you are correct. it would not affect me based on my 10 years experience with online and Live in my house but I can see how it would affect my step son when he goes to his dad's house without internet or on vacation and others worldwide who have even more substantive issues with online.
I do see how it would affect me to begin with
I stated quiet some pages ago now that I'm to move back in France, more precisely in a pretty old house with outer wall made out of stones and inner made out of bricks... I'm not sure about how wifi is going to behave under those circumstances... And I don't think that house will have a proper ethernet /wired network either, pretty much I would have no choice about where the console should be without making more investments. It is bothering.
Thing is the same applies for my laptop, or phone.
If I go back to Cyan post about the possible "infrastructure issues" depending on where you live, I also see the issue.
But here is the catch, if the network is down plenty of your other CE devices don't work either (/ are close to useless). What is the most troublesome part for a household when network is down? That you have no Internet? No Tv? OR that the console no longer works? I would think that the 2 first choices comes first.
As console functionality are evolving toward a model more intricate with the outside world (/network) one manufacturer may think well if the network is down, first we can't do anything about it and secondly the fact that the console doesn't work should be a lesser concern vs lack of internet, tv, etc.
But let be clear I don't like the whole thing, like I don't like the fact that I could not play diablo3 on the go (though PC is a bit more complex because you have both PC and laptop and I use the later).
But I bough Diablo3 (mixed feeling about it, I don't support the model but there is not that many good ARPG out there and it is my favorite genre), people bough Sim City, I actually wonder if the resistance to such a model is a bit overstated. What would be the average Joe acceptance of a model where the console is another "connected device" as the TV (with all the implications that that has)? I don't know but it could be a non issue for the bulk of the potential costumers.
I lied my last post was not my last post...