senjetsuu sage on neogaf is really betting against this one...
he's even willing to verify his info with a mod, on top of already betting his account it's false. not looking good for this rumor.
Nobody else on this site outs who their sources are. And clearly I'm in no position to say who their sources are, or how they come by that information, but I've heard from a very reliable individual whom I trust completely, and that individual has said both that this is not true, and that they have heard no such thing. I place extra weight on the person saying it, more so than what I might hear from any site, or even from typically reliable posters on this forum, because it is my firm belief that if this person doesn't know what's going on, then shit has truly hit the fan.
People can take that for what it's worth. If a mod deems it necessary to ask me why I'm so sure, I'm more than happy to tell them why, on the grounds that it remains confidential, of course.
he's even willing to verify his info with a mod, on top of already betting his account it's false. not looking good for this rumor.