Microsoft announces external HD-DVD drive for Xbox 360

mckmas8808, tieing the take off of HD video conetent with the PS3 is bogus. HD video content needs to tied with how many people have HD panels which are suitable to receive HD video content. Fact is DVD did not require new equipment bar the player itself HD requires a massive outlay in both a player (be that the PS3 or not) and the TV. Many people for sure will not see the jump in quality HD will give (hell I have a panni PV500 and I'm not over impressed with HD conent I have seen so far and DVD stands up very well to it) to make the outlay worth while. I predict DVD's will outsell HD content for a long time to come.
Powderkeg said:
I'm really interested as to how much validity you actually think there is in that claim.

How many people do you think will buy the PS3 in the first 3 years?

What percentage of those do you think own HDTVs?

What percentage of those would use a gaming console as their primary movie player?

What percentage of those would convert from DVD to Bluray format immediately?

I would be really surprised if realistic numbers for all of the above came up to over a million or so PS3 owners who will adopt Bluray over standard DVD in the first 3 years. In an industry with over a billion customers worldwide, a million PS3 owners is just one drop in the bucket.

This seems to be somewhat relevant here.

I know the results are weighted becuase we're polling console owners on a technology forum but interesting that even with that, less than half the people use their consoles for movies.
mckmas8808 said:
Powderkeg its's called a sample. Again the Xbox 360 survey showed that most X360 owners either have a HDTV or plan to get one. Explain to me why this shouldn't be the case for PS3 owners.

And why would a PS3 owner that has a HDTV not buy a HD movie? And stop making it sound like BD and HD-DVD only applies to the PS3 market. Other companies are making players too. Listen to seismologist the man was at CES. NO DVD PLAYERS! The only DVD player there was to show how bad it looked compared to Blu-ray.

That means something.

Yeah it means all the manufacturers are trying to convinve the customer that they need HD optical players and to rebuy everything. GO to a show like cedia and the reverse will be true, lots of technolgy to make what you HAVE look better. Its a trade show, not some consumer reports sponsored event.
Pugger said:
mckmas8808, tieing the take off of HD video conetent with the PS3 is bogus. HD video content needs to tied with how many people have HD panels which are suitable to receive HD video content. Fact is DVD did not require new equipment bar the player itself HD requires a massive outlay in both a player (be that the PS3 or not) and the TV. Many people for sure will not see the jump in quality HD will give (hell I have a panni PV500 and I'm not over impressed with HD conent I have seen so far and DVD stands up very well to it) to make the outlay worth while. I predict DVD's will outsell HD content for a long time to come.

I know this and I'm not doing that. But can you imagine what it would be like for HD movies if the PS3 didn't have a Blu-ray drive?:oops: The overall number of software sells would be so much lower for the year 2006.

I predict that you are right, that DVD's will outsell HD movies for a while. My while will count as through 2008. I think around 2009 or so HD movies will start to past DVD's.

Which to me isn't bad.
expletive said:
(I've got almost twice as many now...)

I own 2HD TV sets (about to purchase my 3rd), a SACD and DVDAudio player, >1000 DVD's and I have almost no desire to buy a BluRay or a HDDVD player.....

I like the idea, I just don't care enough and I will not even consider adoption of a HD format until the dust settles.

My Girlfriend who is completly untechnical has been watching TV shows downloaded from iTunes, on my 106inch front projector, and doesn't see anything wrong with the quality....

That makes me wonder if a HD format will see any sort of fast adoption.

PS3 to my mind is the only shot that either format has of catching on in the short term.
expletive said:
Yeah it means all the manufacturers are trying to convinve the customer that they need HD optical players and to rebuy everything. GO to a show like cedia and the reverse will be true, lots of technolgy to make what you HAVE look better. Its a trade show, not some consumer reports sponsored event.

So why in the hell are we talking about an already failed, probably not going to live up to the hype next-gen media for anyways then? :???: Damn all these thread and freaking post all about nothing.
mckmas8808 said:
So why in the hell are we talking about an already failed, probably not going to live up to the hype next-gen media for anyways then? :???: Damn all these thread and freaking post all about nothing.

What are you even talking about?
ERP said:
I own 2HD TV sets (about to purchase my 3rd), a SACD and DVDAudio player, >1000 DVD's and I have almost no desire to buy a BluRay or a HDDVD player.....

I like the idea, I just don't care enough and I will not even consider adoption of a HD format until the dust settles.

My Girlfriend who is completly untechnical has been watching TV shows downloaded from iTunes, on my 106inch front projector, and doesn't see anything wrong with the quality....

That makes me wonder if a HD format will see any sort of fast adoption.

PS3 to my mind is the only shot that either format has of catching on in the short term.

I respect that. But at my house EVERYONE that sees a HD game on ESPN or FOX is blown away and talk about wanting to buy a HDTV sometime. So what does that tell us? And I agree with you PS3 assetment.
mckmas8808 said:
I respect that. But at my house EVERYONE that sees a HD game on ESPN or FOX is blown away and talk about wanting to buy a HDTV sometime. So what does that tell us? And I agree with you PS3 assetment.

And I've shown friends HD movies and although they thought it looked great, they didn't think it looked that much better than DVD.

Anecdotal evidence for the win!
Hardknock said:
What are you even talking about?

Well after days of talking about HD-DVD and Blu-ray I assumed at least people here thought that at least there was a need/want for it. Now within the last few hours hordes of people are posting death futures about both HD-DVD and Blu-ray.

