GTA V announced [2011] , [2021-11-11]

So from IGN...
On PlayStation 4, what looked incredible at 720p is now running at full 1080p resolution, with massively increased graphics settings, texture resolution, draw distance, tessellation (which gives the illusion of complex geometry on things like brick walls) and more
Have I missed anything? Tessellation making flat brick walls look... better? How?
So from IGN...

Have I missed anything? Tessellation making flat brick walls look... better? How?

The walls are now rounder with less visible flat edges like wheels should be. o_O While I like some of IGN game reviewers, their comprehension of technology is highly questionable.
Probably POM? We surely need lumpier brick walls.

I'm pretty sure Crysis 2 tessellated brick walls on max settings with the DX11 patch. I remember as I approached them my framerate would drop to single digits on my 6970. And it looked stupid.
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Received my PS4 copy today (err, yesterday), and I must say, this is by far the best game I played all year. The IQ is very clean (ISS clean, maybe cleaner) and the environmental lighting/shadowing is gorgeously done. The only negative are certain frame dips during intensive scenes (gun firing etc...)... other than that, the NPC and traffic density run quite flawless.

Watch Dogs and ACU need to be a shame performance and IQ wise. IMHO, GTA V is far more gorgeous in scope than those two titles.
I played briefly at midnight - just to make sure the digital version worked after my rocky WATCH_DOGS digital purchase and found myself playing for about an hour and have just picked it up again this morning.

The game is unsurprisingly GTA V with less graphical compromises. The traffic and pedestrian increase is substantial in places, barely noticeable elsewhere - it depends on where you are and the time of day. Rush hour downtown can be hectic and I'm using compacts and bikes more than ever. I've barely started the campaign, mostly I've been driving around and enjoying the visuals.

One slight controller compromise though; I'd like inverted Y axis in third person and no invert in first person but this doesn't seem possible. I hope Rockstar fix this. I've been playing third person games with Y axis inverted for years but it's just wrong for first person and manually switching back and forth in settings is annoying.

The audio is also great, there's a perceptible increase in the variety of sounds.

Overall, really impressed.
My copied has arrived, installed it in the background while playing GTA V (and surprisingly noticed no impact to GTA V!) and now downloading the updates. Will give it a try later when I find a natural break in GTA :)
I am not that impressed. It does look spectacular at night, especially from the sky. But shadows on buildings are still low res, objects still pop-up in view. IQ is also shimmery. There's a lot more geometry everywhere, textures are touched up or completely replaced. I was just expecting flawless IQ and high res shadows for the environment. ALso, the game gets blurry at the slightest camera movement. I wanted more, but guess they used up all the horse power on adding more stuff on screen.

as of now, FPS mode is not for me. Things get too difficult in it. Game is beautiful but IQ isn't flawless.
GTA5 looks "gamey" in 99% of situations... but sometimes, it can produce visuals like this:


Those 2 screenshots are amazing. I can't wait till Jan 27th! With my 970 and DSR it's going to be a hell of an experience.
what is the patch supposed to do ? Because i cannot download it and started playing anyway.

I received the 1.01 day zero patch during pre-load but now I'm getting a notification that there's a new patch but I can't download it. Rockstar haven't announced a further patch so I don't what Rockstar are up to.


Where'd you get this? That's got to be a bug.

EDIT: Ah, it's linked from the updated DF article. NM.
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