BenSkywalker said:
Hmm, 100,000 P4s @3GHZ would be 2.4PFLOPS, that could likely do very nicely for real time software rendering
And 1,000
Cell-like clustered processors would eat it alive between it's onboard memory and superior design thats suited to scientific processing.
You keep thinking of Cell interms of x86 processors like the Xeon, P4, or Athlon. What's a bit closer (more or less in the same 'family') is how about you take an Emotion Engine, clock it at 4Ghz, multiple by 16 to get the same amount of FMADs; on-top of that add in the pool of eDRAM, the APU cache's and the effeciency of it being a new effecient design using IBM's superior layout tools, et al
A TFLOP is nothing big for a render farm, I would expect Pixar to be closer to PFLOP territory(I'm not sure on that, but I would expect it).
Dude, you're dreaming or been sniffin' the Sharpie too much; as zidane1strife implied:
The ranking Supercomputer, NEC's
Earth Simulator, peaks out at 40TFlop and can sustain 35TFlop - using dedicated vector processors.
After that is is the Dept of Energy's
ASCI series which peak around 10TFlops and does south from there - uses off-the-shelf components.
So, in theory you'll get
theoretically near 2002 super-computer power at a millionth the cost in electric, it's a fraction of the size and will be in a console.
Whats even more impressive is that thanks to the advances in lithography, others will pass this by... and a cluster the size of ASCI series - 4096 processors - will have massive impacts on the scientific community. I can't wait to see how molecular medicine uses this. The future will be good indeed