Madden 2007 HD Videos (X360, PS3)

Yet there are so many unknown factors these things become pointless. Besides when dev time started (and who has the more skilled staff) inevitably there are questions like "Was the game engineered with one platform in mind over another" or "does the game direction itself lend itself to be better represented on one machine over another". I think we would all agree that Madden has dissappointed by next-gen standards so far -- which is sad seeing as they sell 3M+ copies a year and are always in the Top 10 in sales. Further, I think we would all agree (I would hope...) that neither machine is really being leveraged on this game. After seeing Indiana Jones (Endorphin) and Assassin's Creed it is now woefully obvious that a game that is so dependant on animation, like football, that Madden is playing it safe.

Of course comparing poorly compressed jpegs of incomplete games is sure to start aimless discussions. We have 5 years to look at a body of work from each console. Seeing a number of co-released titles from various developers will tell us more, especially in the 2008-2009 timeframe. TBH you really need a large body of samples to begin making any valuable observations.

Of course this is B3D, and we have already seen both sides lob, "Game X looks better on Console A" type comments. I stopped taking most comments about such seriously a long time ago. Not that it is not an interesting or worthwhile endeavor, only that we never get far here. I much prefer hearing the technical slants from each side and seeing how well these ideas and paradigms are evangelized and what technologies and concepts are adopted into the industry and which go by the way side. From that position I find it more interesting what the 1st party developers are doing and what the best talent in the industry come up with. And artistically I think the talent in the industry in that regards is pretty lopsided, at least at this point.

Anyhow, someone PLEASE wake me when Madden gets the fabled new animation system :p

Oh, and an off the cuff remark: If one side or the other can score meaningful features in Madden and/or look noticably better, it would be in said companies best interest to pimp that this fall. Madden is a HUGE franchise in North America. In the US it would be difficult to overstate the importantance of the GTA, Halo, and Madden franchises. If one platform can excell at Madden and back it up with a huge sports library, that is a significant selling point in NA. If I were Sony/MS I would have a paid team dedicated to assisting EA in developing Madden to ensure it did all it could to stand out on my platform.

So from that angle it is important, to a degree, which finished product will look and play better. But then again I have had people on this very forum say they cannot tell the difference between the PS2 and Xbox1 version of Madden :!: So maybe it doesn't really matter?
There's no point in simplistic comparisons.

The fact that it has been done before, doesn't change the fact that simplistic comparisons thread are useless on the console arena given that the said consoles do not run the exact same software, unlike PC parts.
Futhermore, the other forums of the boards have different rules then the ones in the Console Forums. Thing that is suppose to be clear to all, since the rules are stickied in every sub forums.

Also, on the point, I wouldn't put much interest in a comparisons, interesting or not, made with multiplatform games from EA. Especially early in the generation.
For instance, this generation Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit II on the Xbox and GC had less graphical features and slowdowns compare to the PS2 version. Same thing SSX Tricky on Xbox featured tons of slowdons compared to the PS2 version...
What should that tell us about the machines? Well, nothing.
The only thing it tells us is about the quality of EA products and their interest of having an SKU for each an every platform regardless of the quality.

And no, direct comparisons between the consoles are indeed not allowed anymore, because nothing interesting comes from these threads, they're just tests to see how fast the fan persons get out of the woods.

You can discuss alright any serious subjects, for this technical board, without having recourse to meaningless comparisons.
You can argue about the minutiae of a particular Engine, effects used in a game, you can point flaws, forte of a particular architecture, software or hardware, in the absolute; you can discuss the claims made by developers, manufacturers; you can argue about the necessity of implementing a particular feature into a machine, engine, because you deem it as important, etc...

You can do all that without having to turn the thing into a mudslinging contest, and a "My latest CE purchase needs to be validated by my peers, at all cost! They will agree that I bought the best piece of equipement ever or I'll never quit posting drivels, fanfiction, FUD... until they'd agree".

If one cannot conceive a technical discussion without cross platform screenshots comparisons of multi platform games, then there are countless of gaming forums out there that do that just fine.
Beyond3D has no mission to declare a platform superior, better or worse, the mission of Beyond3D and its Forum is to share technical knowledge. Only if one is interested in knowing how the Hardware and the Software 3D related things work, then, then B3D is the right place. And I think that's exactly why the members, that contribute positively to the Forums, and the person who read the board want. And that's also what the Site Staff want.

