While we supported the Move controller in NBA 2K11, we really felt like there was something more we could do there. In particular, we wanted to get away from the standard gesture-based controls that many sports games have used and, instead, figure out a way to utilize the Move that wasn’t so involved. Let’s face it, waving your arms around for an entire game can get old quickly, so it made sense to pick our spots a little better and choose ways, that used the precision of the Move, work best.
Additionally, we wanted something that could appeal to newer fans of the series. The standard gameplay controls have an unbelievable amount of depth, with nuances that can take quite a bit of practice to master. This can be daunting to inexperienced users so, hopefully, NBA On the Move will create just the opposite effect.
While we hope that players, of any skill level, will quickly be able to feel like a superstar in this mode, that doesn’t mean we didn’t include our typical extra layer for anyone who wants to take it to another level. There is a whole set of advanced Move controls, that really deepen the experience and can make a huge difference the more you play the game, which I’ll detail below.
But one last thing before getting into some more of the control: It’s worth mentioning that we created a specific NBA On the Move mode just for this feature. We really felt like it was something that needed to stand on its own. It’s the type of experience that really shines when you’ve got some friends over, so we wanted it to become a specific destination rather than a side feature that gets lost in the midst of all the other regular game modes.
Okay, enough background. Now it’s time to jump into what NBA On the Move is all about. To start with, the entire mode is driven by the use of the Move controller pointer. You use your controller to point directly at the players on the court you want to interact with. Along with that, there are two additional essential buttons to worry about – the Move button on the top of the controller, and the T button on the back.