GTA V announced [2011] , [2021-11-11]

Is there any other way of getting the railgun without owning the previous GTA V editions (PS3/XB360)? It seems previous GTA V owners (character transfers) get the pleasure of owning this beauty after the "Minor Turbulence" mission. :(
Is there any other way of getting the railgun without owning the previous GTA V editions (PS3/XB360)?
Not yet but I'd bet they release it as DLC before long.

It seems previous GTA V owners (character transfers) get the pleasure of owning this beauty after the "Minor Turbulence" mission. :(

It's quite a cool weapon but you can only hold 20 rounds. Mind you it destroys anything you point it at so you generally don't need more :)
Hopefully R* will reward the double/triple dippers when the PC edition is released. The things that I have planned for the PC edition... :drool:
Is there any other way of getting the railgun without owning the previous GTA V editions (PS3/XB360)? It seems previous GTA V owners (character transfers) get the pleasure of owning this beauty after the "Minor Turbulence" mission. :(

For some reason I wasn't aware of all these bonuses for owners of the previous version. I bought the railgun but haven't even used it yet, I just figured I'd grab it when it was available.

The first I heard of bonuses for last gen players was when I came across a random encounter that essentially gave me the car from Mad Max, a souped up, faster, fully armored Duster, I believe. Turned the old fun but poor handling and not all that fast muscle car into a beast. You have to fight off a bunch of semi tractors and a few cops to grab it.

The snow was fun for a little while, but then I got hit with a glitch for most of the time so nobody had any weapons. Not me, not the cops, nobody. I saved a video of Franklin walking around reloading his invisible shotgun. You can imagine what that hand motion looks like when there's weapon. :D
The snow on the outdoors was fantastic. Wish we get other seasons too like this, the fall, autumn, etc. but thats wishing too much.

I heard they have a new way of highlighting fun jobs, like the Tank ones which I never found otherwise. Would like to see that.
I wish R* would provide more purchasing options towards owning two or more houses/mansions/apartments within story mode and some better options for selling unwanted properties online.

I would love to own some waterfront property off the beach shores... maybe take over
Michael's dead therapist digs.
The snow on the outdoors was fantastic. Wish we get other seasons too like this, the fall, autumn, etc. but thats wishing too much.

I played a little multiplier in December and the snow was great. I wish they've let you unlock it for single player once all the missions were done.
Was the snow interactive at all? Or just a white texture on everything?

What the hell was this guy doing!?! You only need a thin trail of petrol from the van to a safe distance away, you don't need to cover the van in petrol. :unsure:

Using petrol is such an underused mechanic in GTA V, it's brilliant in lots of scenarios.
I picked this up for PS4 yesterday since there's nothing much else available right now that's tempting me. I've played a couple of hours so far and I have to say that the first-person mode doesn't work as well as I was expecting it to, the game is built for a third-person, so some of it simply doesn't work. You actually need to see a lot more of the periphery than you'd expect. It also feels very clunky.

I'm sure that from a technical standpoint the game is doing many more graphical effects with the current generation when compared to the last, but they appear negligible to my eyes. The differences are not as clear as some of the released videos would have you believe.
I think the first person mode is a fun novelty and it works surprisingly well too. That said, GTA V is a character action game, and as the characters in it are very much sharply defined and not supposed to be mere avatars for my own self, I don't really like using the first person mode.
Hopefully R* will reward the double/triple dippers when the PC edition is released. The things that I have planned for the PC edition... :drool:
I'm going to install GTA2, 3, 3VC, 3SA, 4, and 4BGT before I install 5 -- just to make sure :D

LOL...thats what is fun about GTA V, plans going wrong in funny ways and unexpected stuff. Otherwise the open world is just a world, no special over the top fun missions to do out there.
Absolutely! And the general fun of purely open world games is often just making up your own stupid things to do. A time sink that I loved in the very original GTA3 was flying around in the dodo -- nearly impossible, but satisfying when you could make it all the way to the first island. Or jumping various cars off one of the cliffs on the third island not too far from the garage over there - doing it repetitively to see how many leaps you could make before the car would explode.

Or in GTAVC, getting the tank and doing loops around the second island over and over, killing a bazillion people and destroying everything, and when the tank is nearly ready to explode, stealing another tank and then repeating the loops. Or in GTA-SA, getting your full wanted stars and then hijacking a train. Or just hauling ass through the backwoods trails on random cars to see if you can.

Mindless, to be sure, but if have some imagination (rather than requiring the game to feed it to you) then a lot of fun can be had.

Also, a lot of these open world places have fantastic "scenery" that may never be part of any of the plot lines. I have fond memories of watching the sunset in GTA3 when it first came out -- at the warehouse district on the first island. I mean, by today's standards its crap, but back then, I found it actually quite pretty. The elder scrolls series is top-notch for that sort of thing, but even the GTA series had quite nice areas to visit if you took the time to go look.
Heists is out. I played it a little on PS4 and everyone is playing it. It's great to see the community so active. I can't wait to really sink my teeth into it over the weekend.