New Ninety Nine Nights direct feed images

scooby_dooby said:
oh shut up..yes kyle i do not understand the concept of image compression..exactly.

First of all the images looked fine at 60%(100kb), still far better than the crap they released, I just decided to crank it to 90%(207kb).

Secondly, who the fuck cares about image compression when you're release 12(720p) HIGH DEFINITION screenshots?
If took the time to understand the point of image compression instead of telling me to shut up, you wouldn't have to ask that.
By any chance does anyone know of a good write-up on the ins and outs of image compression? Between Scooby's post here and the fact that Laa-Yosh just gave me bad rep for pointing out in the difference in the level of compression used in Scooby's resampled shots compared to the ones at the top of the thread; I can't help but think such an article would go a long way in helping people here understand why the above shots don't look anywhere as good as they would have before they were compressed.
kyleb said:
By any chance does anyone know of a good write-up on the ins and outs of image compression? Between Scooby's post here and the fact that Laa-Yosh just gave me bad rep for pointing out in the difference in the level of compression used in Scooby's resampled shots compared to the ones at the top of the thread; I can't help but think such an article would go a long way in helping people here understand why the above shots don't look anywhere as good as they would have before they were compressed.

I'm pretty sure Scooby and Laa-Yosh understand compression, perhaps better manners would avoid the negative rep in the future.
kyleb said:
I can't help but think such an article would go a long way in helping people here understand why the above shots don't look anywhere as good as they would have before they were compressed.
Wikipedia has a decent article on the subject but only a couple of examples.

I tried looking around but there really doesn't appear to be an easy to understand laymans guide.

The basic concept is simple though, you have a picture which is loseless (pixel perfect) and when you compress it with JPEG small colour changes (details) are sacrificed and other colour values changed to make it more efficient for the algorithm. The more compressed you want it the more colours will blend into each other and the worse the image quality is (lower details, more blurry).

The difference between medium and high quality JPEG compression is generally hard to percieve though, and I don't know where this stands.

Btw, I'll say this about Scoobys example. Take any image and apply a sharpen filter to it in photoshop, and it'll probably look better. Especially if you resize it afterwards. You'll percieve more "details" (esp. grass, rain and other such items which when sharpened will get distinct edges). Its not really an accurate representation of what screens would look like uncompressed.
Jpeg compression and a loss of sharpness are not why N3 is missing next gen graphics fidelity, at least beta kits excuses are dead.
Still not sure though, i mean is the jpeg compression what's making the skin of the characters grey? Not the first time i noticed that in this game, is it an artistic thing? Cause if so, i'd like an explanation...?
The problem that I have with this game is that I haven't seen one single screen where they actually have some direct sunlighting. It is always like there are maive clouds on the sky, would it hurt them to have some really colorfull and vivid screens?...
scooby_dooby said:
Like are these guys to retarded to click "save for web" in photoshop? I have no problem retaining detail.

Probably not retarded, but I'm sure they have guidelines as to how large screenshots should be in order to stay within bandwidth and memory-space boundaries. Having some basic knowledge on these things would be advantageous before calling anyone retarded.
Phil said:
Probably not retarded, but I'm sure they have guidelines as to how large screenshots should be in order to stay within bandwidth and memory-space boundaries. Having some basic knowledge on these things would be advantageous before calling anyone retarded.

Trying to squeeze a 1280x720p image in 200kb is asking for trouble, and is just plain stupid. If that's what their guidelines say, then whoever wrote their guidelines does not know what they are talking about.

It's obviously some PR idiot who took some excellent screens and ruined them. If you are going to attempt to release 720p screen shots, 400-500kb is minimum for decent quality. Hell, MotoGP's latest 3d screenshot was 64mb...

And like I said, even a medium JPEG setting, like 60%, I retained far more detail then them, so it seems like they used the equivalent to 20% or 30% image quality settings which IMO is pretty retarded...and really I was just kidding around..

Kyle - I've been a proffesional web designer for 4 years. I know one or two things about image compression, no need to be so rude.
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Good lord they're just screens!! Chillout matey!! The amount of abuse you guys have lashed out for a couple of bloody pictures is worrying!! Breathe... have a cup of tea.... chill.... you'll feel SO much better...

scooby_dooby said:
Trying to squeeze a 1280x720p image in 200kb is asking for trouble, and is just plain stupid.

It's obviously some PR idiot who took some excellent screens and ruined them. If you are going to attempt to release 720p screen shots, 400kb is minimum for decent quality.

Kyle - I've beena proffesional web designer for 4 years. I know one or two things about image compression, no need to be so rude.

Just to play ball here; why would you assume that the people maintaining such sites are web-designers or anyone with some extended knowledge in photoshop? Given your claimed profession, I find that a rather strange thing to do - I would assume any site featuring some kind of CMS to manage the data would have a simple interface to upload images and - you guessed it - resize / compress the picture automatically - without having to worry about doing so yourself. But since you're a professional web-designer, I suppose there's no need to tell you what that all means as point you to the existance of bandwidth limitations and the associated costs, right?

Anyway, I suppose if it makes you feel better about yourself, don't feel hesitant of continuing to call other people idiots, retards... though personally, I'm not sure how this would be contributing much to these forums. :???:
robofunk said:
Theses pictures look like they've been captured from a video (has anyone downloaded the trailer from Live! with the region trick).

Hey robo, could you explain the trick so we can check out the trailer aswell? :devilish:
Phil said:
Anyway, I suppose if it makes you feel better about yourself, don't feel hesitant of continuing to call other people idiots, retards... though personally, I'm not sure how this would be contributing much to these forums. :???:

i never called anyone on these forums a retard, it was just a general statement about whoever release these POS screenshots being retarded. It was half-joke anyways so just calm down...

As far as contributing to the forum, who else took the time to edit the images, bring out some of the hidden detail in the picture, and host it on their own web space?

You? Or did you just come in to pick another fight(like Kyle)? Have you even addressed the actual topic of the thread? No you haven't...
scooby_dooby said:
You? Or did you just come in to pick another fight(like Kyle)? Have you even addressed the actual topic of the thread? No you haven't...

Scooby, not everyone who replies to you is picking a fight. Calm down.

Try not to be so adversarial.
Yeah, I wasn't trying to be abrasive to Scooby at all, and I have no clue how AlphaWolf found my manors offensive. I was merely pointing out the fact that of course you can retain more detail if you use less compression.