GTA V announced [2011] , [2021-11-11]

I played a few sub missions. So far disappointed as it seems like regular coop missions just with better presentation and pay outs.
I played a few sub missions. So far disappointed as it seems like regular coop missions just with better presentation and pay outs.
Out of curiosity, what were you expecting? Because the above seems exactly what they vowed to deliver.
Out of curiosity, what were you expecting? Because the above seems exactly what they vowed to deliver.

I haven't played much so I can't comment on the content as a whole, but the Fleeca heist is basically taking a typical coop mission and fluffing it with some of the more mudane missions found in the single player.
Is it really necessary for the first sub mission to have me and a partner drive Lester to stakeout the bank while one of us is playing a minigame of connect the dots on a circuit board and then drive back to the warehouse? Is it really necessary to spend the next mission collecting some armored japanese tuner.

All this culminating to the main portion of the mission which takes a couple of minutes and is mostly a mini game of
"don't break the drill bit"
. You spend more time in the Fleeca heist loading in and out of missions then you do actually performing the actual heist which I should of listed as my biggest complaint.

I would have been more excited just running up to the bank in a station wagon, planting a bunch of sticking bombs and seeing how much cash we could of grabbed in 60 seconds.
Out of curiosity, what were you expecting? Because the above seems exactly what they vowed to deliver.
They vowed to deliver Hiests ! Plan the way you want, execute the way you want, get away with as much as u can or watch ur plan fail miserably. I am yet to try it myself, but the YT vid I watched was nothing of this sort.
They vowed to deliver Hiests ! Plan the way you want, execute the way you want, get away with as much as u can or watch ur plan fail miserably. I am yet to try it myself, but the YT vid I watched was nothing of this sort.

The early glimpses of the campaign heists were billed this way but it eventually transpired it was just a binary choice so I'm not hugely surprised to see online heists actually having fairly simply planning mechanics. Maybe we'll get something more open in GTA VI. :yes:
I know I'm about 20 years late to the party, but just spending a lot of time on this and the satire, the references to everyday life (with different but genius names like LifeInvader to name just one) is hilarious.

AND! Very technically impressed by the game. The lighting especially is just amazing, especially for a totally open world game of this size. Brilliant.
I know I'm about 20 years late to the party, but just spending a lot of time on this and the satire, the references to everyday life (with different but genius names like LifeInvader to name just one) is hilarious.

GTA V is a game I find myself going back to every few weeks or (at most) months. I played some more at the weekend, working through the Epsilon missions, which are side missions that you will come too eventually or overlook like the first time I did when I played GTA V to death - or so I thought - on PS3.

Sometimes I just love grabbing a fast bike, putting the game in first person and driving around at fast a I can while causing mayhem. It's incredible satisfying just to get 4 or 5 stars then evade the cops. I also want to buy as many of the business properties in game and complete all those missions. I think I'm around 78% complete on PS4 so I have tons to do but I play it just because it awesome :yep2:
You can buy business properties???
Yeah. As you play through the story, actually quite early on depending on how far you pursue some side missions with certain characters, businesses will become available to buy. The premise is simple, a character buys a business for $X and it'll earn that character $Y each week. The businesses vary in terms on how quickly they pay for themselves but they generally come with a few specific missions and sometimes you'll get a call along the line that somebody have taken the weekly takings and you have to run down the robbers or risk losing that week's money - this isn't that common an occurrence though.

There's quite a lot of businesses in all but not all are great investments because they take too long (years in game terms) to recover that investment but there's a few good ones. Because by the end I just had insane amounts of money (around $200 million) I probably will end up buying everything just for the sake of completion. But there's a ton of stuff for me left to do first :yes:
That's pretty cool. I've read up very little on the game - the last GTA I played was 3 on the P2S2. And I love Tonya!!!
If you liked the PS2 GTA games, particularly that aspect where you start you out doing what seem relatively minor misdemeanors that slowly get more outlandish until just look at what you're doing and you ask yourself "how the hell did I get here?", then you'll love GTA V. It's got that same deceptively shallow slippery slope where each indiscretion is slightly worse until you're so deep in there's no turning back.

I loved all the 3D GTA games but GTA V is without a doubt the best for me. The in mission dialogue, particularly for characters it sounds like you've not met yet, is superb and I genuinely LOL'd loads while playing it and even now, I come across new dialogue that makes me LOL. In addition the new dynamic systems (Euphoria and AI) allow for completely unscripted and hilarious WTF moments.

Most games get old at some point but GTA V doesn't for me and I've been playing it regularly since it's 2013 launch on PS3.
Wow that's some fairly drastic differences. Looks like POM is all but disabled. Those aniso and pop tests also seem to contain some kind of extra blur filter in 1.08.