First Star Trek XI Trailer

I watched it last night & I give it a 9/10. It was up there with ST2, 4 & 6. Can't wait to see more of them. Till then I'll just have to buy it on DVD along with all the other Star Trek movies. Got me excited to be a Star Trek fan once again.

Tommy McClain
Great movie, highly enjoyable. The cast is excellent. I really enjoyed everyone, and regardless of what was said prior to release about the characters being a re-interpretation etc, I could see MY characters in these ones...espeically McCoy, loved his performance.

One MAJOR gripe, they shoulda fixed the timeline at the end. Apparently they were none too concerned about upsetting people that have been following the franchise before they were born, which in my opinion is a mistake. As well as having to appeal to a brand new audience, they have to appeal to the existing one.
I can't think that it was because they couldn't come up with something that was consistent with everything that went on subsequent.... they decided not to, which actually is pretty poor.

Kobiashi Moru shoul have been a much more elegant and subtle solution.

Shouldn'ave messed with the Star Trek Mojo.

When rebooting a franchise, fans of the original tend to be alienated due to the attempt to draw new fans in. How did you address this when making this film? Henshin86
J.J. Abrams: The obvious challenge was that we wanted to make our own brand new thing, and at the same time embrace and honor what had come before. As a director who didn't know and love the world of Star Trek by default, I ended up telling a story for people like myself that love fun movies but are not necessarily familiar with the archaic details of Star Trek canon. However, both of the writers are huge Star Trek fans; one is a massive fan. Because of this I knew that we would be safe and on solid ground. We all did our homework before shooting.

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Just can't agree with the glowing reviews ... what's so difficult about creating a internally consistent plots with likewise characters?

Every time the movie hit it's stride something came up which took me right out of it ... whether it was a monster who had just escaped MiB being driven off by Spock in a one in a googolplex chance encounter with Kirk, Uhura soliciting sex with Spock in the elevator just after his planet got blown up, the silly "fuck em, blow em up" ending ... there was a lot spot on in the movie and just as much spectacularly wrong.
I thought Bones' and Mr. Scott's characters were magnificent, definitely the highlight for me. Overall, it was quite an entertaining movie. It's just some of the flaws were hard to ignore.
Ha ha ha! What?! I think we watched different movies.

:LOL: I almost posted the same reply!
I loved the film. It had it's problems, mostly for me at least, the Romulan vilain. His motives didn't make sense... Also other things, like a defenceless earth and Vulcan...
But the characters were fun, and the franchise did get the reboot that it diserved.
As for the flaws, well I'm willing to let them slide, since the movie was about character establishment mostly.
I'm eagerly anticipating the next part! :D
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whether it was a monster who had just escaped MiB being driven off by Spock in a one in a googolplex chance encounter with Kirk,

Yeah I thought that, the chance of Kirk actually meeting Spock in that cave were astronomical! I was trying to think of a logical reason for it at the time but i'm still drawing a blank.

I wasn't too bothered about the Spock / Uhura things as I think that was hinted at in the original series anyway (that they had a past). Kirk attacking the ship at the end was another gripe for me though as it was clearly pointless and just ended up putting his ship and crew in serious danger.

All these things I can get over though as its possible tocome up with slightely convoluted explanations to make them work and at the end of the day, every film has its share of logic flaws that need to be overlooked for thesake of entertainment.

The only flaw I can't get over is the complete r*pe of the Koybyashi Maru incident. They turned one of Kirks coolest moments intoa childish prank. I almost wish they would make a directors cut and just take that whole scene out. Regardless of what Ithink of the rest of the film, i'll never accept that as cannon.

My only slight comfort is that because of the alternate timeline death of his father, Kirk was more reckless in this univrse than the other and so in fact the way he overcame the scenario was equally more reckless (and hence infinetly less cool).
Ha ha ha! What?! I think we watched different movies.
Ohhhhh Spock, tell me what you want ... ring a bell?

