east of eastside
MS should still see a gain with the sram buitl into the die , any shrink is going to help them. With so few fighting for 20nm it should be a simple jump for them and it sounds like 16nm fifet wont be ready till 2016 at this point for the consoles. So they can head into the fall 2015 with a revised 20nm chip , get better yields and thermals if nothing else and of course lower costs through out
Mobile is clogging up the 20nm fabs though right?
Wccftech editor (that wrote recent article on TSMC 20nm vs 16nm)replied to me on this subject:
No confirmed report on 20nm APUs for Xbox/PS4 so far. Although anything goes, I wouldn't hold my breath for it. contd.
AMD will most probably skip to FinFETs. 20nm APUs wont be that much better than 28nm anyways (die shrink vs mature process).
I think X1/PS4 will be stuck at 28nm until at least Fall '16 and then skip to 16nm FinFet.