Microsoft announces external HD-DVD drive for Xbox 360

mckmas8808 said:
A Blu-ray player will cost less than that. I don't think the PS3 will cost $1000.
I am talking about the prices of dedicated players,that are PRICES THAT WE ACTUALLY ALLREADY KNOW AND CAN COMPARE.
ihamoitc2005 said:
Yes this is true and I think only benefit of next-gen format for these movies is 1080P and maybe better sound, and extra content.

And downloadable content. Blu-ray is internet capable.
dukmahsik said:
i wonder how sony will piss off it's BR members selling ps3 at half or a 3rd the price

Uhm cause you think Panasonic and Pioneer don't already know what price PS3 will launch?!

Good lord... Will you ever post anything meaningful?
dukmahsik said:
i wonder how sony will piss off it's BR members selling ps3 at half or a 3rd the price

They most likely won't get pissed off. The PS3 will establish a large enough user base to drive Blu-Ray movies into print increasing awareness of Blu-Ray. Also components would be a lot cheaper down the line as the blu-ray components are mass produced for both sony and the other CE companies. I guess this would be the reason for releasing Blu-Ray players in the middle of '06. Have the PS3 establish the Blu-Ray market early on then release the stand alones....

Just guessing.
drpepper said:
They most likely won't get pissed off. The PS3 will establish a large enough user base to drive Blu-Ray movies into print increasing awareness of Blu-Ray. Also components would be a lot cheaper down the line as the blu-ray components are mass produced for both sony and the other CE companies. I guess this would be the reason for releasing Blu-Ray players in the middle of '06. Have the PS3 establish the Blu-Ray market early on then release the stand alones....

Just guessing.

thank you drpepper for actually comprehending what I wrote and the implications sony may have on its allies in the next gen dvd format war. if sony were to release ps3 with full BR capabilities at a fraction of the cost of its allies then how would they react? I guess this reasoning goes above some's abilities...

sony: here is the next gen dvd format join us!
others: sure!
sony: but we'll only charge 399 for ps3
others: we can only launch at 1000??!?
sony: oh wells!
others: maybe we should have backed HD DVD
drpepper said:
Yes, and according to KK, it can do 120 fps. ;) It can also shovel the laneway if it feels like...

I shouldn’t open up this can of worms...again!! :rolleyes:

However, since people have no clue on what he stated originally; the 120fps figure was related for future game use (for future TVs with higher refresh rates) in a Japanese news article. He never stated that figure for HD playback and the charts presented were misinterpited by some media sources.

60(p) is also sometimes represents “Hz” ( i.e. 60Hz refresh rate).
dukmahsik said:
thank you drpepper for actually comprehending what I wrote and the implications sony may have on its allies in the next gen dvd format war. if sony were to release ps3 with full BR capabilities at a fraction of the cost of its allies then how would they react? I guess this reasoning goes above some's abilities...

sony: here is the next gen dvd format join us!
others: sure!
sony: but we'll only charge 399 for ps3
others: we can only launch at 1000??!?
sony: oh wells!
others: maybe we should have backed HD DVD

Except it's very likely that one of the reasons so many are supporting BR is because of PS3 (many have said as much), and because of that it's likely that they know the price already. Meaning they are happy with the fact that PS3 will be a low priced BR player able to secure the win for BR (and then allowing for the money to flow for all the companies). Them being "pissed off" by it would imply some sort of monumental lack of information being passed between the companies (and not only that, lack of understanding of any of the markets that relate to them -- common sense tells us that the PS3 will be "cheap", it isn't as if the BR members would be caught off guard by it). So, forgive people if they don't understand why you would say that, because, frankly, its horribly stupid.
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Nerve-Damage said:
However, since people have no clue on what he stated originally; the 120fps figure was related for future game use (for future TVs with higher refresh rates) in a Japanese news article. He never stated that figure for HD playback and the charts presented were misinterpited by some media sources.

I believe the correct translation shows that the 120fps comment was talking about future movies (Kutaragi would like 60fps in the future and eventually 120fps for movies). One translated it, if I remember correctly.
Bobbler said:
I believe the correct translation shows that the 120fps comment was talking about future movies (Kutaragi would like 60fps in the future and eventually 120fps for movies). One translated it, if I remember correctly.


* First the chart shows the progression of TV resolutions and it shows the format name or acronym!!
* Second the chart shows the progression of format storage (DVD, Blu-Ray, Ect).
* Third the chart shows the progression of frame-rates for games during a given time-span.
* Fourth the chart shows the progression of PC Monitors resolution with the given frame-rates listed above (as a standard or normal FPS) that should be expected from a console game as time passes. And it is also used as measure or demonstration on where consoles should be at (Resolutions & FPS) in future products and gaming needs compared to PC.

I have the actual article were he states that figure was for gaming ;)

If you choose to believe it or not…its your choice :smile:

No need to really rehash this subject!?!

