Not really. He's just explaining the steps he took. I don't see anywhere on that page where he thinks it's impressive or crazy stuff as you alluded to.
It sounds like you took my comment as critique or mocking of ND´s artists. Sorry if I sounded like that, which is not what I meant at all. Those were no more than some random thoughts I felt like throwing in there just for the heck of it while at the same time prasing them for their atention to detail and care. I did in no way want to say they were bad artists, or trying to bullshit their audience. I have nothing but respect for anybody who works at ND, and how could I not. They´ve made nothing but masterpieces and true technical marvels since crash bandicoot up to today. I just find the way artists explain stuff a little amusing, and very diferent to the way programers would. The main reason i was thinking of this, was because I had just recently read this blog:
This guy does have a very particuar way of explaining how certain things are acomplished, and sometimes he gets impressed with effects that are not technically complex, but rather clever artist trickery, and I kind of saw the same thing cleverness in a lot of stuff from ND.
And I only alluded to crazyness because of this sencence: "There are a bunch of other crazy things we're doing but that's the basis."
Hope now you see what I meant, and where I was coming from with my coment.