First Star Trek XI Trailer

Another thing that actually really pisses me off about Startrek in general:
The astounding bigotry that Vulcan (or other Federation planet) is destroyed & nobody much blinks an eye but if Earth were to be destroyed then it would cause the Federation to collapse Oh Noes we can't let that happen!

I'm sure all the vulcans that watched the movie were pissed off too.
I found the movie pretty enjoyable.
I think the characterizations and portrayals of the some characters was good, some were decent, and a few were unfortunately weaker.

The pacing was tighter, and though this leads to some weaknesses and liberties, it does avoid how some of the Trek films I have seen tended to become labored, and the reboot does also push away the insular nature of various plot points depending on knowledge of other races/episodes/movies/novels/whatever in the decades of canon.

I saw some of the same nitpicks and rough edges others have noted, though.

Maybe the movie didn't explain this part very well, but I know that if my home planet is destroyed, but then I'm given the chance for a cosmic do-over, I'd probably do that instead of embarking on a quadrant-wide attempt at multiple xenocide.

Ohura's role was expanded a bit much for what the story really had to offer for her. It's a weakness introducing any ensemble of characters can have, where writers "just have to give character X something to do".
I could stand a level of intimacy or flirtation with her towards Spock. An out and out romance (somewhat ham-handedly handled) seemed to be too far.

Kirk's evolution got some pretty short shrift.
He's shown to be scrappy, but also supposedly has serious aptitude.
The movie unfortunately skips over any build up to the late-in-the-game display of any command chops.
My brother said that Kirk originally was known for passing the Horochi Maru scenario without cheating, which would have been nice to show he actually had some talent as opposed to how his actions in the movie lead to him looking more full of himself than any potential.

He's then gifted with a star ship at the end, when in the movie his two major acts are one daring and improbable victory and one count of gross academic fraud.
The final coup de gras of the romulan ship was an unncessary act, and actually made Kirk look like an ass.

One would also dispute how cavalier they all were about not getting a hold of any of century or more advanced technology they were blowing up.
At least a data download from Spock's ship, or some fragments of tech would have been a real boon.
I suppose Kirk did manage to confiscate one future disruptor pistol, which I hope Starfleet immediately uses to come up with a less ridiculous phasor. Not that there appears to be any real differential in lethality between weapons of different centuries, even though a mining ship was apparently orders of magnitude stronger than Klingon warbirds.
A Romulan mining ship with such massive firepower? 2250ish (I think) + 129 years = 2379ish??
2387, 9 years after the end of Voyager and 8 years after Nemesis, according to my anal friend who pays attention to such details while watching movies and knows his Trek trivia.
The prequel comic explains why the Narada is so overpowered. It's not quite a mining ship anymore...not in the least. It's very powerful even in its own time. And IIRC Kirk always was said to have cheated in the Kobayashi Maru test (he takes pride in that in Wrath of Khan).
The whole point of the Kobayashi Maru is that it cannot be won - it's designed to test the candidate's performance in the face of failure. If you don't "fail" the scenario, you haven't actually completed the test.

In Wrath Of Khan, Kirk admits that he hacked the scenario so that it can be beaten, and thus has never faced the test of failure - he's always cheated his way around it.
2387, 9 years after the end of Voyager and 8 years after Nemesis, according to my anal friend who pays attention to such details while watching movies and knows his Trek trivia.

Gosh, I just realised I probably sound as "anal" as your friend.. LOL. Nevermind eh? :D
I liked it, 8/10. It was very spectacular, some funny bits.

Everything has changed, though, it's like an alternate reality to the world of the previous Star Trek stuff.
Gosh, I just realised I probably sound as "anal" as your friend.. LOL. Nevermind eh? :D
Heh... :devilish: Actually, my primary objection to everything Star Trek has been the blatant disregard for any consistency in the universe's narrative with constant contradictions and resets all over the place. Thus, I've long since stopped caring wether it makes sense or not. To me, fans seeking to find cohesion in all that nonsense trivia always seemed to be undertaking a Sisyphean task. In that sense, it's actually a bit refreshing that they used the same clean slate vehicle as countless times before to get out of it all.