Edit: By the way if you do believe the 120FPS claim is for future movies...then where the hell are all the current 60fps-90fps DVD movies at now? Because they don’t exist or will ever exist!!
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dukmahsik said:
thank you drpepper for actually comprehending what I wrote and the implications sony may have on its allies in the next gen dvd format war. if sony were to release ps3 with full BR capabilities at a fraction of the cost of its allies then how would they react? I guess this reasoning goes above some's abilities...

sony: here is the next gen dvd format join us!
others: sure!
sony: but we'll only charge 399 for ps3
others: we can only launch at 1000??!?
sony: oh wells!
others: maybe we should have backed HD DVD
I don't think sony will anger their partners by releasing the ps3 at such a price. How they work things out in the future could be an issue though. Sonys partners are unlikely to lower prices on their players to a point where they will be taking any significant losses. Sony on the other hand has to contend with the fact that toshiba is releasing standalone players starting at $500. If prices drop further enough they could force sony into a dilemma where they may have to release chepear stand alone players of their own and in the process undermine their partners.
I can't be the only one thinking that ALL the Bluray partners will eventually (when the time is right - near PS3 release) have cheaper players too, and obviously recorders will always cost more?

Sounds like you guys think Panasonic will ever only release one player, same for Samsung and Pioneer...

There will be high-end players costing an arm and a leg, like there are DVD players today costing an arm and a leg, and there will be cheapo players, more in line with PS3 pricing. And VERY cheap players eventually, when things have calmed down.
dukmahsik said:
thank you drpepper for actually comprehending what I wrote and the implications sony may have on its allies in the next gen dvd format war. if sony were to release ps3 with full BR capabilities at a fraction of the cost of its allies then how would they react? I guess this reasoning goes above some's abilities...

sony: here is the next gen dvd format join us!
others: sure!
sony: but we'll only charge 399 for ps3
others: we can only launch at 1000??!?
sony: oh wells!
others: maybe we should have backed HD DVD

Or maybe they said

Sony: But we'll only charge $399 for the PS3
Others: Great there's no way we could have afforded that low price for a huge fanbase thanks.
Sony: Great so sign here
Others: Maybe we should focus more on Blu-ray
london-boy said:
I can't be the only one thinking that ALL the Bluray partners will eventually (when the time is right - near PS3 release) have cheaper players too, and obviously recorders will always cost more?

Sounds like you guys think Panasonic will ever only release one player, same for Samsung and Pioneer...

There will be high-end players costing an arm and a leg, like there are DVD players today costing an arm and a leg, and there will be cheapo players, more in line with PS3 pricing. And VERY cheap players eventually, when things have calmed down.
Certainly they will release a range of players with varying prices that will fall. But unlike Sony and Toshiba they are not going to be willing to inccur any serious losses in their pricing. As I read one market analyst describe it, it's a game of chicken - who can lower the prices of their players the quickest. Toshiba looks to be taking some considerable losses out of the gate. Sony with their ps3s will as well, and they'd alomst be forced to also do so with their standalone players. I simply doubt panasonic and pioneer will follow suit and their players will remain more expensive. Also, since Toshiba looks to be standing weaker in other respects they almost have to play risky odds to stay in the game and go with a pricing strategy (as far as they are able) that is difficult for Sony to follow.
Nerve-Damage said:

* Third the chart shows the progression of frame-rates for games during a given time-span.
It's a meaningless nonsensechart anyway. It has 720p/1080i films on DVD which DVD isn't, and it places BluRay in a 2 year product lifetime.
dukmahsik said:
thank you drpepper for actually comprehending what I wrote and the implications sony may have on its allies in the next gen dvd format war. if sony were to release ps3 with full BR capabilities at a fraction of the cost of its allies then how would they react? I guess this reasoning goes above some's abilities...

sony: here is the next gen dvd format join us!
others: sure!
sony: but we'll only charge 399 for ps3
others: we can only launch at 1000??!?
sony: oh wells!
others: maybe we should have backed HD DVD

It is not that simple. We need to know the specific specs of these players/writers. Given that Sony is subsizing PS3 BR, companies may do any of the following:

* Focus on high-end, small volume needs and conceed the low-mid end to Sony during market development phase. The critical mass will drive the content usage anyway. The margin for these over 1K BR player must be huge. There is little needs to complain about high BR player price at this point because they are *meant* to be high. Hi-end needs may include Home Theater enthusiasts (people who bought speakers costing US$10K to US$100,000), corporate optical backup BTW.

* Wait to see how BR flies

They are unlikely to introduce low cost BR players to compete head-on with a subsized products.
It will be a very interesting scenario in x-mas 2006 if HD-DVD players can drop into the $200-300 range.

We'd likely have $300 hd-dvd standalone's, the $400 x360 core+hd-dvd version, $500 BR players, and $400 ps3.

Talk about a bloody battle. I see HD-DVD taking the win due to lower costs. It's library is already looking quite compelling, and once media starts selling you'll see the movie studios jumping all over it.