Anyway, enough with the Off-Topic, if someone wants to disagree with the moderation line, the Feedback Forum exists for this very purpose.
Back to this American Football played with the hands. :p
Acert93 said:
After seeing Indiana Jones (Endorphin) and Assassin's Creed it is now woefully obvious that a game that is so dependant on animation, like football, that Madden is playing it safe.

Excellent post as usual (are you sure you don't work here?)

I second this thought. How many football(nfl) fans here have visited Endorphins website? Anyone who has surely knows what Acert is talking about and it's enough to make me drool with anticipation. When that tech is adopted for sports (football specifically), games will truly seperate themselves from last gen.
Vysez said:
For instance, this generation Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit II on the Xbox and GC had less graphical features and slowdowns compare to the PS2 version. Same thing SSX Tricky on Xbox featured tons of slowdons compared to the PS2 version...

To me this speaks nothing to the ability of the machine but what it does, as others have pointed out, is show where developers put there time/effort. ps2 was difficult to program for compared to the competition and still they produced these results because developers focused on the machine which had the largest user base and everyone expected them to keep this larger user base going forward.

In my eyes, this is the thing to watch for.

As has been stated over many times here, the machines are pretty much too close in overall power to see a difference visually. It will all come down to the deveopers this gen much more than in the past.
pegisys said:
but considering how long a football field is, 2X or 4X wouldn't make it perfect
Actually, Anisotropic Filtering quality depends of the angle of the filtered surface.
Acert93 said:
Yet there are so many unknown factors these things become pointless.
Depends on the context.

Vysez said:
The fact that it has been done before, doesn't change the fact that simplistic comparisons thread are useless on the console arena given that the said consoles do not run the exact same software, unlike PC parts.
Well, in the context of the AF topic that has come up again and again regarding the 360, I think this particular comparison is hardly pointless. To wit, the question has been raised on several occasions of why 360 titles do not seem to utilize AF to any great extent (if at all, it seems, in many cases). Is it a hardware limitation? Performance problem? Developer learning curve (hardware peculiarity)? Developer laziness or priorities?

Probably the easiest way to really answer that question is to compare a cross platform game and see if there is any great AF different between PS3 and 360. Seeing AF on a couple of 360 games isn't extremely helpful, because we still don't know if those developers just had a different priority, or made a compromise elsewhere if it is a hardware or performance issue. But on a cross platform game, we can get an idea pretty quickly what the real story is. Hence, hardly pointless. If we start seeing several cross platform games that have AF on the PS3 and not on the 360, well, that would be some pretty revealing data regarding the 360's capabilities, no? Or conversely, if they had the same AF behavior on both we might safely conclude that it was early developer support issues.

In any case, I don't think this thread ever really had the ring of "looks better on one than the other, so nah!" to it, but rather "what does this tell us about the two systems?" Maybe this should have been in feedback, but honestly I think it was worth saying here, in the relevant thread, so that people tempted to start the "one is better" bickering will stop and see that sometimes useful comparisons can be made for the sake of gathering data, not putting down other products.
aselto said:

Look at the lines and numbers down the field, they're really blurry and it doesn't look like DOF to me. DOF is used on the tribunes and the city in the background, but not on the field.

watching the video, that pic seems to be from the PS3 version. The one I downloaded, had the banner at the bottom skewed like that....


Edit -- Of course that's probably just be me downloading the only ps3 video and comparing it to the new 360 video ...

*slaps forehead*
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Nice 720p video! I am assuming that is the 360 version based on the commentary. Hard to tell for sure due to compression, but texture quality seems to be quite good. Animation is better than last year, but I still want a dynamic system. Graphically I could live with this, with better animations, if they added self shadowing. That is one of the biggest missing features from the render target and it would make it look substantially better. Seeing players' arms cast shadows on themselves and on eachother would look very nice.

Hopefully EVERY feature from the Xbox/PS2 version makes it this year. NO CUT FEATURES EA! You hear me?