I can't seem to figure out why? I go to other boards and most people seem excited. But now (within the last few hours mind you) people are dissing both of them.:???:
Pugger said:
mckmas8808, tieing the take off of HD video conetent with the PS3 is bogus. HD video content needs to tied with how many people have HD panels which are suitable to receive HD video content. Fact is DVD did not require new equipment bar the player itself HD requires a massive outlay in both a player (be that the PS3 or not) and the TV. Many people for sure will not see the jump in quality HD will give (hell I have a panni PV500 and I'm not over impressed with HD conent I have seen so far and DVD stands up very well to it) to make the outlay worth while. I predict DVD's will outsell HD content for a long time to come.

I dont think anybody's saying that the two cant co-exist. I just think that within 2 years the presence of HD players will be overwhelming just like HDTVs. It's not something where you'll have a choice in the matter. I guess if you really want to buy an SD TV and DVD player you can probably pick one up at Walmart or somewhere like that.
Content is a different story it will be a while where both formats coexist on the store shelf. Sort of like Widescreen and Fullscreen versions. It's possible that DVD will never be completely phased out.
My guesses :
Powderkeg said:
How many people do you think will buy the PS3 in the first 3 years?
40 to 50 million. PS2 managed that I think.
What percentage of those do you think own HDTVs?
25+% by the third year. Chances are most HDTV owners will be more likely to want PS3 because of it's HD abilities, and more willing ot pay the premium intial price. Alongside hardcore gamers, who normally are tech enthusiasts and I'd expect in the bracket of HDTV owners.
What percentage of those would use a gaming console as their primary movie player?
All of them if it's the only HD player they've got.
What percentage of those would convert from DVD to Bluray format immediately?
All of them when buying new material. If you own an HDTV and a PS3 that plays HD movies, and a new film you want is available on DVD and BRD, why not buy the format that looks a lot better?

If my random figures are anywhere near accurate, 10+ million BRD customers is quite a possibility. And 10 million UMD customers is enough to sell that format.
seismologist said:
I dont think anybody's saying that the two cant co-exist. I just think that within 2 years the presence of HD players will be overwhelming just like HDTVs. It's not something where you'll have a choice in the matter. I guess if you really want to buy an SD TV and DVD player you can probably pick one up at Walmart or somewhere like that.
Content is a different story it will be a while where both formats coexist on the store shelf. Sort of like Widescreen and Fullscreen versions. It's possible that DVD will never be completely phased out.

Again maybe we should listen to the man that was AT CES! And you can still find plenty of VHS movies at Wal-Mart, so yeah DVDs will be around for probably 10 more years.
mckmas8808 said:
So why in the hell are we talking about an already failed, probably not going to live up to the hype next-gen media for anyways then? :???: Damn all these thread and freaking post all about nothing.

I dont think its 'failed' per se, i mean eventually we'll be using one of these (or another) format for HD movies per se. I think in the console forum its boiling down to whether or not this is an advantage for the PS3 vs the 360, plain and simple. Personally i think the PS3 is a bigger advantage for blu-ray, than blu-ray is for the PS3, if that makes sense. But the only people that seem to publicly state these movie formats will catch on are those who stand to make money from them doing so.
Shifty Geezer said:
If my random figures are anywhere near accurate, 10+ million BRD customers is quite a possibility. And 10 million UMD customers is enough to sell that format.

Oh GOD you had to bring up UMD. Now watch you get 1 billion post talking about everybody with a PSP can use that format on day 1, even though 8 months ago they were saying it was going to be DOA.:LOL:
mckmas8808 said:
I respect that. But at my house EVERYONE that sees a HD game on ESPN or FOX is blown away and talk about wanting to buy a HDTV sometime. So what does that tell us? And I agree with you PS3 assetment.

Sports and films are entirely different in terms of HD. Sports benefit much more from HD than movies for a few reasons:

1. Progressive scan/higher framerate broadcasts are a larger benefit to sports than movies due to the fast motion.

2. Detail from HD video cameras translates to a much charper picture than film converted to HD. Film tends to be 'softer' looking so you dont always see the detail.

3. There is no SD widescreen broadcasts AFAIK. If you want your sports in WS you need HD.
mckmas8808 said:
Oh GOD you had to bring up UMD. Now watch you get 1 billion post talking about everybody with a PSP can use that format on day 1, even though 8 months ago they were saying it was going to be DOA.:LOL:

Uhhh, UMD was brought up almost 50 posts ago.
mckmas8808 said:
I respect that. But at my house EVERYONE that sees a HD game on ESPN or FOX is blown away and talk about wanting to buy a HDTV sometime. So what does that tell us? And I agree with you PS3 assetment.

Actually I wouldn't disagree with the everyone is impressed with HD thing.
I actually watch it when I have the option, I just don't go out of my way to watch it. I watch more SD material than HD just because I watch everything on Tivo.

Also DVD is really pretty good, it's not as good as HD, but comparing a good DVD master to HD, isn't the same as comparing a lousy SD cable picture to HD cable.

I think the cost of entry is going to have to be pretty damn low before people jump.
ERP said:
I think the cost of entry is going to have to be pretty damn low before people jump.

I'm honestly asking here, for you personally what you do think pretty damn low is? Price wise for a HD player and HD movies?
mckmas8808 said:
Well too bad. I guess your nice HDTV won't be used 100% then. :cry:

I chose it for the following reasons: it's slimer and lighter than a normal CRT, DVDs look a lot better on it; and more importantly, nextgen consoles are better with it too. I could've afforded a bigger and better TV or a projector too, but I have other uses for the money.