One physical attribute you wish you could change...

I'd like to get rid of my glasses. I'm considering getting laser surgery but to be honest I'm a bit scared about risks involved.
My wife and I highly reccomend it.

The two big factors are just how bad your eyes are, and how much astigmatism you have.

Well, and don't go to the "buy one eye and get one eye FREE!" docs.
geo said:
My wife and I highly reccomend it.

The two big factors are just how bad your eyes are, and how much astigmatism you have.

Well, and don't go to the "buy one eye and get one eye FREE!" docs.
geo said:
My wife and I highly reccomend it.

The two big factors are just how bad your eyes are, and how much astigmatism you have.

Well, and don't go to the "buy one eye and get one eye FREE!" docs.

Well, my eyes are quite bad, can't remember any exact numbers since it was 10 years since I last changed glasses, but if I take my glasses off I can just barely read the letter on the keyboard. So I guess there's a chance that even with laser surgery I might still have to use glasses, at least from what I've read, but I'd love any improvement I can get. I wouldn't go with any doctor I wouldn't trust, I'd rather pay 10x the price if it means I know it will work out fine. I've checked out and they seem to be well-established and serious. Anyone have any experience with them?