when I have trouble breathing and I can change my bodyfat if I wanted to, I'm just lazy.
I have lost 10-15 pounds this year though :cool: