Microsoft announces external HD-DVD drive for Xbox 360

fulcizombie said:
I think that the demand next Christmas for example(where everyone is in a buying frenzy) will just as big for stand alone units that cost 499$ or even less as it will be for ps3.

Hehe, no. $500 movie players are not cheap and won't drive demand anywhere near like a Playstation will (even at $400 or $500 itself). Not to mention, I don't think many are going to want to invest in a format with less than half the support of another (and when they can get the vast majority of content on the other, a lot of which is exclusive).

Again, Blu-ray has the cheaper end of the market covered better than these $500 HD-DVD players do. And I'm sure there'll be further cheaper players by the end of the year.
rabidrabbit said:
Today, I don't think there are (m)any higher budget movies shot in 60fps digital high definition, but could it be different a year or two ahead?
I read somewhere that the new Superman was filmed at 60fps high definition.

Hollywood isn't too interested in making the home experience better then the theater. Look for most theaters going 60fps and digital before we see 60fps@1080p at home.
rabidrabbit said:
Today, I don't think there are (m)any higher budget movies shot in 60fps digital high definition, but could it be different a year or two ahead?
I read somewhere that the new Superman was filmed at 60fps high definition.

Recording and displaying a film at a higher frame-rate would definitely improve the image quality in scenes with a lot of movement, but this will also change the "look and feel" of it. The 24fps is an artificial limitation - more of an accepted standard. Video cameras actually record at a higher 30fps, but you can notice the difference between film and video right away.

An easy example for those with WinDVD, is to enable the TrimensionDNM feature. It syncs the movie to 60fps, but it also changes the feel of it. Kinda makes it look like video...
robofunk said:
Hollywood isn't too interested in making the home experience better then the theater. Look for most theaters going 60fps and digital before we see 60fps@1080p at home.

Not only that but 100% of HD movies will be movies made in the past, which all run at 24fps. Still no movie runs at 60fps, so ALL Hd movies be it on HDDVD or Bluray will be the usual 24/30fps. That's a full 100%, not 99% or 99.9%. It's 100%. When things start to change in the theatres, then maybe they'll start changing at home. Years later.
robofunk said:
Hollywood isn't too interested in making the home experience better then the theater. Look for most theaters going 60fps and digital before we see 60fps@1080p at home.
Why not, they get money from DVD, BDR and HD-DVD sales too.
A movie ticket costs what, €10, a DVD costs €20. True a DVD is often watched by more than two persons, thus it brings less, but then again you can always release "Special Editions" and get people to shell another €30 for the same movie ;)

Edit: I'm really not sure, but I think many coming high budget movies are to be shot at higher def and framerate than what most theatres actually are able to show fully, those theatres show just the good old analog copy of the movie then, while those few high def digital theatres show the full high resolution 60 fps copy.
I do believe (note! believe, not that I know anything or am sure ;) ) 60 fps films will be there for homes late this year or early next already.

Edit2: SWEP3 (I know, it's not a movie some will say...) was shot digitally, but was it still 24fps? Anyone got links as to what equipment they used for shooting?

Edit3: Ok I found it, and it's 24 fps said:
Episode III will break new ground with the help of this new 4:4:4 RGB 24P CineAlta camera and HDCAM SR recording," said Producer Rick McCallum.
The new image-gathering equipment offers even more cinematographic versatility. The second-generation HDC-F950 captures uncompressed images at a resolution of 1920 x 1080 in 4:4:4 RGB. It also adds a new "under-cranking" feature, allowing picture capture-rates from one to 24 progressive frames-per-second.
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aeriic said:
An easy example for those with WinDVD, is to enable the TrimensionDNM feature. It syncs the movie to 60fps, but it also changes the feel of it. Kinda makes it look like video...

Yes, the same as the motion filters in Pixel Plus powered Philips TVs and some other new TVs. I kinda like it but some people hate it.
Home Entertainment Demand

london-boy said:
Not only that but 100% of HD movies will be movies made in the past, which all run at 24fps. Still no movie runs at 60fps, so ALL Hd movies be it on HDDVD or Bluray will be the usual 24/30fps. That's a full 100%, not 99% or 99.9%. It's 100%. When things start to change in the theatres, then maybe they'll start changing at home. Years later.

Home entertainment demand is increasing and movie theatre demand is decreasing so studios will make movie to suit home entertainment use because if they dont other studio will. This is why many studios have involvement for supporting next-gen home video format already and will make content for maximum use of new video formats and HDTV display.
ihamoitc2005 said:
Home entertainment demand is increasing and movie theatre demand is decreasing so studios will make movie to suit home entertainment use because if they dont other studio will. This is why many studios have involvement for supporting next-gen home video format already and will make content for maximum use of new video formats and HDTV display.

My point is that there is a library of "a few thousands" movies, all shot at 24fps. And ZERO shot at 60fps.
Or... could they just mean by the "external HD-DVD" a HD-DVD drive on your Windows Media PC!? Or a new stripped down HD-DVD PC that's basically just a server for HD-DVD's. A wireless solution would at least be better than something that has to sit right next to your xbox360 in your living room.
I know you can't stream DVD's vith the xbox360 because of copy protection, but could the HD-DVD "managed copy" allow streaming?
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london-boy said:
My point is that there is a library of "a few thousands" movies, all shot at 24fps. And ZERO shot at 60fps.

Yes this is true and I think only benefit of next-gen format for these movies is 1080P and maybe better sound, and extra content.
rabidrabbit said:
Or... could they just mean by the "external HD-DVD" a HD-DVD drive on your Windows Media PC!? Or a new stripped down HD-DVD PC that's basically just a server for HD-DVD's. A wireless solution would at least be better than something that has to sit right next to your xbox360 in your living room.
I know you can't stream DVD's vith the xbox360 because of copy protection, but could the HD-DVD "managed copy" allow streaming?
Has wireless the BW to cope with HD resolution? I don't think sustained rates are adequate.
Ok i just had this brilliant idea.... Ok it's not my idea but anyway...

What if the secodn drive could also be used for those 2-disc games? That would avoid the need to get up and change discs... Not a huge thing but hey...

I got to admit I haven't read the whole of this thread as I also scanned the other couple of similar threads, but does anyone know if this add-on will be crosscompatible with the PC?
I'm assuming that as it's USB and external, then there will probably be no reason for it not also working with your home PC or anything else that's USB?
Could this also mean we might start seeing external HD dAC type devices that just accept a USB stream?
Maybe it's just me, but I see this as no different to any other external disc type device, and could provide a very easy upgrade path to home PC & HTPC users as well as XB360 owners, neither of which would have to open their respective devices to install. But, at the same time keeps the initial XB360 cost at a bare minimum.
Hardknock said:
PS3 and Blu-Ray fans feel threatened I guess. I don't see how this is "negative" either.
Not sure what there is to feel threatened about, HDDVD has already lost most of the wind out of its sails.

I'm a little sceptic of this because of a variety of reasons. External optical drive = most likely need for ANOTHER damn external power brick. Not good. Leads to more leads across the floor, clutter and shit like that. Not to mention optical drives are pretty big, especially packaged in an external case. The 360 is already rather big in of itself and this will grow the total system volume a considerable amount. Besides, how does one stack an external drive in a hifi setup, is it going to be the same width (height) as the 360 itself? That would allow for an internal power supply, but it would look rediculous otherwise.

Second. There are only 3 USB ports on the 360. With wifi unit in the one on the rear panel that leaves the two on the front, which means the damn hatch will sit open and look ugly. Then we connect the camera... So where do we connect our controller(s) for play or recharging???

This solution has "half-measure" and "kludge" written all over it. Unless the unit MS is announcing has write capabilities and can be used as a DVR unit this has to be a complete waste of money. Looking at the way MS is pricing their other 360 peripherals, it'll be damn expensive too I might add.
Didnt read all of this but this is a really bad decision IMO, and probably will make a HDDVD XB even pricier than a PS3.
Shifty Geezer said:
Does anyone have their XB360 upright? How will an HDDVD addon work in that configuration?

from somewhere else:

Me said:
Well the thing has to go somewhere... If they make it look kinda like the external HDD for PS2, it might look ok. But word is that it's sandwiched between the console and the HDD, which doesn't sound right to me...

He Who Cannot Be Named said:
No. The connector is there. Its about 1 inch thick and goes into the grove already there. The drive is on the side of the unit basically If its laying flat the top of it parallel with the old hardrive .
That sounds precariously top-heavy to me. Presumably it sit's lengthways, adding an extra 6" height. Precarious and dumb looking!
london-boy said:

I imagined something like this

. ---------
. hdd
. __---------
. | | |
. | | |
. | | |
. | | |
. |__| |
. | |
. | |
. |______|

more or less...???? errr

EDIT: ok that went HORRIBLY WRONG but i think if you "quote" me, you can see it proprely in the EDIT.

That would seem precarious to say the least..