News & Rumors: Xbox One (codename Durango)

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I still don't know how anyone can project a price or decide what ir should be without knowing what's in the box.

We may know what the CPU and GPU are, and what memory is being used, but we have no idea what other hardware is in there and that's probably the bulk of the cost.
How big/fast is the HDD, does it have additional flash memory, what does the new controller cost, does it ship with Kinect, what does that cost etc etc etc.

I'd say if the rumored specs are true, then regardless of the hdd, flash, or controller, $500 is a rip-off.

They won't put expensive components in the box which dictate a $500 BOM. Short of them including an HMD, projector, or tablet in every box, $500 would be a rip off for commodity DDR3 Ram, 120mm2 GPU, and a doubled-up tablet cpu (<80mm2?).

The HDD won't be crazy large as a baseline as that is a simple differentiator for MS to charge for a "premium" model. Flash is relatively cheap and they won't go SSD because in a console environment, it would be dead in months. They won't bite into another RRoD scenario.

Another factor to consider:

If MS are serious about pushing this new box into as many homes as possible as quickly as possible, they will want a mass market price asap.

$400 launch with $300 "cut-down/intro/baseline" version 6 months later.
People seem to have difficulty understanding the difference between the cost of a BOM and the cost of a Project.

No, the cost of a project outside of BOM is a sunk cost asociated with that project. The profit potential to be made in things other than the hardware are substantially more than the hardware itself. Especially moving forward with voice search ad revenue and predictive ad revenue.

To try and twist a minimal BOM into something greater because of 50+ years of R&D which was required to develop the microprocessor and an OS along with every other periphery is foolish and like I said, there are bigger fish to fry so to speak WRT capitalizing on the big picture instead of trying to nickel and dime to make back the few hundred million (max) invested in R&D by overcharging for your product while at the same time limiting that product's exposure due to the unnecessary increase in MSRP and simultaneously producing a losing proposition to your competition at that price bracket.

Bottom line is will MS' proposition be compelling enough at X MSRP while sitting on the shelf next to Y MSRP which will likely have a superior gaming experience.

That is the question.
That is not the question for this thread. That is vastly off-topic for this thread.
Wearing the anonymous mask could be next gamer trend. But that could attract too many unwanted visitors trying to break in. Difficult decisions.
We had those Halloween presidents masks for facial recognition testing. If we had had cloud facial recognition, the results could have been hilarious.
I must agree alstrong does smell. Change your socks man !

Anyway I'm interested for tomorrow. If the vgleaks are wrong the epic meltdowns at gaf and here will be pretty fun to read. I think more so than if the vgleaks are right.

Hopefully the system comes in at $300 and perhaps that's why the subscription model was scrapped. MS had to adjust pricing

someone said something about cloud and he have been bitten to the throat
maybe someone will have to excuse

Something similar to gakai as he is suggesting is actually rather reasonable assuming they can shell out the extra millions for each x number of players.
Something similar to gakai as he is suggesting is actually rather reasonable assuming they can shell out the extra millions for each x number of players.

I bet that it's MORE than a gakai approach (underlined statement), but now we are finally at the end of the game, tomorrow the tech/game boards on internet will be quite different, finally
and who was wrong, it's nice if will excuse himself :rolleyes:
I bet that it's MORE than a gakai approach (underlined statement), but now we are finally at the end of the game, tomorrow the tech/game boards on internet will be quite different, finally
and who was wrong, it's nice if will excuse himself :rolleyes:

Theres no need to be so rude to people. Anyway, theres a good reason I said like Gakai not exactly the same. Because really any processing that you do in the cloud is going to be like Gakai in some way (as thats exactly what it does) theres no stopping them from processing other stuff in there I guess all that remains to be seen is how much and what kind of tolerance levels they have for latency, etc. [assuming this is real].

Anyway back on topic, I'm pretty sure there going to harp on about specs but provide no real numbers, if thats the case I think its at least a slight point in the direction that the vgleaks stuff is correct.
VG Leaks:


Call of Duty: Ghosts. That’s not a surprise, although the Durango’s presentation will be the first act where we will see the first footage for Ghosts. It’s COD, so I would not expect a big change in the series. One thing, I want 60fps and 1080p.

Forza 5: Sony will have Driveclub, hence Microsoft should show Forza 5. Supposedly this game will have top graphics, close to the real life. Next-gen Forza should represent a leap between the current gen and the new one (speaking about technology). This game could make the debut of a new feature called Vista. This tool will allow the player to obtain statistical info upon different car features (internal and external) and to virtually navigate and operate the vehicles.