So, judged purely on the merits of its immediate entertainment value, I found this incarnation to be quite enjoyable. But yeah, that totally screwed up motivation of the main villain annoyed me a bit too... :oops:
The prequel comic explains why the Narada is so overpowered. It's not quite a mining ship anymore...not in the least. It's very powerful even in its own time. And IIRC Kirk always was said to have cheated in the Kobayashi Maru test (he takes pride in that in Wrath of Khan).

Sounds interesting, where can the prequal comic be found?

I'm going to see the film tomorrow at the local IMAX hopefully. I'm sure i'll enjoy it but the big question is whether i'll be willing to accept it as cannon. Looking forward to finding out!
Heh... :devilish: Actually, my primary objection to everything Star Trek has been the blatant disregard for any consistency in the universe's narrative with constant contradictions and resets all over the place. Thus, I've long since stopped caring wether it makes sense or not. To me, fans seeking to find cohesion in all that nonsense trivia always seemed to be undertaking a Sisyphean task. In that sense, it's actually a bit refreshing that they used the same clean slate vehicle as countless times before to get out of it all.

I think Voyager and Enterprise were pretty bad for that but the earlier series were pretty consistent IMO (allowing a certain amount of leeway for 60's scientific naivety). TNG and DS9 in paritcular were very consistent.

After ~ 1000 episodes and 10 films though I think any series would have its fair share of inconsitencies.

Any online bookstore near you. Search for Star Trek: Countdown.

Cheers, i'll probably pick that up after i've seen the film.
Saw it yesterday and it was much fun and much eye candy. Well done and mostly well played, the story glitches and some flawed logic didn't bother me at all. Who cares about that.

Exactly why I enjoyed it quite a bit. Its a franchise reboot is all it is. I could not be bothered whether it is canon and all that. Go with the story and you will enjoy it. :) I am a star trek fan but not a trekkie by any means.
Loved it! 10/10. Despite the complete re-boot, this felt like the most "Star Trek" of any Trek film since ST IV (with the possible exception of ST VI).

There were a few story issues but all films have those so its nothing that overly concerned me. The only thing that I really didn't like was:

How Kirk supposedly beat the Kobyoshi Maru test. The implication from ST II is that Kirk made some subtle change to the scenario which made it possible to overcome, and that he then utilised that, probably in some super innovative way as was his style. Simply eliminating the enemies defences does sound sound very Kirk-esq.
Yeah, I came home & watched STII.
Kirk & Spock discussing Kobyashi Maru implied strongly that the test pre-dated Spock (ie he didn't write it) & that Kirks' cheat was vastly more subtle than in this version.
He would have been playing it much more straight & left the instructors so puzzled at him winning that when they eventually worked out what he had done the only thing they could do was commend him for it rather than the discipline him.
Just bought the prequal graphic novel - and I don't normally like graphic novels but I HAVE to know the back story :D - and the movie Novelisation - again, don't usually buy these but with this being a pretty new universe I figured the book may give some insights into the story, especially those scenes that were cut. It will also be interesting to experience the story seperatly from the new actors that play the characters. On paper, Spock will always be Leonard Nimoy :D
I'd give it 8/10.

I thought Karl Urban was spot on as McCoy and Simon Pegg managed to pull off the light comedy quite well. Every time I saw Spock though I was just waiting for him to raise a finger and open up someone's head.

Not sure I like the change in the story, but it makes sense if it is a full series reboot. And the bad guy was just a sore loser. Menacing psycho, but still just a bad loser.

It all felt a bit Cloverfield at times, especially with shots of the Nerada. And the bit on the ice planet was all very Lost Planet. But overall well worth watching and especially so if you are completely new to the Star Trek Universe.