News & Rumors: Xbox One (codename Durango)

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Mandatory Kinect is fine by me. People turned off of it, just haven't really used it.

Agreed. Nobody would be complaining if it were built into the chassis of the console most likely. Not that such a design would work real well, but still. I think anyone who actually buys the console will immediately see it's 100% a non-issue.
Some people said that the leaked doc is not a "technical doc", I'm not saying the leaked doc is "false" or something like this, what I mean is, from 2010 to 2012 some things can be changed.

EDIT: Kotaku' article:

I guess the info is from SuperDaE.

Hmmm, something just struck me about the following.

The Durango's control pad will be a "natural evolution" of the Xbox 360's pad, according to SuperDaE's info. While this suggests a near-identical layout—not necessarily a problem considering the cross-platform popularity of the layout with the PC—Xbox 360 controllers won't work with the Durango, as they use what Microsoft is calling a "new wireless technology."

If true. And combined with my speculation that if Durango is able to do Bluetooth pairing with mobile devices...

What if this "new wireless technology" was just something as simple as Bluetooth? The possibilities then open up quite significantly. Imagine if they allowed the use of BT Keyboards for use with Web Browsing or text chatting. Easy pairing of BT headphones with mics. Even the potential for PC mice. And, of course, connecting to those BT enabled mobile devices. Allowing them to more easily control functions on the console.

It's probably pretty unlikely (MS allowing full keyboard and mouse on the console?), but intriguing to speculate on.

4 people seems ideal to me. 6 might be good for simulating a mosh pit though. :D

Not necessarily, skeletal tracking for 6 people could be necessary for low energy games where participants are sitting down - like Buzz style games where you might need to use your fist on your palm as a buzzer (as shown in one of the original Kinect concept videos).
But it’s not just about new types of entertainment; it’s also about new business models and new engagement opportunities for advertisers. Mehdi called the launch of NUads – a new ad format that harnesses Kinect and natural user interface – an important moment for TV advertising. NUads deliver what is most scarce to advertisers today: consumer engagement. NUads enable natural interactivity using the simplicity of a spoken word or the wave of a hand. The first wave of NUads, which launched last fall with interactive polling, saw a record level of consumer engagement with 37 percent of people responding. With this model, passive TV advertising is transformed into engaging and actionable experiences.

Sad they are slipping in this sort of thing.
The main reason I most likely won't be getting one is that there really isn't enough exclusive stuff on the system to warrant a second console in the living room. The majority of games are cross-platform, so I'll still have a choice of PS4 or PC, and the exclusives I do tend to look forward to (Gran Turismo being the one that pops to mind) are on Playstation side. I had an X360 from early on, but then I realized I'd gone about two years without so much as turning it on, so I sold it.

If rumors are true about upgradeable Xbox's and frequent refreshes, it would be in our best interests to wait for whatever is in the next box. They could be deliberately holding back a more powerful console, but at the same time charging regular prices for this first version hoping to get away with the milk. Is everyone seriously ok with paying $3-400 + Live subs for 1.2TF and enhanced ads box in 20 f'ing 14? And like you said, the games will probably end up on PC anyways.
Install while playing is excellent. Wonder if PC will get that tech?
MS tried that with Vista and GfWL. IIRC, only Halo 2 on PC used the functionality before it was sent to the scrapheap. It would probably work better on current PCs, but I still wouldn't bet on it coming back seeing how MS appears to be valuing consistent user experiences.
MS tried that with Vista and GfWL. IIRC, only Halo 2 on PC used the functionality before it was sent to the scrapheap. It would probably work better on current PCs, but I still wouldn't bet on it coming back seeing how MS appears to be valuing consistent user experiences.
I suppose the Durango devkit can enforce a certain game structure that allows for this, whereas a PC could have any code and data structures and the OS couldn't provide a transparent mechanic for that to play while installing. I wonder if game experience while playing is worse while installing, given HDD head thrashing and BW consumption? I suppose 3 GBs OS RAM would really help here with possible massive data caches .
One thing that's vaugely surprised me with all the noise and rumours flying around (especially with the current degree of 'negativity' surrounding Durango) is that Microsoft hasn't tried countering it a bit. With Sony's announcement due next week it seems to me that Microsoft should be doing something now to explain their 'vision' , instead we're getting 'Kinect required, no used games, always on, etc . (plus dropping XNA <grumble,grumble> . I guess they're waiting to see more detail on what Sony's announcing first but I'm still surprised.
Why fight a PR battle now when you're not ready to show your hand? Whatever grumblings people have now are immaterial to when people buy the consoles in many months' time. MS can just listen to people's complaints and draw up a battle plan to PR counter them when they are ready to, even they're even true. The important thing is generating buzz and excitement when Durango is ready to launch, and not way ahead of the game in a prolonged, expensive PR duel.
Its where we're headed though..when new technologies come in..the old guard dismiss it as a fad or uneeded..preferring simple old all changes :)
I'm not saying there aren't good uses for it, just that there are times where I want to sit down, veg out, and play a game. Sometimes, it would be considerate if I could enjoy my pastime without making noise, out of respect to other people or high-strung pets.

