Gears of War 3: Brofisting to the End

Uh huh ? :rolleyes:
Host Migration in dedicates servers ? how is it a dedicated server if the game's hosted on one of the client's machine ?

Also I don't understand why people think dedicated servers mean end of all problems, if the netcode is shitty then it'll be a lag feast regardless of it running on dedicated servers. But if the netcode is good then it'll be a smooth experience even if its P2P based (like Halo)

Unless they really drop the ball (again) I wouldn't worry about bad net code, the net code after update #6 has been pretty damn solid. It doesn't take much for me to nerd-rage on Gears and I had a lot of fun on Gears 2 the last few times I played.

well, they'd at least have the technical data for engine purposes...

I understand, I'm just saying that betas are usually packaged with a product to help boost sales and I don't see MS doing that for an EA published title.
They claim it's for business purposes and not because they need more time to polish the experience. I think it's a bit of both. Hopefully they'll be able to add more to the game after being inspired by what Halo: Reach is able to pull off game-play wise. The business decision side might be to prevent them competing with their own Bulletstorm game. Before the delay, the two would have been releasing within a month of each other; probably not a good idea to have such similar style games release at the same time.

I'm kind of mad, it'll be 3 years between Gears now. That's just an absurdly long amount of time.

Looking at franchises nowdays, it seems the yearly installment is becoming a bigger and bigger deal. Look at this year you have a new Fallout, new Ass Creed, that are basically just expansions built on the same graphics engine. And of course COD, which just keeps getting bigger and bigger with yearly installments.

I just have been ruminating a lot on MIcrosoft's recent proclamations that a Halo every 3 years isn't enough to keep people engaged.

I think the same thing applies to Gears, but here we are going to wait three years. And why? Because MS didn't have a tentpole fall 11 title.

Too me it's a little bit of what ID/Carmack said how a publisher will treat an IP they dont own differently. I think MS is giving Gears a short shaft here. They're just abusing it to fill needs, rather than doing whats best for the franchise, which imo is a shorter, two year turnaround. Basically it's clear they treat Halo as the king and Gears as what's scheduled around Halo.
More than any game features or modes, I'm more interested in knowing the technical advancements/improvements made to UE3 for Gears 3. I know about the new lighting and vegetation rendering, but there has to be more improvements to make Gears 3 look so good.

Look at the swinging in the wind banners at 1:51 here : Dont think I've seen something like that in a Xbox game (I remember Motorstorm had them).

They look really great to me, exciting improvement. Look like a Nvidia physx effect also.
Ranger dont know but i think microsoft and epic would minimize profits when releasing 2011 spring. Without a doubt Gears 3 would outsell every game coming out spring 2010. But the 3DS will drain a lot of hardcore gamer money from the market. And with a very busy spring 2011 it is the right choice from a business perspective. But as a gamer i would rather have the game this holiday. :rolleyes:
I'm kind of mad, it'll be 3 years between Gears now. That's just an absurdly long amount of time.

Looking at franchises nowdays, it seems the yearly installment is becoming a bigger and bigger deal. Look at this year you have a new Fallout, new Ass Creed, that are basically just expansions built on the same graphics engine. And of course COD, which just keeps getting bigger and bigger with yearly installments.

I just have been ruminating a lot on MIcrosoft's recent proclamations that a Halo every 3 years isn't enough to keep people engaged.

I think the same thing applies to Gears, but here we are going to wait three years. And why? Because MS didn't have a tentpole fall 11 title.

Too me it's a little bit of what ID/Carmack said how a publisher will treat an IP they dont own differently. I think MS is giving Gears a short shaft here. They're just abusing it to fill needs, rather than doing whats best for the franchise, which imo is a shorter, two year turnaround. Basically it's clear they treat Halo as the king and Gears as what's scheduled around Halo.

I doubt it was just MS alone. I'm sure Epic had a part in that decision also. If there is no X360 "tentpole" product for fall/holiday 2011, then Gears 3 would not only release in the time slot it traditionally releases in, but also into a less crowded and more seller friendly atmosphere.

IE - it's quite likely that Gears will sell 3-4 times as many copies (pure speculation) releasing in fall/holiday 2011 than it would in a relatively crowded spring 2011. It's difficult to get blockbuster sales in a normal Spring, throw in some competition for similar genre's and it gets tougher still.

All in all, I'd be willing to bet that Epic is far happier with a fall release than a spring release. So if this wasn't Epic's decision in the first place, MS probably didn't have to push much if at all.

Huh, the tropics. Does that means there are spots where it razorhails every day?

Seriously, I'm morbidly awaiting what else they'll come up for Sera to firmly establish it as the worst planet, ever. Giant piranhas? Groin-eating plants?

It's pretty annoying how they come up with extra violent concepts about their world just to make it all the more "hardcore". It's just silly by this point.
I wouldn't say silly, there's plenty of Science Fiction books which feature planets with features that are actively hostile or just plain annoying to human life, yet which humans still decide to settle on due to overcrowding either on Earth or other populated planets.

In that respect, Sera is actually one of the kindler/gentler planets with human colonization. :) And razor hail just a minor inconvenience. ;)

Actually Earth doesn't exists in Gears universe, humans have always been on Sera since the start.
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And razor hail just a minor inconvenience. ;)
Yeah, as long as you're not caught out in that shit.

Razor hail didn't bother me nearly as much as the friggin Krill, which were shameless cribbed from Pitch Black. I think Epic only included Krill to make that driving sequenc even more annoying than it already was.
New screens:
This one looks really nice art-wise:

Funny, it reminds me of the first Killzone on the ps2. Kindof like the Mall in KZ1 ! :)
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Epic bullshots are epic,

And that's why we need the PC version stat! But anyways...

Wonder what other sorts of MP skins they'll include plus customizations. Would be kinda fun to have cross-overs for MP (e.g. master chief armour). The queen sure has booty.

Looks like a new character (with the sniper rifle and standing on the locust).
And that's why we need the PC version stat! But anyways...

Wonder what other sorts of MP skins they'll include plus customizations. Would be kinda fun to have cross-overs for MP (e.g. master chief armour). The queen sure has booty.

Looks like a new character (with the sniper rifle and standing on the locust).

I bet There will be some Lost planet 2 skins for Gears 3, the small - medium sized mech suits vs the locusts would be interesting.
You can see a little bit on the small screen :p

There's bits kind of interspered throughout. Animation seems nice. The lighting looks quite good at around 2:10. Some pretty nice looking armour too.

edit: OT, but it's a pretty interesting video if you're actually paying attention.
Interesting video indeed.Footage also looks very nice.Love the lighting and textures.Yea...textures are awesome:smile:
Only thing I would like to see more is more motion blur.It "lasts" to little but it looks very very smooth,would like to see more of it.
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Interesting video indeed.Footage also looks very nice.Love the lighting and textures.Yea...textures are awesome:smile:
Only thing I would like to see more is more motion blur.It "lasts" to little but it looks very very smooth,would like to see more of it.

Fingers are so itching to preorder the bulletstorm epic edition for the beta access. Even if i dont like bulletstorm.:rolleyes:
Edit:Seems the beta is open and bulletstorm only grants you early access.
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Oh? Where did you hear this? :)

I believe Rob Fergusson said it on twitter that there are more ways to get into the beta then only Bulletstorm.

Beta is not live yet. We still have to go through cert but it's coming. Epic Edition gives you an exclusive headstart on the competition.
I probably scam my way into the beta like posing as a Gamestop employee via Microsoft ExpertZone. It worked with Halo:Reach Beta.:devilish: