News & Rumors: Xbox One (codename Durango)

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I think it's extremely likely both MS and Sony sell out through the holiday season with the early lead going to who ever can manufacture and distribute more effectively.

As the supply problems start to lift it will be about the games, the exclusives on both platforms and how the overall experience of playing the multiplatform games on the platforms compares. Some of that will be driven by graphics, some by online services, some by what peripherals are in the box.

The second Xmas will give a good indication of who made the right tradeoffs unless someone really drops the ball.

I'm more interested in what MS emphasizes at the reveal and the public reaction to it, than I am seeing more beta next gen footage. I think it will tell us a lot about what MS thinks is important and how they plan to market, the public reaction will be just as interesting. At this point though even if the reaction is poor MS still has E3 to recover.

pretty good assumptions I would say
Ars has their 'what we know to date article' up:

The stuff on the level of DRM being up to the publisher is something I've heard elsewhere.

Hope they're right on MS removing the always online restriction, that decision will save them a lot of negativity.

yea these are things we have more or less been saying for a few weeks now since that memo surfaced to squash the AO rumors
It might be worse than that, according to Bloomberg:

That's not going to go down well methinks: 'You look like a middle aged man you might be interested in this hemhorroid cream" or "Wow, you're fat, might I suggest Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 3"

People hate ads because they tend to targeted by a bunch of ads that they aren't interested in. If console use facial recognition to send more attractive ads people might not be so offended.
You're making the worst possible inference.

It will recognize your face to match you up with your gamertag, then make suggestions based on the games you play, stuff you watch, rent, listen to, etc. Jeez!
Yeah, while I firmly believe MS isn't deliberately in the insult-your-own-customers business (lest it be removing the start menu and treating people like idiots by putting giant colored squares on their monitors in its stead :LOL:), but seriously here, if I want suggestions, I'll fricken ask for them.

I absolutely detest, hate and despise anything that watches my actions and suggests things it thinks I should spend my money on. That's also a form of rude in my book.

Yeah, 'Dave, I notice there are never any women around might I suggest you sign up for a Shag A Gamer account'. ;)

Can anyone think of anymore?

Infinite possibilities...for monetization!

You're making the worst possible inference.

Calm down, I'm having fun - it's something that could be done though (Google does it already) and I wouldn't entirely put it past MS. But your probably right its going to be used much more benignly (and boringly lol, I'd love to see the reaction to something like that)

yea these are things we have more or less been saying for a few weeks now since that memo surfaced to squash the AO rumors

And what do we think the pubs will do, block used games or not?

Used games is their pet hate, they see it as being even worse than piracy, so I don't expect them to do nothing now they finally have the technical means to do what they want.

EA discontinuing Project Ten Dollar might suggest there's no need for it anymore (as used games are blocked) or they might just be moving to a micro transaction model ala Dead Space 3 and Real Racing 3.
And what do we think the pubs will do, block used games or not?

Used games is their pet hate, they see it as being even worse than piracy, so I don't expect them to do nothing now they finally have the technical means to do what they want.

EA discontinuing Project Ten Dollar might suggest there's no need for it anymore (as used games are blocked) or they might just be moving to a micro transaction model ala Dead Space 3 and Real Racing 3.

I'm confused by the messages seeing as Gamestop came out with a favorable comment or two about Xbox and next gen yet the EA pass thing does signal a possible change

I'd say yes there will some form of DRM system in pace with used games but it will not be outright nor across the board. there may be some ways to allow some games to be traded but at a benefit to the pub as well.

Or they are just going to add a lot of F2p type transactions in all the games so no matter where you got it you invest in content typically given on disc
"Dave, according to our data, you fit the profile of someone dangerously close to killing a family member out of rage. We have found the contact information of your guardians and have already notified them to take caution. Please lower your M rated game consumption to dismiss this warning."
Yeah, while I firmly believe MS isn't deliberately in the insult-your-own-customers business (lest it be removing the start menu and treating people like idiots by putting giant colored squares on their monitors in its stead :LOL:), but seriously here, if I want suggestions, I'll fricken ask for them.

