New Ninety Nine Nights direct feed images

Hardknock said:
No. Low-res blurry textures everywhere.
Low-res? Everywhere?
For a first gen game it has as good, if not better, texture detail as any other "next-gen" game.
And the game is not a corridor shooter to boot. Large vistas are expected.
Hardknock said:
The main character has no detail and her character model is modeled ackwardly with polygonal edges all over the place.
The new model has a higher polygon budget. Higher than the 5-15K triangles per characters most of the "next-gen" games show so far.

BTW, let's keep this discussion about NNN and let's not throw in talks about others games of the same genre. ;)
scooby_dooby said:
you're the man!

what else do they have besides N3? any hi-res blue dragon action?

It has a Dynasty Warriors 5: Special demo in Japan (which is actually 4: Special in Japan). I'm not sure there is much exclusive stuff beyond that. I fairly sure there is a NNN trailer though and wouldn't be surprised if these screenshots are from it.
I remember reading a link to an old thread (I believe a thread from last March) were nAo was part of the group that wanted info on the RSX. I belive theres a handfull of posts of him asking for new RSX information (at that point in time).

Guess he got what he wanted :p
robofunk said:
It has a Dynasty Warriors 5: Special demo in Japan (which is actually 4: Special in Japan). I'm not sure there is much exclusive stuff beyond that. I fairly sure there is a NNN trailer though and wouldn't be surprised if these screenshots are from it.

can't seem to find the n3 trailer, downloaded the dw5 one, it was ok. Thx for the tips though!

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