They made it hot and steamy when they should have gone for intimate but reserved. She should have hugged him from behind and left out the "tell me which way you want it and I'll make you feel better" tone of the conversation.
The only flaw I can't get over is the complete r*pe of the Koybyashi Maru incident. They turned one of Kirks coolest moments intoa childish prank.
This I can get over, since the paths had already diverged. The real Kirk did it much cooler, but this is just the fake Kirk :)

Anyway here is what they should have done :

Red matter :
Alien artifact, catalyst which removes the repulsion between matter, red matter separated from the main mass loses it's properties in minutes, requires matter of either sufficient energy or sufficient density to cause a sustained chain reaction (this can be true even if the movie doesn't come out and say it, but as long as Spock is mind melding he could do a little exposition making the stuff a little more believable).

Reason for Romulans to hate Spock as much as they did :
Spock went to stop the supernova, Romulus destruction was an unforeseen side effect ... Romulans initially believe he sacrificed their planet to save his own, after learning the truth (Spock interrogation) they just rationalize their lust for revenge regardless.

Reason for Romulans able to drill into Vulcan unopposed :
There's a desperate fight somewhere, entire starfleet is gone, he used the parasite to get Spock to tell him the way to hack the static planetary defenses of Vulcan as well (also introduce some scenes where the operators of the defense grids desperately try to prevent the hacking and failing). They also faked transmissions from Vulcan to the fleet to make it look like they were okay, the distress call to earth was from a lone message pod which managed to get through while all others got destroyed.

Transwarp teleportation :
SCRAP IT, make the Enterprise still be in orbit making repairs.

Spock and Kirk meeting in cave :
Kirk mentions "what are the odds" Spock makes up technobabble explanation that the universe seems to be trying to pull itself back together, creating highly unlikely accidents moving the present back closer to the way it was.

There, that wasn't so difficult now was it? Fucking JJ Abrams too used to plotholes from Lost ... unfortunately most Trekkies seem to be lapping that shit up as much as the Lost fans.

After the reviews of Transformers 1 and this Movie I'm feeling like most sci-fi fans in the world have no standards left ... if the effects are good and at least half the scenes are decent it doesn't matter how much the rest of the movie sucks, it will still be called a masterpiece. Have some standards people, there is no excuse for the plotholes ... it's an even mix between decent and dime level writing in a movie costing hundreds of millions of dollars, JJ Abrams should be flogged for each and every one of the huge screw ups. How can this level of amateurism be accepted in writing and little else? The actors did their job (as good as possible, no actor could have made the elevator scene or the cheery "blow em up boys" ending believable) the writers failed.
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Ohhhhh Spock, tell me what you want ... ring a bell?

They made it hot and steamy when they should have gone for intimate but reserved. She should have hugged him from behind and left out the "tell me which way you want it and I'll make you feel better" tone of the conversation.

I'd have to hear the exact lines in the movie again, but that isn't even remotely the tone I picked up on.
For me, Uhura seemed to be genuinely trying to comfort Spock, but it had sexual overtones for sure. Maybe Uhura just is very horny all the time.
Have to agree the Uhura/Spock elevator scene was absolute bollocks and really lowered the tone of what had just happened.

And then when they are still hugging in the transporter room... c'mon there is a time and place for these kind of things!

For me Bones was absolutely magnificent and very believable as a younger McCoy.. and after reading the trite Star Trek Countdown comic I am still puzzled. However I have no standards and loved the movie all the same. I am expecting another movie where everything gets fixed however. This timeline seems to be quite sucky.
Urban was great as McCoy. Dammit Jim, I'm an New Zealander, not an Australian!
However I have no standards and loved the movie all the same. I am expecting another movie where everything gets fixed however. This timeline seems to be quite sucky.

I don't think there is any chance whatsoever of the timeline being fixed. This was a re-boot of the series and the alternate timeline was their ticket to change things. Reset it and your back to the same old Startrek that they wanted to reset in the first place.

