Anthony Tan wrote:
> I'd like to tell the whole world how pissed I am at some sites for the
> kind of things they practice but I won't. I am above mud slinging. There
> is an expression of opinion in a responsible manner and there is
> mudslinging. I always choose the latter.
Whoops, I meant the "former"
Kyle Bennett wrote:
> I realize the implications of the issue Anthony, AND I will still stick to
> my opinion. I think you miss the point. It may well already be >happening.
> I would rather see your time and effort put into helping lobby for better
> benchmarks and tools than talking about something you will have not >control over in the end.
Like I stated, I think it is perfectly fine for you to state your opinion (and continue to stand by it regardless of the crap you get). However, I think you know the pull you/[H] has and I think you may perhaps have worded your opinion regarding ET a little bit better and responsibly. I have stated in the past that while websites are in competition with each other, this doesn't mean we should be slinging mud at each other (it is precisely what you did). We need to act a little more responsibly. We should stick to talking about facts instead of rumors and speculations, regardless of who the source of such rumors/speculations may be.
And I have put my time into thinking about how best to tackle the situation, as evidenced by my post as per the link I gave you below.
> Do you honestly think I am so dense that I do not see the implications > of
> this? I would argue that you are focusing a bit too much on the facts >and
> not taking time to look at the big have no control over >what
> they do, but we can have control over the tools we use. That of course
> makes the job harder, but I suspect that those that can't handle that >should
> not be sharing their work with others.
Actually, when I read your opinion on your front page (I did not go around looking for whatever forum posts you may have made to validate/back up your opinion), I must admit I was incredulous that a seasoned guy like you would say what you did. But it would've helped if you had stated what you stated below on your front page in more bold terms than the accusations you threw at ET. Why on earth did you do that, dude? You *must* know what that would lead to. If you are concerned about improving things, then cut out the accusations and just say what you said below.
I don't know you all that well, so forgive me for thinking you're "dense" (I don't) but your opinions on your front page did not lead me to believe you don't see the big picture as I expressed them below. Perhaps that would've been a better post for you to make instead of the accusations you threw at ET. Regardless of whether you do see the big picture or not, people will harp on you because you threw the accusations. I don't like throwing mud at another website even though I may know for a fact that they're doing something with ulterior motives. That's not my way. I don't like shitting on other sites. I stick to disproving things.
I act responsibly by providing my own findings instead of silly little accusations with no fact.
> We do everything we do for a reason, and it is seldom to things to directly
> drive site hits. We have all of those we could want. I assure you that my motives
> in this situation are very pure even if you can't stand back and see the overall situation.
>I would ask that you think a bit longer
>and a bit harder before you paint me with such a wide and ignorant >brush.
Like I said, given the way you worded your post, what else am I supposed to think? It's not my being ignorant... it's an expression of my reaction based on your post... because you have offered nothing concrete to back up your accusations... all you did was accuse a website of ulterior motives when the same can be said based on your priveleged status of being offered by NV to bench Doom3. Tit for tat, so to speak.
If I painted you with a wide ignorant brush, the same can be said of the way you painted ET.
Kyle, I'm not here to make enemies with you. On the contrary, for ages I have tried to get websites to work together for the good of the consumers. I just wished you had acted/posted with a litlle more responsibility, especially with the kind of weight your website carries.
Mud slinging is immature/irresponsible/unprofessional action. Rebuttals backed up with facts are mature/responsible/professional.
I'd like to tell the whole world how pissed I am at some sites for the kind of things they practice but I won't. I am above mud slinging. There is an expression of opinion in a responsible manner and there is mudslinging. I always choose the latter.
Peace bro.
-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Tan []
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2003 4:31 AM
To: Kyle Bennett
Subject: Re: Hi Kyle... Reverend here
I'd wanted to add a "point" in that post of mine whereby I thought I
felt you have every right to state your opinion on your own website but
given the number of times I edited and re-edited my post, it somehow got
forgotten [
] I do not, however, agree with the things you said but you
have every right to express your opinion on your website.
This is actually more serious than you think, Kyle.
Forget that this is NVIDIA and forget that this is happening in
3DMark03. Here's a later post I made in that thread, which should
explain why I think this is a serious issue with wide-reaching
implications :
The point is that if NVIDIA can do this with a synthetic benchmark,
*any* IHV can do the same with game recorded demos that is available to
all. And this means so much more extra work for a reviewer in terms of
verifying game demo benchmark results is the same as actual game playing
results *regardless of what hardware is being reviewed*, be it NVIDIA
video cards or ATi video cards. Do you understand what I'm getting at?
Again, forget that this is NVIDIA and 3DMark03 -- the two are the
unfortunate debut examples.
Anthony Tan
Beyond3D :
"The brighter future has always been about how many things can be done,
not how fast such things can be done. Competition, though, always result
in the exact opposite."
Kyle Bennett wrote:
Hehe, just read that thread in the B3D forums.....great stuff. Too bad
those guys would not stop talking about me and focus on the damn issue.
Anyway, I wanted to address you post in that thread.
I am not pissed at anyone or any situation. I just have my opinion be it
right or wrong. Actually, in this case, I really don't care as 3Dmark is
worthless anyway. I actually find all of this rather funny. [
] Laterz
Kyle Bennett
Editor-in-Chief @
Owner @