As long as standard control paths still remain, I don't mind.
My issue with requiring Kinect, is the same issue I have with PSEye, and it's not related to privacy, there is just no easy way for me to do this in my media room.
I'd need to run 25ft of cable to the camera to put it in the front of the room and assuming any future device is requiring more bandwidth than USB2, you'd need active repeaters, which may or may not be available.
What if Sony is making some "similar" to Microsoft for PS4?
Because Sony called them new playing options.

I don't doubt MS would force everyone to buy it with every box, it's a gamble to have more developers support it with exclusive games, but forcing people to actually use it is crazy, there's no justification for such a move.
Because Sony called them new playing options.

I don't doubt MS would force everyone to buy it with every box, it's a gamble to have more developers support it with exclusive games, but forcing people to actually use it is crazy, there's no justification for such a move.

My guess is you'll be able to full navigate the menus and OS with a controller, if that suits you, but the voice and gesture control will be much more complete than it was with Kinect 1, and that will be advertised heavily. Currently to launch Netflix you have to say something like, "Xbox Apps, My Apps, Netflix." It wouldn't surprise me if you could just say "Xbox Netflix" from the home or root screen of the GUI, this time around. In other words, they won't force anyone to use it, but the experience will be much better this time around.

I have no idea what the OS is going to look like, but off the top of my head I can think of a lot of great ideas they could implement. Maybe while you're gaming with a controller you can say, "Xbox notifications" and a small overlay will pop-up in the top right corner showing you how many unread/unchecked notifications you have, with icons for twitter, facebook etc. Maybe you could say, "Xbox weather" or "Xbox scores" and see a scrolling banner with the appropriate information across the top or bottom of your screen. Seriously, there are a lot of ways this could go if Kinect is always-on. If I could compose a new voice message and send it to a friend without pausing my game, that would also be pretty cool, or initiate party invites or game invites all without stopping what I'm doing. The sky is the limit, really. From what the rumours suggest, they're reserving a good deal of resources for the OS, so my expectation is not what we have on the 360 with a few little features tacked on.
My issue with requiring Kinect, is the same issue I have with PSEye, and it's not related to privacy, there is just no easy way for me to do this in my media room.
I'd need to run 25ft of cable to the camera to put it in the front of the room and assuming any future device is requiring more bandwidth than USB2, you'd need active repeaters, which may or may not be available.

I'm actually doing this with a 64ft USB2 active extension/repeater through my ceiling for my projector setup for Kinect v1. My issue would be if any of the plugs/connectors change. :???:
This is just turning very confusing by MS. If they come with this low end box and a high end box diluting the userbase

Why would any casual video watcher upgrade from a 360 anyway? There is every service they need already. Nobody will care for MS exclusive "interactive" videos

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