New Ninety Nine Nights direct feed images

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The game looks the same as what I've seen the entire time. The JPG compression accounts for the lack of the fine details, but the poly counts and such seem the same as what I saw previously. The cutscene stuff still looks hot (that chick's cutscene model looks great for being an in game model), and the in-game stuff looks impressive too (but one can't expect Fight night models when they are aiming for hundreds of on screen characters).

Seems fine to me. Not a fan of the genre of games, but it doesn't look bad at all.
There is obviously more advanced discussion going on regarding this title, but I just thought I'd add that I think this looks absolutely horrible and uninspired. I don't see the next-gen in the graphics, so where is it? I know nothing about this game. Is there some reason why it doesn't need good/cool graphics? It looks very dull to me. (I wouldn't have guess PS3 unless it was stated. Looks more like Xbox (1))
wireframe said:
There is obviously more advanced discussion going on regarding this title, but I just thought I'd add that I think this looks absolutely horrible and uninspired. I don't see the next-gen in the graphics, so where is it? I know nothing about this game. Is there some reason why it doesn't need good/cool graphics? It looks very dull to me. (I wouldn't have guess PS3 unless it was stated. Looks more like Xbox (1))

Did you watch the video? Check out the 2nd video hardknock posted. That's the best impression you can get of this game, about 3 minutes of solid gameplay with a good quality image.

I think the game looks fun, looks pretty good, but it's nowhere near heavenly sword, not sure on the release date for HS though, may not be a fair comparison...
kyleb said:
Yeah, I wasn't trying to be abrasive to Scooby at all, and I have no clue how AlphaWolf found my manors offensive. I was merely pointing out the fact that of course you can retain more detail if you use less compression.

Well actually I didn't, but I wasn't the one who gave you negative rep. I was merely offering a possible explanation. You certainly could have chose your wording better.
How exactly do you expect me to choose my wording better when I don't see anything offensive about my wording? Even more curious, why are you saying I could choose my wording better if you don't see anything offensive about my wording either? I don't follow you here at all.

But anyway, back to the subject, best I can tell this game's graphics are head and sholders above anything that has been acomplished on the orignal Xbox. Wireframe, is there an Xbox game in particular that you would put up against those shots, or where you just suggesting that you are not impressed with the art direction?
scooby_dooby said:
Did you watch the video? Check out the 2nd video hardknock posted. That's the best impression you can get of this game, about 3 minutes of solid gameplay with a good quality image.
I just finished watching it and it did nothing to change my impression. It looks incredibly lifeless. I particularly didn't like the use of geometry instancing. It was ok in parts but really bad in others. It's understandable that such a technique would be employed with this many similar enemies on screen, but I think they could have been more careful in how it is employed so you don't get characters adjacent to each other going through exactly the same animation frames. Just disguise it a bit more by mixing them up and having more versions.

I also better understand why the graphics are limited now after seeing how many enemies this game has on screen. It must be very taxing on the system in ways that keep you out of using the best bits of the system to best advantage. (Where something like a scripted cutscene can be of very high quality, using very sophisticated techniques, because the memory usage is better known and tight)

I think the game looks fun, looks pretty good, but it's nowhere near heavenly sword, not sure on the release date for HS though, may not be a fair comparison...
I guess it could be fun and I think the developers are betting it is. It's not my cup of tea though. It just looks so mindless. I would probably enjoy it for a few battles and then grow tired of slashing every which way in hordes of enemies. That is, unless the game has several different phases and this is just one of them and there are other more limited battle sequences in terms of enemies on screen. (Isn't there a PS2 game that is very much like this? Huge number of enemies and just hack and slash every which way?)

Also, I must apologise for saying this was a PS3 game. For some reason I thought it was for the PS3, but the end of the video states Xbox 360. :oops:
I think graphically that video really shows some impressive stuff, and is without question next gen.

I'm worried abuot the gameplay as well, which is why I liked seeing level ups in the video, as well as upgradeable weapons, so they've added some slight RPG elements which could be cool.
groper said:
Can you link me to a video clip with HS gameplay footage ?

i'm just giving teh benefot of the doubt to the HS team who have confirmed on this site explicitly that their game will look like what they showed at E3.

