Uh huh ?
Host Migration in dedicates servers ? how is it a dedicated server if the game's hosted on one of the client's machine ?
Also I don't understand why people think dedicated servers mean end of all problems, if the netcode is shitty then it'll be a lag feast regardless of it running on dedicated servers. But if the netcode is good then it'll be a smooth experience even if its P2P based (like Halo)
Unless they really drop the ball (again) I wouldn't worry about bad net code, the net code after update #6 has been pretty damn solid. It doesn't take much for me to nerd-rage on Gears and I had a lot of fun on Gears 2 the last few times I played.
well, they'd at least have the technical data for engine purposes...
I understand, I'm just saying that betas are usually packaged with a product to help boost sales and I don't see MS doing that for an EA published title.