Madden 2007 HD Videos (X360, PS3)



360 HD:


(Neither game is finished.)

From a hands on account at E3:

I saw both at the EA booth and the 360 version looked a lot better at E3.

PS3 had circle shadows, 360 had full soft shadows.
PS3 missing lighting effects.
PS3 missing DOF and blur.
PS3 had 2D spectators, 360 had 3D spectators.

PS3 marked 30% done, 360 marked 60% done.
The PS3 team has a lot of work ahead of it.

Framerate seems to be very sporadic in the PS3 video aswelll, first Multiplatform game for us to compare?
PS3 had circle shadows, 360 had full soft shadows.
PS3 missing lighting effects.
PS3 missing DOF and blur.
PS3 had 2D spectators, 360 had 3D spectators.
+360 missing AF (will 360 games ever have it? many early PS3 games already have it...)

But 360 looks superior so far.
Obviously the EA team already had big part of the graphics engine/expertise from all the already released 360 games, with the console already having been out there for a long while. But the PS3 version being at 30% just under six months to go, it's not too bad really. We'll see what happens - only comparing the finished game will make any sense, or maybe if you have a 30% version for the 360 lying around. ;)
aselto said:
+360 missing AF (will 360 games ever have it? many early PS3 games already have it...)

But 360 looks superior so far.

What missing AF? Both games look exactly the same in that regard. Only the 360 version is using DOF while the the PS3 version isn't.
Arwin said:
But the PS3 version being at 30% just under six months to go, it's not too bad really.
Sounds like they're cutting it fine! And it's not like they've only had 6 months so far to develop on PS3. PS3 SDKs have been availalble in useable form (same processor, same GPU family using same basic APIs) for a year or more now. EA have obviously managed a lot more on XB360 in what's probably the same time-frame.
Yeah the Xbox 360 version definately looks better, but without that AF, it really kills the distant visuals.
the lack of AF wasn't really noticeable to me until the end of the video, and it didn't really bother me. Of course, it's not a direct feed, and I am watching on just a monitor... I'm sure I'd notice on a big screen though.
Hardknock said:
Framerate seems to be very sporadic in the PS3 video aswelll, first Multiplatform game for us to compare?
Considering there are two different teams working on each madden, and that 360 kits have probably been in EA's hands longer for madden, I'd say no. Hell, atleast wait till the game ships.

key points in your post...
(Neither game is finished.)

PS3 marked 30% done, 360 marked 60% done.
so ya, lets wait till both games are out?
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aselto said:

Look at the lines and numbers down the field, they're really blurry and it doesn't look like DOF to me. DOF is used on the tribunes and the city in the background, but not on the field.
Lack of AF would blur lines in the other direction buddy, i.e. running up and down the field. The fact that horizontal lines are blurry in the up/down direction shows you that they're either doing DOF or intentionally reducing the LOD of the texture.

The fact that the hashmarks and numbers don't smear out left and right (like road lines do in racing games) suggests that AF probably is enabled.

That screenshot has some ugly-ass compression artifacts, too.
Anyone care to comment on IQ for Madden '07 (X360) vs. Madden '06 (X360)?
Has EA made any comments about planned improvements?
There are about 4-5 months left for development... (I don't know how long certification takes). I'd certainly expect improvement to the graphics engine.
Vysez said:
For what reasonable purpose exactly?

To see who's best obviously and claim the prize :)

As I said in the other Madden thread, I'm dissappointed that EA is not further along in development on this title for ps3. As one of the only multiplatform games that can be compared head to head so far, this may speak to the ease of development on 360 that Carmack was talking about a while ago.

I'd like to see others like perhaps Burnout or NFS but with the constant dev cycles of Madden it's easier to pin down start/end development time.
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aselto said:
+360 missing AF (will 360 games ever have it? many early PS3 games already have it...)


yes we have seen or heard of upcoming 360 games using AF just as we have screens and have seen and heard of PS3 games using AF and also PS3 games NOT using AF.

360 has taken an incredible amount of heat every time a screen is shown without AF. Some PS3 games will also not have AF enabled.

Let's just agree that it is not a function of which system it's on but rather developer choice and/or their ability to utilize the Next Gen hardware at this time effectively enough to use AF.

No PS3 games are even released yet so until final code is out, regardless of what screens show or what a developer wants to do, we won't know until November what's what.
Tap In said:
yes we have seen or heard of upcoming 360 games using AF just as we have screens and have seen and heard of PS3 games using AF and also PS3 games NOT using AF.

360 has taken an incredible amount of heat every time a screen is shown without AF. Some PS3 games will also not have AF enabled.

Let's just agree that it is not a function of which system it's on but rather developer choice and/or their ability to utilize the Next Gen hardware at this time effectively enough to use AF.

No PS3 games are even released yet so until final code is out, regardless of what screens show or what a developer wants to do, we won't know until November what's what.

True but as a 360 owner it is distrurbing to me that this trend of missing af seems to be continuing. Hopefully like the early ps2 aliasing problems, this too will pass.
TheChefO said:
True but as a 360 owner it is distrurbing to me that this trend of missing af seems to be continuing. Hopefully like the early ps2 aliasing problems, this too will pass.
well if it's as utilized on PC games as much as people here tell me it is, and as valuable to IQ as they say, I'd imagine that it's only a matter of time. Unless bandwith on these consoles is an issue?

GOW is supposedly using AF iirc and Mintmaster claims above that Madden is using it too.
Vysez said:
For what reasonable purpose exactly?

Is that a serious question?

For as long as I have been visiting B3D, this site has always been filled with comparisons of performance and/or IQ between competing products. Most of that is graphics cards, but not all. People here are typically techies, and just like to know everything about everything, including how angle dependent AF or gamma corrected AA looks on ATi and nVidia hardware. Sometimes it is just so they know, because they are interested in the field and technology, sometimes it is for petty bragging rights, and sometimes it helps them make a purchase decision.

What is any different about Sony vs. Microsoft in the console arena? Some people might be ******s, some might just want to know how RSX and Xenos (or more appropriately the systems as a whole) handle very similar software, and some people might actually want to know which looks better on cross-platform titles as data for their purchase decision.

Seriously dude, there have been thousands of discussions on PS3 and 360 since before we even knew what the consoles would be named. Speculation on what the hardware would be like, what features they would have, what performance they would provide, and what the resulting graphics would look like. Not surprisingly, a lot of that speculation has, for better or worse, revolved around comparisons of one approach vs. the other. Not necessarily as a contest, but rather it is more difficult to evaluate the performance and worth of something when you do not have a yardstick to use for comparison. PS3/360(/Wii) give convenient yardsticks for one another.

And here we have, perhaps, the first screenshots of a multiplatform game being shown on both systems. People are obviously going to be curious, after years of speculation, about what graphical differences, if any, there are between the two systems. Sure, the level of completeness is not equivalent, but when has that stopped people from holding interesting discussions in the past.

If you don't want us to discuss that, then just what in the hell are we supposed to discuss?? I'm sitting here, shaking my head in wonder, trying to figure out just what you might have meant by that question. And I have to be honest... everything I come up with makes me shake my head even more.
Bigus Dickus said:
And here we have, perhaps, the first screenshots of a multiplatform game being shown on both systems. People are obviously going to be curious, after years of speculation, about what graphical differences, if any, there are between the two systems. ....


that's true.

the thing that will also be interesting to watch about this title is that it is not a port.

there are two individual teams assigned to each system. (although they would obviously share assets)