Formula 1 - 2013 Season

Some key preseason dates announced so far:

2013 pre-season dates

[b]Car launches[/b]
Team          Date
McLaren       January 31
Force India   February 1
Sauber        February 2

Venue         Date
Jerez         5-8 February
Barcelona     19-22 February
Barcelona     28 February-3 March

First post has been edited to include this as well, will update as we see more launch date announcements.
Launches will only last a few minutes.

".... here's last years car, we've changed virtually nothing and what we have you cannot see"
Launches will only last a few minutes.

".... here's last years car, we've changed virtually nothing and what we have you cannot see"
I think there will be some of that, but I think you'll see some team make larger changes as well. For instance, I would expect RB to be very similar to how they ended up last year, but there are questions whether McLaren will significantly alter their chassis design for a higher nose. Additionally, we started to see two fairly distinct versions of exhaust last year (McLaren, which was later followed by Ferrari, Mercedes and Lotus, etc.) and Sauber (which Red Bull adopted and made their own) and it will be interesting to see if more go the Sauber/Red Bull route. Clearly Mercedes was the laggard of the "big" teams last year and they have a lot of ground to cover; with a new wind tunnel philosophy, and a fairly large deign team overhaul they may take a fairly large departure from the previous year - there is already discussion that their 2013 car may be a lot more Red Bull like than the 2012 car.
I like the way Kimi has been smashing those who talk about how driver x is better car developer than driver y

Here's 1 translated quote:
- No F1 driver designs these cars. If they would, we wouldn't have any engineers or designers. Claims like that are just bullcrap.

And a bit more "indepth" one
"How much communication does motorsport need?"

"As a driver, there are some things you just can't communicate. No F1 driver in the world can talk to an aerodynamics engineer on an equal footing because they have completely different levels of understanding. All you can do is tell your race engineer what you'd ideally like. Mechanics are important too but they do what the engineers tell them to. So your communication is limited to two or, at most three, people in the team. And then what's made of your input depends on the team."
That's a bit contradicting. At first he's saying it doesn't matter and than he says the car's development also depends on the drivers input. So a driver who's better at giving information about what he's experiencing in the car will naturally be a better developer as he will be giving the designers more information to work with. Obviously the driver isn't designing the car but he still plays an important role it seems. As we've seen time and time again, what designers brain, CFD and windtunnels tell doesn't always work the same way in the real world.
That's a bit contradicting. At first he's saying it doesn't matter and than he says the car's development also depends on the drivers input. So a driver who's better at giving information about what he's experiencing in the car will naturally be a better developer as he will be giving the designers more information to work with. Obviously the driver isn't designing the car but he still plays an important role it seems. As we've seen time and time again, what designers brain, CFD and windtunnels tell doesn't always work the same way in the real world.

That can be read two ways I suppose, but I doubt there's any driver on F1 level that can't tell his race engineer what kinda [feeling to the] car he wants - ie meaning that driver really doesn't matter at all, he can tell that he wants car that behaves like X, and team does their best to make the car that behaves like X (or rather, the balance between 2 X's in most cases), but when you already have most of the car ready, there's only so much you can do, which may or may not end up as the driver(s) want it.

Of course it's easier to make the car suit 1 driver if the team has chosen that they have 1 driver and "the other guy who supports him if he can" [Ferrari being prime candinate here]
This probably belongs in an 'F1 - 2014' thread, but some info on 2014 engines and rules:

And that’s the first major change… we will no longer talk about engines. Instead, we will refer to “power units.” The reason for this is actually quite simple. The engine, as it exists now, will cease to do so. While each car currently has a limit of eight engines for the season, in 2014 this limit will drop to five “power units,” to include not just the traditional block we know as the engine but “all ancilliaries, any energy recovery systems and all actuation systems.” So, for the avoidance of doubt, a failure on any element of the “power unit” which requires a change, means that’s one of your allocation of five.


KERS will no longer exist, replaced instead by ERS (Energy Recovery System) which will harvest both kinetic and thermal energy. And here’s where it gets very cool indeed. ERS will produce approximately twice the horsepower and will be available for five times as long as KERS. So while KERS currently only provides 80hp for 5.7 seconds, ERS in 2014 will deliver 161hp for 33.3 seconds.

Seems that Mercedes are making some pretty serious moves. First Haug was gone, while Lauda came on-board, now they have taken Wolff away from Williams and there is talk they are trying to gain Pat Fry from McLaren (supposedly putting Brawn at risk). Ironic if they get Fry and Hamilton back together. Also interesting that a lot of people questions Hamilton's move, but if this plays out then it seems they are trying to build a pretty strong basis - makes you wonder if Hamilton was privy to some of the Mercedes plans that perhaps even Ross wasn't aware of at the time.

Seems that Mercedes are making some pretty serious moves. First Haug was gone, while Lauda came on-board, now they have taken Wolff away from Williams and there is talk they are trying to gain Pat Fry from McLaren (supposedly putting Brawn at risk). Ironic if they get Fry and Hamilton back together. Also interesting that a lot of people questions Hamilton's move, but if this plays out then it seems they are trying to build a pretty strong basis - makes you wonder if Hamilton was privy to some of the Mercedes plans that perhaps even Ross wasn't aware of at the time.
Paddy Lowe, not Pat Fry. Fry's at Ferrari.

But nevertheless, it is interesting. Haug had to bite the bullet because of the poor performance up until now, Brawn may fall on his sword (doubt it myself) and some say Nick Fry is also at risk.

Mercedes have earlier scooped up TDs from other teams: Bob Bell (Renault), Aldo Costa (Ferrari), Geoff Willis (HRT and earlier RBR), so their technical management roster is pretty top-heavy with big names. Will some of them go too?

Edit: Finally read the article. Very interesting indeed. So Wolff runs Mercedes GP, Lowe is effectively team principal and Ross Brawn and Nick Fry are out? Fry has been with that squad since the BAR days and Brawn hasn't really succeeded there as he did at Benetton and Ferrari. Hmhmhm, so is Brawn fed up with F1 or will he go to Williams or something? McLaren?
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This probably belongs in an 'F1 - 2014' thread, but some info on 2014 engines and rules:

Very interesting.

So they will have the turbo driving a generator directly. With a bigger battery/capacitor pack that means much more electric power.

Extrapolating: A normal turbo lets exhaust gasses drive a turbine, directly connected to the compressor, which is why there is turbo lag. Convert it to all-electric, turbine+generator and electric motor+compressor, and you'd be able to always have optimum air pressure.

No a generator is going to drive the turbine off acceleration not the other way round.

Much like anti-lag keeps the turbo spinning in rallying by squirting petrol straight into the exhaust off throttle, cannot really do that when you are claiming to be going green though so this is a novel and brilliant solution.
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If they want to claim green they should have the teams travel from race to race by sailboat. It would save about 1000x the hydrocarbons of anything they do with the cars.