Ok, while this might be inconsequential to a bunch of people (read almost everyone) but I'm actually hoping this TV thing comes to fruition as envisioned in the reveal.
I think its way cool stuff, the problem here is more if MS will be able to drive in the gamer to line up and buy the console day one, to kickstart its assault on the living room.
To me this looks like a scenario where the consumers are always screaming for inovation and but what they want is just iteration.
And MS delivers inovation and not iteration and people go of the walls mad
The question is then, if the gamer decides to sit on the fence in regards to X1, will MS be able to get the "casual" users to adopt it in a high enough volume fast enough?
Are there enough people that will buy it just because of its TV and NFL features?
Last time around, Sony got flack because it was perceived that to many bought the PS3 just for the Blue-Ray. Now MS is getting flack because they have not catered to the gamers yet.
This seems to be a bold choice for MS, since if they pushed just the gamer aspect, everybody would think of the X1 as a console, but MS wants it to be your entertainment hub.
While Sony is expected to be an entertainment hub even if they do not show the features. Since they already are a presence in the causal living room with TV's,Blue-Ray players etc.
Will MS succeed, I think a lot will depend on how they pull of E3. And the way they are handling the press and questions at the moment, seems like they aren't sure that they will hit it out of the park at E3. If E3 shows that MS has the "best" gaming machine, then the TV stuff is just a bonus addon. If Sony has the "best" gaming machine, then the TV stuff is bloat the gamers did not want

If the machines are equal then its just about getting the most bang for the buck, so the formula is easy if you want to win.
Build the best machine for games and entertainment and have the lowest selling price, while making a gazilion in profit. This business shenanigans is not hard at all
And I am very very very much looking forward to see how the TV features are supported/will work outside of the USA. EU is a big Sony region and TV over here is just like different from country to country. I am afraid that UK will get most/all, but the rest of us, ie smaller countries like Norway will not be supported.
Then again MS has managed to launch a video store in Norway, which Sony hasn't, so who knows. I am looking forward to the next gen. Even though I thought I would go for a steambox solution, instead of a console this time around.