Microsoft announces external HD-DVD drive for Xbox 360

Gholbine said:
I think it's a stupid move because Microsoft is pinning their credibility and customer relations on a format that is, in all likelihood, going to die out very quickly. I'm fairly certain people won't be too happy when they own a $200+ paperweight sitting next to their 360.

Sony managed to survive betamax.
ihamoitc2005 said:
I think all companies make choices for profit there is nothing wrong with this. This is purpose of companies no? Question is what is best value for average customer. PS3 with free superior Blu-Ray format for $400 or $500 or Xbox360 with seperate external unit inferior HD-DVD player for total price probably > price of PS3? Most people will prefer superior video performance and same or lower price and all-in-one type PS3 no?

I don't think Nintendo cares for HD-DVD or Blu-Ray yet so that is not alternative system but second system.

Well when we know all the prices of everything then we can discuss it. MS has stated that they intend to compete on price so i dont think theyll put themselves at a price disadvantage with this add-on. They still might though , and that would be a bad idea imo.
The morning papers will report a third Xbox 360 in the works. I love to see their sales data for the upcoming months. :p
tema said:
The morning papers will report a third Xbox 360 in the works. I love to see their sales data for the upcoming months. :p

It's an add-on folks. Not a "third sku". I don't see what's so hard for people to understand?
expletive said:
Well when we know all the prices of everything then we can discuss it. MS has stated that they intend to compete on price so i dont think theyll put themselves at a price disadvantage with this add-on. They still might though , and that would be a bad idea imo.

See to me this is the bad thing. MS is always watching Sony and doing things accordingly. To me this is just as much a PR mistake as the MTV show if not more.
Sean*O said:
LOL, so much negitivity on these threads (X360 HD-DVD) from all the usual suspects.

So much positive talk in these threads too (X360 HD-DVD) from all the usual suspects. So what's your point?
mckmas8808 said:
See to me this is the bad thing. MS is always watching Sony and doing things accordingly. To me this is just as much a PR mistake as the MTV show if not more.

Have you told Bill, Steve, Peter, and J. you feel this way? ;)

expletive said:
Well when we know all the prices of everything then we can discuss it. MS has stated that they intend to compete on price so i dont think theyll put themselves at a price disadvantage with this add-on. They still might though , and that would be a bad idea imo.

Even if very not likely price of Xbox360+add-on HD-DVD is same as PS3, people will prefer all-in-one superior video PS3 no? Also, PS3 will have atleast same sales as Xbox360 and probably better sales but how many Xbox360 buyer will pay for extra add-on drive? Maybe some but not many. How many will buy Xbox360 for inferior HD-DVD add-on? No one because standalone HD-DVD is available but many will buy PS3 for Blu-Ray. Also how many will buy standalone HD-DVD? Not so many but many will buy PS3 with superior quality Blu-Ray. So inferior quality HD-DVD has not much chance.
Let's see now:

HD-DVD will have Batman and Matrix in 3 months.

HD-DVD costs only $500 vs $1000 for BluRay

HD-DVD will be supported by X360

Windows Vista Will support HD-DVD out of the box

Why is BluRay better again? :LOL:
ihamoitc2005 said:
Even if very not likely price of Xbox360+add-on HD-DVD is same as PS3, people will prefer all-in-one superior video PS3 no? Also, PS3 will have atleast same sales as Xbox360 and probably better sales but how many Xbox360 buyer will pay for extra add-on drive? Maybe some but not many. How many will buy Xbox360 for inferior HD-DVD add-on? No one because standalone HD-DVD is available but many will buy PS3 for Blu-Ray. Also how many will buy standalone HD-DVD? Not so many but many will buy PS3 with superior quality Blu-Ray. So inferior quality HD-DVD has not much chance.

How about the people that dont give a shit about HD movies and get to save $150 on 360 over a ps3? You think everyoen who buys a games console cares if it will play an HD optical format thats in the middle of a format war?
Hardknock said:
Let's see now:

HD-DVD will have Batman and Matrix in 3 months.

HD-DVD costs only $500 vs $1000 for BluRay

HD-DVD will be supported by X360

Windows Vista Will support HD-DVD out of the box

Why is BluRay better again? :LOL:

Are Harry potter and LOTR blue ray or HD-DVD?
Hardknock said:
Let's see now:

HD-DVD will have Batman and Matrix in 3 months.

HD-DVD costs only $500 vs $1000 for BluRay

HD-DVD will be supported by X360

Windows Vista Will support HD-DVD out of the box

Why is BluRay better again? :LOL:

Because Blu-ray will also have Batman and Matrix

Blu-ray will probably cost $399 (see PS3)

Comes inside the PS3 (which will sell over 100 million units)

Add has more space and more movie support across the board bar none.

And will be supported by Vista with an added disc from HP/DELL/etc.

And has Apples support (something that HD-DVD doesn't)

Get better kid. ;)
expletive said:
How about the people that dont give a shit about HD movies and get to save $150 on 360 over a ps3? You think everyoen who buys a games console cares if it will play an HD optical format thats in the middle of a format war?

How do you know it will be $150?
expletive said:
Are Harry potter and LOTR blue ray or HD-DVD?

Harry Potter is so far HD-DVD, aswell as Matrix, Superman, Batman, LOTR, etc... None of these have been announced for Blu-Ray yet.

Check the thread I made ;)
Is the HD-DVD crew allowing 720p/1080i video transfer via component cables threw Xbox 360 and other players?

If true, Hollywood should really support HD-DVD. People will love downloading free HD contents over the net. :LOL: