Gears of War 3: Brofisting to the End

Epic are doing what they did with previous games in the series with their bullshots.
These are not just rendering at a higher resolution + downscaled like some ppl think.
but using higher res,higher quality textures, higher AF, a different higher quality lighting model pipeline (L. Scofield may laugh but the jokes on him ;) )
Like I said before GOW1 came out, only to be told by posters on this forum No, no no I was wrong, only to be proven that I was actually correct when the game did ship, there is a lot of deception here with their screenshots, until ppl kick up a major fuss theyll keep on screwing the public
Agreed. Also I think Epic is trying a different tactic this time by mixing the more "down to earth shots" with their blunt bullshots or renders. They might fool a good portion of average Joes by passing them off as ingame shots but really, they're only making their ingame shots looking less impress in a way.
The lighting and texturing in that Mech suit stomping on a grunt shot is clearly much superior than those shots Nebula highlighted, ingame shot vs render can not get any more obvious than that.
Well, those that Nebula highlighted don't feature the mech, so we can't really compare there. As for the lighting, the mech is white and with that dramatic angle and low ambient lighting it generates a nice contrast. In the shots Nebula posted the enemies have really dark materials so you can't appreciate the lighting/shadows as much, plus the angles are less dramatic.
Who puts bayonets on a turrent gun?

Its a turret you can load 4 weapons in that's why the bayonets are there.
The turret is made by the locust from scrapmetal.

inbe4 you can break turret like in halo put in 4 chainsaw lancers for something creepy like sawing a brumak in halve.;)
Seems like the greenery actually has a story related purpose...

With all land sunk, they're grown on that giant ship and are sort of a last hope for the remaining humans.
Looks fast and fluid! Animation looks good and the new enemies are neat. Kind of a bad vid to make any other comments.

The bullets bouncing off the big berzerker guy look cool.
I thought it was pretty surprising to see them do real time shadows considering they have always done away with it in previous two games obviously cause of performance, yet they seem to be doing it now along with added effects such as volumetric lighting & a new foliage tech & (baked) GI.
Really happy to see the graphical improvement! Wasn't expecting a lot given I didn't think 1>2 was that much of a jump, this looks to exceed that easily!

I think I heard a nice description on a podcast, about Gears 3 visuals, this console gen is like PC gaming, constant incremental improvement :p
I know the video was bad quality but wow! Loving the change of setting. Gears 2 had some great ones too but I got little tired of being under ground so much.
I was so impressed by how Gears 3 looks...even in low quality i feel in love with its looks :LOL:
Along with big improvements in lighting,shadowing,foliage and post processing i was very impressed by how good some textures looked,especially on those buildings...kinda reminded me of UC2.
Very cool visual improvements especially the lighting, nice touch on the god ray. The gameplay looked kinda dull though, I'm not sold on killing those spawning tentacles.
Yeah the tentacles, from day one I was kinda like really, that's your big new thing, tentacles?

But that seems to be a problem in lots of games, coming up with your new hook. EG Killzone 3 (snow! Jetpacks!) and Reach (More Jetpacks!) honestly there's only so much you can do in an FPS.
Well at least jetpacks give you more freedom though;), the tentacles are just not inspired. Still it's Gears, I expect gores, hardcore kills and huge lumbering beasts with an appetite for us flesh lings and that's my main attraction for the series.
Anyone noticed how Bulletstorm looked EXACTLY the same with a bit different art ?

There was this one cutscene in the Bullet storm gameplay video where teh character stands along with his friend & looks at the giant wheel like thing. The posture & the way, the armor worn by characters & the it was shown was totally like Gears of war lol