Microsoft announces external HD-DVD drive for Xbox 360

Hardknock said:
Harry Potter is so far HD-DVD, aswell as Matrix, Superman, Batman, LOTR, etc... None of these have been announced for Blu-Ray yet.

Check the thread I made ;)

Again Warner is apart of the Blu-ray Assoication. I would hope their biggest titles would be released on Blu-ray.
Hardknock said:
Harry Potter is so far HD-DVD, aswell as Matrix, Superman, Batman, LOTR, etc... None of these have been announced for Blu-Ray yet.

Check the thread I made ;)

HP and LOTR? You know with these titles i wonder if consumers will even know that the studios arent split down the middle...
mckmas8808 said:
Again Warner is apart of the Blu-ray Assoication. I would hope their biggest titles would be released on Blu-ray.

They have no announced titles for Blu-Ray. Please give it a rest.
Hardknock said:
Let's see now:
HD-DVD will have Batman and Matrix in 3 months.

So when can one watch HD-DVD on XB360 ? When is HD-DVD available on XB360 when MS doesn't even show any concept drawing of it ? The same content will be available on BR as well.

While we are at it, when is MS going to fix the current DVD drive ?

Hardknock said:
HD-DVD costs only $500 vs $1000 for BluRay

BR is "free" on PS3. How much is the XB360 add-on ?

Hardknock said:
HD-DVD will be supported by X360

See PS3

Hardknock said:
Windows Vista Will support HD-DVD out of the box

When will Vista be released ? Should BR takes off, Windows will need to have BR support too unless they want to give more business to Apple Computers, and/or another lawsuit for misusing its monopoly power.

Hardknock said:
Why is BluRay better again? :LOL:

I have no idea. Is HD-DVD better ? This is standard MS's vaporware technique. Wake me up when everything is in place. I really don't want to hear about problems due to more rush jobs.
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mckmas8808 said:
Huh? Don't get it.

Well people on the forums point out that more sutdios support BR than HD-DVD but with such huge titles on HD-DVD the average consumer proobably wont realize that.
Hardknock said:
They have no announced titles for Blu-Ray. Please give it a rest.

So CES is over right? I guess it does make sense to join a whole Assoication and not release your multi hundred million dollar titles.:rolleyes:
expletive said:
Well people on the forums point out that more sutdios support BR than HD-DVD but with such huge titles on HD-DVD the average consumer proobably wont realize that.

But those same huge titles from HD-DVD will also be on Blu-ray, please more from Fox and Lions Gate. Lots of people like movies like Saw. Thats why I don't get why you are even saying that.
mckmas8808 said:
But those same huge titles from HD-DVD will also be on Blu-ray, please more from Fox and Lions Gate. Lots of people like movies like Saw. Thats why I don't get why you are even saying that.

I'm sorry, did you just compare Saw to LOTR?
expletive said:
I'm sorry, did you jsut compare Saw to LOTR?

Of course not. No way in hell would that comparison make sense. What I'm saying is Blu-ray will have LOTR + LionGates movie such as Saw (which HD-DVD won't have).

expletive said:
How about the people that dont give a shit about HD movies and get to save $150 on 360 over a ps3? You think everyoen who buys a games console cares if it will play an HD optical format thats in the middle of a format war?

Do you say PS3 is $450 or $550 or are do you think Xbox360 will have price drop when PS3 is out and PS3 will be $300 or $400? What strategy for price is very interesting subject.

And what format war my friend? PS3 will sell very many millions so "format war" is solved when PS3 is out because everyone with PS3 will have Blu-Ray and they will use Blu-Ray movies. Also, I did not say people wont buy Xbox360, if it is cheaper than PS3, maybe many will buy, maybe not. Low price did not help GameCube. But HD buyers will ofcourse like PS3 much more because of built-in Blu-Ray drive with 1080P.
Sony's keynote starts tomorrow at 8:30am PST(I believe PST). ;)

BTW, can anyone answer my question?

Is the HD-DVD crew allowing 720p/1080i video transfer via component cables threw Xbox 360 and other players?
Supposed insider says...

Told you this was coming. And in the next six months 4 companies will announce a joint suit against MS for attempting to bundle HD-DVD in Vista. I DO have insider information on this one..

I wonder if there's any truth to this?
expletive said:
And the crime is?

Read my post above. I'm guessing "Misusing its monopolistic power" (depends on how they do the HD-DVD rebates and deals with PC manufacturers).

In any case, HD-DVD will have a different dynamics from Blu-Ray just because it's not standard in XBox 360. It's been an interesting CES day. :D