That's a whole different league above this...
scooby_dooby said:
i'm just giving teh benefot of the doubt to the HS team who have confirmed on this site explicitly that their game will look like what they showed at E3.

That's a whole different league above this...
But Heavenly Sword doesn't have this many enemies at a time, does it? From what I remember, HS has something like 20-30 enemies whereas this looks like hundreds.
It's really the outdoor scenes in HS that drop your jaw, there are several screens form outdoor shots that have hundreds on hundred of enemies, all looking amazing.

But when yuo look at the indoor stuff, which looks alot more like gameplay, it's not nearly as impressive IMO, for example:

I wonder if you actually get to fight in the outdoor scenes, or if they are more realtime cut-scenes...

edit: this answers my question, looks like gameplay outdoors, with what looks to be many enemies on screen:

The lighting, DOF, and cloth physics look just outstanding.
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All of those images but one look like cutscenes to me. The one Scooby_dooby mentioned as not being nearly as impressive ( looks like actual play graphics. At least note how different this looks from the others. What other reason could there be? Pay particular attention to the swords trailing effect in that shot. It is not present in the others. Most likely this is because the cutscenes, being movies, do not need this visual guide.
wireframe said:
All of those images but one look like cutscenes to me. The one Scooby_dooby mentioned as not being nearly as impressive ( looks like actual play graphics. At least note how different this looks from the others. What other reason could there be? Pay particular attention to the swords trailing effect in that shot. It is not present in the others. Most likely this is because the cutscenes, being movies, do not need this visual guide.

Note that you are talking about shots released in may last year ... kay. It's not worth right now to debate about this game. Official gameplay trailer isn't even in.
3roxor said:
Note that you are talking about shots released in may last year ... kay. It's not worth right now to debate about this game. Official gameplay trailer isn't even in.
I am not really talking about the quality of the Heavenly Sword screens. I am saying i think Heavenly Sword doesn't have as many enemies at a time as Ninety Nine Nights. By looking at the screens posted I would say my theory has some support. There is reason to believe some (most) are cutscene screen captures while the one that looks like actual play has very few enemies shown. This may explain why Heavenly Sword can have higher fidelity per character and in the environment.

But you are right. Nothing is really known about Heavenly Sword at this point. Someone brought it up Heavenly Sword and it was taken to the point where the assumption was made that Heavenly Sword would have the same number of characters on screen as the game actually being discussed in this thread while having much higher quality. I'm not conviced the comparison is that simple.
wireframe said:
All of those images but one look like cutscenes to me. The one Scooby_dooby mentioned as not being nearly as impressive ( looks like actual play graphics. At least note how different this looks from the others. What other reason could there be? Pay particular attention to the swords trailing effect in that shot. It is not present in the others. Most likely this is because the cutscenes, being movies, do not need this visual guide.

If that is real-time gameplay then it is very impressive no? Look at falling enemy close to camera. Even toes are not simple texture and enemy hands "knuckles" have bumps. Lighting is very very nice. Look at main characters shoulder (not covered area) and you can see very nice gentle bumps for muscles and bones. Hair and cloth has animation and physics, everything has shadows (remember objects can break) and even standing enemy (near character) has self-shadow. Only i dont know if main character has DOA physics, I think you understand. ;)

Only problems for me is textures for wood-block is not so great and main character leg shapes is always changing (maybe this one is for effect of fast movement) and dead men have hands not open but closed to hold objects.
Yes I brought up HS because I think NNN is somewhat comparable. I also deliberately limited myself because we still haven't seen anything running on the PS3 spec system. ..but now let's go back to discussing this game.
ihamoitc2005 said:
If that is real-time gameplay then it is very impressive no?

No. Low-res blurry textures everywhere. The main character has no detail and her character model is modeled ackwardly with polygonal edges all over the place. The outside screens look great, the inside ones not so much.
wireframe said:
All of those images but one look like cutscenes to me. The one Scooby_dooby mentioned as not being nearly as impressive ( looks like actual play graphics. At least note how different this looks from the others.

Hmm, I really dont see much of a difference, honestly. All I see are more player models on screen (with dust fx). Its the same exact lighting, same texture detail, same model detail etc. I dont think there's a contrast at all. But like others have said the whole thing was a trailer, not gameplay footage like NNN. We can compare when the sucker's got a build up and running on the machine itself for all to see.