Ryse: A Kinect game powered by Crytek. Microsoft likes to start the generation with a megaton; Ryse could be the Infinity’s megaton. Xbox had Halo, Xbox 360 had Gears of War and Durango could show the first game that takes advantage of Kinect 2.0. Hard to believe, I know.

Project Gotham Racing 5: Bizarre was closed years ago, but Lucid Games was founded by Bizarre former employees. According the rumors this team would be developing the game with Rare. Personally, this game would obligate me to buy Durango.

Halo 5: Not for the window launch, less for the launch. I wouldn’t bet a buck on this possibility. I guess 343i could show a teaser trailer or a trailer, but not a game for the next months.

Gears of War 4: Epic Games relied their work on People Can Fly with GoW: Judgment. The company released Gears of War 3 almost two years ago, so, they have had enough time to work on a new Gears of War and maybe they are ready to show us the tech symbol on Xbox 720.

Rare: The legacy of the Stamper bros it’s only a memory when we talk about Rare, albeit the gamers always give an opportunity to Rare. This is the last chance, if the group is working on an AAA, they have to unveil it during the Next-Xbox presentation. Kameo 2 would be a perfect game to release with Durango. Open maps, detailed worlds and a way to explore the new hardware. Moreover, I want colorful games.

EA: Microsoft and the worst company of the States could have signed an exclusive contract. EA could be programing an only for Mass Effect for Durango. This deal could cover some games for a specific time. EA have a multiplatform business, so these games should appear in other systems along the time (not for Wii U). FIFA 14 will be on the presentation, maybe they could announce and exclusive deal for some points, not for the full game.

Titan: Respawn Entertainment could unveil the new million seller for Durango. According rumors this game would be a multiplayer game only for Infinity. Activision VS EA.

Kinect 2.0: Party games, family games and this type of stuff for the gimmick. I’m not going to dedicate time to this point and you don’t want to read it.

Theres no need to be so rude to people.

Agreed, friend
I wonder if it's too much to hope for that after tomorrow a lot of the noise from the Pro-Playstation people and the Pro-Xbox people will die down? :???:

Somehow I think I probably shouldn't get my hopes up.

Anyway back on topic, I'm pretty sure there going to harp on about specs but provide no real numbers, if thats the case I think its at least a slight point in the direction that the vgleaks stuff is correct.

It's obvious that if they leave the details vague , we'll know why .
there's a thread where we discuss something

I read a whole bunch of impossible methods to do cloud computing.

Two solutions:

A. You offload the entire game to a server and only send video data to decode to your console. (Gaikai, onlive) Which is doable because we know that 1080p video is easily doable via internet.

B. You let your console do everything. (what's currently being done)

Anything in between (unless it's just a need to update a database somewhat like sim city or facebook games) from physics to textures is most likely undoable.

Even with 100Mbit internet connections, you only get max about 10MB/s download. Please remember you have to fit everything in there.
Anything in between (unless it's just a need to update a database somewhat like sim city or facebook games) from physics to textures is most likely undoable.

we've talking in the other thread, so this here is off topic
anywere it's not undoable just because nobody have done this before, remain to see if it is done or not. 8 hours to go.
we've talking in the other thread, so this here is off topic
anywere it's not undoable just because nobody have done this before, remain to see if it is done or not. 8 hours to go.

I know this is off topic but I cannot simply let this comment stay here without saying something about it. You are looking at this wrong, to assert that something is doable simply because there is not yet evidence that is undoable is not how the scientific world nor anyone should really argue for anything its nigh on impossible to prove a negative. It is in the hands of the person trying to assert something to bring enough evidence to hand such that there argument is proven not to demand that someone bring evidence that disproves there argument.

Back on topic, do people think that the rumoured illumiroom stuff is going to be a actual show or, and do you think the price (if they decided to sell it is a discreet solution) will be?.
I know this is off topic but I cannot simply let this comment stay here without saying something about it. You are looking at this wrong, to assert that something is doable simply because there is not yet evidence that is undoable

it's called speculation

Back on topic, do people think that the rumoured illumiroom stuff is going to be a actual show or, and do you think the price (if they decided to sell it is a discreet solution) will be?.

it will be in the show, you can bet this, in some shape. even if it will start to sell in the next years (ala kinect style)
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