I'm happy just to view both streams as alternate but parallel timelines of equal validity. Afterall, in Startrek lore, one alternate universe doesn't displace another, they exist side by side. In fact there is a whole series of books dedicated to the alternate "mirror" universe that was shown in TOS and DS9.

I wouldn;t even be suprised to see a book crossing the original timeline and this new timeline at some point in the future. Hell, I might pitch it :D
I'm happy just to view both streams as alternate but parallel timelines of equal validity.
So, did they explicitly state that Spock and the Romulans went to an alternate universe? I don't remember; but IIRC, Star Trek always had plenty of mumbo-jumbo regarding screwing with the timeline of the universe you're already in potentially "undoing the future".
So, did they explicitly state that Spock and the Romulans went to an alternate universe? I don't remember; but IIRC, Star Trek always had plenty of mumbo-jumbo regarding screwing with the timeline of the universe you're already in potentially "undoing the future".

It was definatly the past of our known timeline that they went to but they did explicitly state that a new alternate timeline had now been created.

The show is a little inconsistent in dealing with the consequences of changing the past to be fair but given that episode were Worf was jumping from reality to reality i'm happy to go on thinking our old universe still exiists out there :smile:

Besides, that universe is still growing via the books at a rate orders of magnatude faster than the new one.
Just watched it and, to be generous I'll award 7/10. Some good touches, good effects, reasonable acting and decent insider jokes etc.

Unfortunately, as with practically every time travel based plot there were plenty of dumb inconsistencies with no real attempt at explanation.

As for rest of the plot itself, there were plenty of sections which seemed to rely on intellectual hand-waving to link one action scene to the next when something could easily have been thought up to explain things better. Most notable of these was 'A star went supernova and destroyed Romulus' to set up the whole revenge plot. Hmmm. Any supernova other than that of Romulus's own sun would take many years to reach the planet so why no actions before then? If it was supposed to be Romulus's sun itself, they would have been incinerated before anything else and, in any case, you think perhaps the Romulans might have noticed something amiss with their sun in the run up yo the supernova? The complete lack of thought into the fundamental basis of the plot just screams Hollywood blockbuster. Why on Earth (or Romulus for that matter) do the studio execs never employ competent writers, especially in SF films? There are plenty of them out there, you know - I've read some excellent books which prove it!

One section which particularly got my goat was the ice planet bit which was there entirely and I mean entirely so the CGI boys could have a big monster chase scene. The King Kong remake brought these to the fore and they are becoming just too tedious. "Gosh, an enormous horrible beast (or two) is trying to get me, but I'll always just manage to get away while implausibly avoiding being crushed like an ant!"

I suppose I may be judging it a bit harshly because my Dad went with me and really enjoyed the film but it was just all too much crash bang whallop for me. I'll bet Kirk is sick of dangling over the edge of an implausibly large drop so often though! A mere 3 times in this film that I can remember. Also, can anyone explain to me why the Enterprise engine room looked like the inside of a plumbing factory?
It was definatly the past of our known timeline that they went to but they did explicitly state that a new alternate timeline had now been created.
Right. Thanks.
The show is a little inconsistent in dealing with the consequences of changing the past
A little...? Consistency really isn't their strong suit. ;) Anyways, I figured that someone with a bit of Trek-trivia cred must have "researched" this already, and a quick trip to Google confirmed that somebody already had. :)
Dont you know that this is a special type of Supernova that threatens the whole Galaxy, nay the whole UNIVERSE! ZOMG!!!

You see most supernovae just explode releasing high levels of energy that damages the immediate vicinity or anyone in the path of the gamma radiation bursts.. should the supernova develop that way. Then, well kaput - energy expended, done and dusted - Universe back to normal service.

BUT NO.... this supernova gains power as it consumes other masses so it is gonna inevitably swallow the whole Universe up.

See... makes perfect sense now doesn't it? ;)

(Above is from Star Trek Countdown which is a prequel to the movie in comic book form. Don't bother with it though since it is a complete waste of your time and money).