I absolutely detest, hate and despise anything that watches my actions and suggests things it thinks I should spend my money on. That's also a form of rude in my book.

This has FTC implication so I am sure MS was smart enough to have an option to turn it off. Privacy rights are guaranteed to generate class action lawsuits, if imposed upon consumers while providing no control to said consumers.
"Dave, your facial profile fits that of a 12 year old, in accordance with the ESRB we have locked out CoD:Ghost from your profile. Please contact Microsoft Xbox customer service if you have any further inquiries."

Later that month on the news.
"Tune in to see the new fashion trend sweeping young males: Fake Beards! The story at 11!"
"Dave, according to our data, you fit the profile of someone dangerously close to killing a family member out of rage. We have found the contact information of your guardians and have already notified them to take caution. Please lower your M rated game consumption to dismiss this warning."

Wearing the anonymous mask could be next gamer trend. But that could attract too many unwanted visitors trying to break in. Difficult decisions.
marcberry, dude, you need to start keeping quiet now. You're singlehandedly lowering the SNR of this board significantly. If I tell you, on my honor, that you are completely wrong, will you please stop talking about things you do not understand? You're taking a single name out of context, and ignoring all the portions of the doc that describe how it works.

Please, just stop.

"Please stop! You're revealing the truth! But I cannot come out and say this, so instead I say that you're spouting nonsense."

(just kidding)
More evidence Yukon was and likely still is real

I think Yukon was a broad strategic vision. The intricate details-like the specs that don't make any sense at all-was just to show what the a planning.

Anyway, cross posting from gaf;The moment I saw a video encoder/decoder in the specs of both machines I knew this was what they would do with the system. As for control schemes; I would imagine that the typical button presses can be overlaid or the screen on the tablet can be divided. That is, a portion of the screen can be reserved for control schemes. I am sure that they will have a general control scheme that is generic for typical use and also allow developers to supersede that and implement their own control scheme as they see fit. From the description it seems that it can potentially stream to multiple tablets, the limit being the game resources. So while some games will only be able to stream one active feed because of the intensity of the graphics, I can imagine a game with Angry Bird-like graphics being able to stream to multiple active tablet/controllers without diminishing the experience. It also suggests that it will be possible to pair your table directly to Durango in an ad-hoc mode. This will probably be the best for latency sensitive games.

Essentially what they have here is the WiiU-Gamepad dynamic, but one that is platform agnostic.
Interesting indeed, especially in this age... Cloud gaming is going to be an important focus too, apparently.,news-44073.html

Countdown complete....


I'm just about done paying attention to anything he says, he's all over the map.

It's really something when you see Thurrott this much in the dark as he has been lately. He's considered THE quintessential Microsoft insider, the one with the most inner circle sources. So when you see him stumbling around his own scoops it kind of shakes the usual confidence that most of us have in him. But he still nailed the date of the reveal, so I wouldn't count him out completely.

And there are still so many unknowns about the console. All this time and no one has ever seen a pic of the kit MB. I was reading in another forum how some found it unusual that VGleaks has never revealed the names of the processors, and neither do those names appear on any of the leaked white papers. We still know nothing about the controller and how it will function with Kinect. And then there are still the hardware questions, $500 price tag for something that could more accurately be priced for $300.

So it really does appear that Microsoft has kept alot of their secrets from escaping into the wild.
that could more accurately be priced for $300.

I still don't know how anyone can project a price or decide what ir should be without knowing what's in the box.

We may know what the CPU and GPU are, and what memory is being used, but we have no idea what other hardware is in there and that's probably the bulk of the cost.
How big/fast is the HDD, does it have additional flash memory, what does the new controller cost, does it ship with Kinect, what does that cost etc etc etc.
I still don't know how anyone can project a price or decide what ir should be without knowing what's in the box.

We may know what the CPU and GPU are, and what memory is being used, but we have no idea what other hardware is in there and that's probably the bulk of the cost.
How big/fast is the HDD, does it have additional flash memory, what does the new controller cost, does it ship with Kinect, what does that cost etc etc etc.

More importantly, you need to know how much money a company is willing to lose on each unit.
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