> You're stating stuff like it's fact when you really don't know the story.
Noone aside from the Tetsu Kayama and Bill Gates knows with 100% certainty what went on but enough has slipped through to the public that you can form a reasonable picture of the whole deal.
Why else was Kayama let go if not for his flawed software strategy. He managed to trim down the organization to point where Sega became profitable but sales were considerably down since the DC days. It was obvious that Sega was going nowhere with him in charge. He stood in the way of Sega's growth by focusing on the wrong things.
> Oh so now you've worked for developers and publishers?
Ah, the old I-work-in-the-industry-so-that-makes-my-opinion-better-than-yours card.
It's common sense Quincy. Something you obviously don't possess.
> In this case it's a football game and that attracts sports players
But Cube had a football game. The most popular one in fact. However, it also had what was perceived as the lesser version. That is what made the difference.
> I wouldn't have rated them equally
That's because you were biased towards Xbox even before it had released.
> Well I disagree
WR:BS and SW:RL are hardly kids games.
> but he fact of the matte ris Nitnendo targetted younge rgamers to with
> the product MORE than MS did at launch.
You seem to confuse your beliefs with actual fact.
> I'm saying they clearly did spend some of thier markeitng directed to
> children.
And I don't deny that but without accurate information on the various marketing campaigns you can't reasonably evaluate who marketed more towards children.
Quite frankly I don't trust your personal findings. People have a tendency to see what they want to see and remember what they want to remember.
> Well for one thing that is NOT rockstars audience.
Of course it is.
> the game might end up in some kids hands
And unless they throw it away that constitutes an audience. The English language is a wonderful thing once you learn to use it correctly Quincy.
> Also, nintendo didn't have resident evil when the console released.
The deal was announced prior to launch.
> Didn't sell nearly as well as some peopel in these forums predicted.
Didn't sell as bad as others had hoped for either. Not that it's really relevant as we were discussing what signs there were of Nintendo actively seeking out an older audience. The Resident Evil deal was proof of that.
> I don't know if I could call it chic
you would call it is irrelevant. It's about intent. An intent they failed to live up to but nevertheless intent.
> MS came right out and said on one occasion that in year three they
> planned to have more games for younger gamers in a hope to expand
> theri user base.
A bunch of PR nonsense to make angst filled teenagers less insecure about their purchase.
Clearly M$ wanted no association with children.
> Sony has already done this
But do you see them proudly proclaim how they are in fact dominating the kiddy market? Of course not. It's not an image you want even if it's true.
> OK, then please explain how you are going to prove that GTA3 is the
> most popular kids title next to Pokémon.
I can't prove it, nor did I claim to have irrefutable evidence of my claims. But looking at what kids play today, it's clearly not Super Mario and GameCube. There are however lots of kids with PS2s and GTA3s. The sales numbers alone support this claim. You don't reach those numbers by targetting a niche.
> you're honestly trying to say that Eternal darkness sold more than
> Supe Mario sunshine???
Seriously. Are you illiterate? If so I'll refrain from ever commenting on your lack of reading skills again.
> Sold in line with other titles with in the genre on gamecube
Any of the next generation platforms.
> Notice hte words "the type of titles that Rockstart releases".
Yes, but what is that supposed to mean?
Rockstar has released exactly one game on Cube. A late port of a poorly selling PS2 title.
When a Max Payne or GTA has bombed on the platform you can talk about there being no audience.