Gears of War 3: Brofisting to the End

I think they just found the war cry to dismiss Gears 3 graphics "LOOKS JUS LIEK BULETSTORM! LOL!" I had been wondering which angle they would go the whole time!

Why is it some trolling angle to say it looks similar,they do:devilish:
Some screens,very jaggie as mentioned earlier.

Screenshots look underwhelming, I don't see anything particularly impressive here except maybe decent texture res. In motion the OMB makes it look a bit better.
Why is it some trolling angle to say it looks similar,they do:devilish:
Some screens,very jaggie as mentioned earlier.


Its not, but saying that both games look the same when they clearly don't is.

BTW the jaggies has always being in each and every Gears and in most UE game, that wouldn't stop Gears 3 from being among the best looking games on consoles just like its predecessors were at their time of release. Posting pics is irrelevant as most here have seen the vids and have even played the games on their TVs so......if you are just starting to notice jaggies on Gears then I don't think you are familiar with the series at all.

On a similar note, I really don't get the need some people have to downplay a game, does it make them sleep better or what, its there any psychological benefit to this useless activity? I ask because I just don't understand it. I mean what is the point of downplaying a game that I do not aim to own.

You see people who do not own a particular console pop into a thread just to give their "opinion" about a game they probably play or own. Seriously
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BTW the jaggies has always being in each and every Gears and in most UE game, that wouldn't stop Gears 3 from being among the best looking games on consoles just like its predecessors were at their time of release. Posting pics is irrelevant as most here have seen the vids and have even played the games on their TVs so......if you are just starting to notice jaggies on Gears then I don't think you are familiar with the series at all.
I know the older games had jaggies,it's just much more obvious and fugly after MLAA hit the scene.;) Posting screens is not irrelevant,as you will see exactly what detail it has much better than video on youtube.

Screenshots look underwhelming, I don't see anything particularly impressive here except maybe decent texture res. In motion the OMB makes it look a bit better.
It's ok,but certainly not at the very best imho.
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I know the older games had jaggies,it's just much more obvious and fugly after MLAA hit the scene.;) Posting screens is not irrelevant,as you will see exactly what detail it has much better than video on youtube.

It's ok,but certainly not at the very best imho.

Erm.... their have been other, better AA methods before MLAA hit the scenes, not to mention the limitations of MLAA. But I digress, our opinions are our own I guess thus further debate on the matter is useless it seems.
On a similar note, I really don't get the need some people have to downplay a game, does it make them sleep better or what, its there any psychological benefit to this useless activity? I ask because I just don't understand it. I mean what is the point of downplaying a game that I do not aim to own.

You see people who do not own a particular console pop into a thread just to give their "opinion" about a game they probably play or own. Seriously
By downplaying you mean scrutinize the hell out of it? Well in case if you haven't yet noticed that's what we do at B3D and to all different extent depend on the individuals. I also find it funny people would automatically accuse others for single platform owner or having an agenda if their opinion differs. It's not 2006 anymore and there's tons more people who owns all consoles so please get over it.
Now as for visuals, except for the faked godrays I really don't see what else Gears 3 is doing that's worth drooling about. Of course comparing to Gears 2 it's a sizable improvement.
Scrutinize? riiight (ITT: we troll and call it scrutinizing. lovely isn't it)

BTW, there is nothing to get over, if you want to scrutinize every aspect of the game, whether you intend to own it or not (which is still a bizarre thing to do but whatever) then by all means, indulge yourself. As for me? I am sure I will be enjoying the game, very much so I hope, when it finally launches. So scrutinize away.
Scrutinize? riiight (ITT: we troll and call it scrutinizing. lovely isn't it)

BTW, there is nothing to get over, if you want to scrutinize every aspect of the game, whether you intend to own it or not (which is still a bizarre thing to do but whatever) then by all means, indulge yourself. As for me? I am sure I will be enjoying the game, very much so I hope, when it finally launches. So scrutinize away.

If u r okay with the game and he is not, why r u getting so worked up about it ;) ? Everyone cannot like ur favourite game's visuals ! :)
Worked up? believe you me I am not as I have more important issues in my life than being worked up about somebody's impression of a videogame, but like I said it is certainly a curious observation. Go through all his post on this thread an you will notice what I mean. If you don't like a game or its visual then tell me, what business do you have posting in a thread about that game? are you posting just to tell us that you don't like the game or what?

So yeah, I don't expect everyone to like what I like. But sometimes you tend to notice certain patterns in the way people post.

Anyway I am done with the matter and I won't be commenting on the issue again.
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Ultragpu,you can't come here on B3D and say that game doesn't look anything special and that I quote "you don't see anything great about it except for maybe textures" (which are obviously very very nice for console game.

So best thing to do would be to say what other games that you go crazy about do and Gears 3 does not.To say what you don't like technically about the game,name a feature because I don't think we are going anywhere with this kind of "constructive" criticism.
Worked up? believe you me I am not as I have more important issues in my life than being worked up about somebody's impression of a videogame, but like I said it is certainly a curious observation. Go through all his post on this thread an you will notice what I mean. If you don't like a game or its visual then tell me, what business do you have posting in a thread about that game? are you posting just to tell us that you don't like the game or what?

So yeah, I don't expect everyone to like what I like. But sometimes you tend to notice certain patterns in the way people post.

Anyway I am done with the matter and I won't be commenting on the issue again.
If you're not so worked up then you could simply let it go, why go through my post history :LOL:? And who said I don't like the game? I own all the gears game and this one will be included, this is a discussion forum not a popularity contest so why don't you man up and take criticism from others. I strongly criticize many ps3 exclusives too for the record.
Ultragpu,you can't come here on B3D and say that game doesn't look anything special and that I quote "you don't see anything great about it except for maybe textures" (which are obviously very very nice for console game.

So best thing to do would be to say what other games that you go crazy about do and Gears 3 does not.To say what you don't like technically about the game,name a feature because I don't think we are going anywhere with this kind of "constructive" criticism.
The textures do look high res but they're mirrored thus lacking variety, Gears always have nice POM which I like but the pavement on the ground looks unnatural. I would elaborate on other games too but that would lead to chaos eventually and I don't want to derail this thread. I dropped my opinion here and that's it, I move on;).
PLayed the beta for a bit and non of my gaming skill could transition to Gears 3 its like learning all the little fine tricks all over again.
Funny how the "scrutinizers" here were the same people whining about nitpicking in the KZ3 thread, lol.

And certain people not nitpicking in this thread were certainly doing so in the KZ3 thread :LOL:
Its swings and roundabouts and it does indeed get quite silly.

I cant personally see how anyone who found KZ3 impressive not find GoW3 impressive. Conversely i cant see how those who find GoW impressive not find KZ3 impressive. Just doesnt make sense to me :???:

The biggest improvement in GoW3 for me is definately the lighting. Its probably the one thing thats improved most over this generation and devs are really starting to nail it now. IMO the biggest steps forward have been due to great artistry rather than just rendering tech.
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