Shifty Geezer> Thanks, great answer. I have some comments on this, but I will answer it on my answer to Bkilian.
There are definitely things I can't say. And if you read my posts closely, you'll see I have not confirmed or denied any leaks. The only thing I said about the vgleaks rumors is that they were not drawn or written by vgleaks itself, that leaves a whole host of folks they could have been created by.
And yes, definitely, there were things I never knew. I do not know the rumored console's name. I do not know its form factor, or the power draw, or it's cost. I do not know (entirely) what the UI will look like. I do know pretty much everything a third party developer would know, as well as a lot of things that third party developers would not need to know.
If I were still at MS, I would be even more careful, but I'm still pretty careful in what I say.
And, as always, caveat emptor. My opinions are usually just that, read things into them at your peril.
Just a brief comment on the bolded sentence..
Those elements directly affect the hardware specs and what has come out of VGLeaks, can be just a part of it or even missing a huge chunk of information.
And if I recall correctly, we have not had any kind of confirmation, here or at neogaf, about VGLeaks and that those specs would be correct. Like, if you would say: "Yeah, those specs are correct".. then BOOM, a confirmation from someone with the know at least. But obviously you have not done so, which is understandable.
Btw, have any information/confirmation come out on betakits? Have any one said that "it is like the VGleaks"?
My point here is, that it seems that there are too many uncertainties still, because people who know things, have neither/cannot either deny nor confirm and the small information they did reveal, was a small piece of the whole puzzle.
In the end of the day, I don´t mind the VGLeaks specs, but if those were true, then perhaps I would questions MS abilities. I mean, MS houses some extremely creative minds and designers and within MS research groups, exists people who could do some crazy interesting things to improve or to really excel console-technology. It just feels that MS could deliver something more than what is shown in the VGLeaks. (of course, politics, costs, agenda and things like TDP, console form etc etc influence console development as well)
Anyways, thanks for the previous reply.