Horizon Zero Dawn [PS4, PC]

It's looking more impressive and versatile than Driveclub's volume clouds. Wonder if GG will be sharing their tech research with Polyphony for GT7. :p

E3 trailer in better quality than last time better bitrate than older Gamersyde version. If slow sownload it will be re hosted by Gamersyde soon.
I watched it again on that bitrate and noticed some things:

I really like the skin shading + SSS + ao + lighting on the main character:


Lighting is standout in general, and those clouds do look nice

Materials look great too

And we get a glimpse at some sort of SSR for water reflections

Overall: Very clean presentation with stable performance. I want to see some night time gameplay :smile:
It is available on Gamersyde.

Game looks great, especially the lightning and clouds. Unfortunately image quality is not so good in my opinion. Both grass and trees look extremely grainy and somehow dithered, shimmering - I do not know how to exactly name it, but something is definitely wrong. I really loved super clean presentation of Shadow Fall, Tomb Raider DE and Infamous. Now it seems that again developers are making compromises on image quality to achieve better drawing distances, more effects, more objects etc. While it may be more impressive addy the moment I am pretty sure that games with perfect image quality age much better.
I dunno. While bucking the trend of going all sepia or grey is certainly commendable, games like The Witcher 3 and - albeit to a lesser degree - Horizon are overdoing it a little with the saturated colors. For my taste at least. Foliage in particular seems to be better served by more muted colors since it's easier to hide shortcomings that way. Not entirely convinced about the quality of the material shaders either. They're good, but nowhere near as spot-on as in, let's say, the last two Assassin's Creed games (which are damn near The Order's level of quality despite being open world).
It is available on Gamersyde.

Game looks great, especially the lightning and clouds. Unfortunately image quality is not so good in my opinion. Both grass and trees look extremely grainy and somehow dithered, shimmering - I do not know how to exactly name it, but something is definitely wrong. I really loved super clean presentation of Shadow Fall, Tomb Raider DE and Infamous. Now it seems that again developers are making compromises on image quality to achieve better drawing distances, more effects, more objects etc. While it may be more impressive addy the moment I am pretty sure that games with perfect image quality age much better.
Game looks incredible even from off screen footage, the amount of NPCs big and small and the beautiful environment are breathtaking. Love how Herman trolled us with the dev mode:), it could eventually turn out to be a nice Photomode as one can imagine.
Game looks incredible even from off screen footage, the amount of NPCs big and small and the beautiful environment are breathtaking. Love how Herman trolled us with the dev mode:), it could eventually turn out to be a nice Photomode as one can imagine.
I can't imagine that they wouldn't put a photo mode on this game, but from memory I can't remember whether Killzone and Until Dawn had one - and they needed it just as much.
I can't imagine that they wouldn't put a photo mode on this game, but from memory I can't remember whether Killzone and Until Dawn had one - and they needed it just as much.
Yeah it's criminal how two of the best looking PS4 games don't have PM, the amount of play time you can milk out of them..get onto it devs.
Shame about that pop in in the new demo.


Is that even pop in? I dont know. Definitely some pop in in previous seconds
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I think that build is the one showcased at E3 which had similar pop-in issues. Several journalists said that's what they showed behind closed doors at E3. I think showing Horizon at PGW was a mistake (should've waited for PSX) but i don't mind personally.
There was a rumor a game announcement was pulled not long before PGW. I have a feeling showing Horizon again was in place of that.