Hmm...wonder how I consider my very extensive collection of cube games(well, I'm certainly not liking individual games as much as n64 since I have so many cube games) WARNING: Useless information ahead
Resident Evil and 0 were really only good for 1 play through.
Mortal Kombat kept me about as entertained as any mortal kombat, except this time I had to unlock the characters by doing boring stuff before I could play as them...
Extreme G3 was pretty boring.
Super Monkey Ball was fun, but not great.
Spy Hunter had what little fun it had sapped away by bad framerate and graphics.
I actually found Agent Under Fire fairly fun(I enjoyed its single and multi more than nightfire), it had a rather Turok 2ish quality where it's ruggedness makes it just fun to goof around in, what with the ability to stick to anything in multiplayer and go flying all over the place. Don't think I'd go back to playing it though.
Clone Wars had a decent single player mode, but crappy multiplayer.
The preview disc was fun but short...I loved viewtiful joe though, but I'm the only one of all my friends who can actually play it in style.(well, I suppose for some gamers, give us the option to do something fun and we'll do it, for others, show them something fun now)
Timesplitters 2 was a very fun engine, too bad the single player isn't very fun(except for the first level for nostalgia), and the multiplayer levels suck. Good thing they included the map maker, otherwise it wouldn't have earned the 3rd of the play time I gave perfect dark that it has.
Gameboy Player wasn't as exciting as I had hoped, it gave me a chance to finish or progress further in some GBA games, but it just seems silly playing Zelda on it when I have my snes right next to me that I could easily play zelda on. It got a few multiplayer uses for advance wars, but that game takes way too long for my friends to ever want to play it again.
Super Monkey Ball 2 I found lacking compared to the original in single and multiplayer. While it does have more multiplayer modes, every mode on the original was done better than on this one.(I liked the taking turns skydiving)
PSO 1 and 2....strange..I found myself losing so many hours to this game, yet I can not clearly define it as exhilirating fun. Certainly kept me more entertained than diablo 2 did.
Godzilla: DAMM I found to be a semi engaging fighting game, I mean, being giant monsters is just cool, and I found the moves really simple to learn compared to most fighters. Unfortunately, single player isn't very fun, and my friends quickly grew to dislike this game, even when they did win. Bleh, they must never have watched godzilla movies.(or played that old commodore 64 game where you choose a fake monster and crush a city..or rampage)
Rogue Leader I found to be not as graphically impressive as it was made out to be(it's star wars, it doesn't matter if it is rebel strike, tie fighter, or that old atari game in the arcades, I see the same thing), and I remember the original rogue squadron being funner(more fun?). It was good the first time through, but was limited on replay value.
Nightfire's single player was unengaging, and it's multiplayer slow and boring with no clever quirks.(that were fun, it certainly had some neat ideas in those gun emplacements, mini vehicles, and many types of explosives and game modes) Of course, I still did bring myself to fully beat it, but I nearly got gold medals on every mission in agent under fire, not so in nightfire.(could be because I used to a cheat to get everything from the start)
Animal Crossing was another one of those games that sucked away my life without me realizing why. However, when I realized everyday was the same, nothing changed unless I made exhaustive effort to change it(or it changed when I didn't want it to, but I can boot up animal crossing now, and besides weeds and bugs, it is exactly the way I left it), holidays were nothing special(come on! like nothing happened! if you're not going to give me activities, give me something cool to watch), and I had no one to play it with.
Soccer Slam was fun in that turok way, just to go around and beat people, but wasn't exactly the multiplayer greatness it was said to be. It got boring after a while.
Super Mario Sunshine...boy..where do I begin. I feel it's play(many of the stages, plus those freaky warp levels) was far more true to the 2d marios than mario 64. Unfortunately, I really liked mario 64's change(even if it was just some gimmicky 3d game with mario slapped on it), and 2d gameplay just doesn't translate so well to 3d. I thought the warp levels were pretty good, but when they tried to put old school platforming in the normal levels...ugh, I have to deal with a bad camera on something that only makes sense in 2d, and instead of dieing and starting over when I fall, I have to climb all the way back up. Keep my 3d mario in his 3d gimmicks, and my 2d mario in his 2d, please don't mix them. Oh yeah, it also lacks something that they remembered to put in mario 64, everything else that is part of the mario license besides the plumber himself! What is this strange boring island, with forgettables islanders? Where are all the classic mario characters and enviroments?
Wave Race was very fun, single player kept me busy for a while(never did place first on the hardest mode however) and multiplayer was pretty fun, for me at least because I liked how it wasn't a static course, even if the waves were almost always the same. Unfortunately, like fzero, its multiplayer mode is not very well fleshed out.
Beach Spikers was fun for a little while, just like mario tennis. However, the depth of these types of games are limited, and one beach spikers match played like any other.
Metroid Prime was pretty good, though it did have its problems. I kind of disliked all those zelda 64 quality puzzles(which weren't very good), as they practically required no thought. The backtracking kind of sucked too, but I think they translated metroid very well to 3d while improving upon it, but I think it may have been better if they pulled a mario 64, and just focused on making a great 3d game and ignoring the classic, dated, 2d gameplay of the license.
Luigi's Mansion provided some quick fun, but it was a short game with a few neat ideas, but unfortunately focused on doing one thing over and over again. I still played through it like 3 times though.
Pikmin was fun, but the time limit has got to go, it really put to much pressure on my ability to explore, even if there wasn't much to explore. But you seldom had a chance to fool around, unless you wanted to play really good for a while till you did. Sure, it had that other mode, but that still had a time limit...
Eternal Darkness was intersting and certainly had a lot of time put into it and its story, but after getting done, I could really care less about anything that happened in the game, and sometimes they went a bit overboard with the amount of enemies you had to face, the combat system was too boring for all that. I'd like another one though, but this time leave out the story and just make all the cutscenes a bunch of random senseless stuff, perhaps along the lines of Fooly Cooly.
Starfox Adventures....well, it had good graphics and one of my favorite video game certainly wasn't bad, it just wasn't good.
Soul Calibur 2 was fun, but the computer is too boring to fight, and for some reason I don't find multiplayer varied enough, both in stages and just the feel of the game. I suppose if I had a good opponent(I've only played a button masher so far, and he would usually just block until I presented an opportunity for him, like moving in close, and unfortunately I'm not an expert, and I'm horrible at the timings on guard impacts especially since he rarely went on the offensive unless I made a mistake)
Fzero GX is fun, the single player is great and the story mode provides some old school goodness. However...
doesn't seem as accesible as fzero x, in this if you're losing, you're losing badly(in multi).
Nice that it included a paint program.....too bad it didn't include internet support so we could download decals... come on, jet set radio had it.
Multiplayer is so empty!
I would have preferred track design over car design. Plus the car design is kind of limited, pick 3 parts(you know there will be a limited number of good cars produced by that) and change the color. Plus, usually the better looking created cars suck.
Wind Waker was fun, except for that tedious sailing crap(and even more tedious dredging of the ocean for magic tuning forks). I loved some of the puzzles though, sometimes the ones in the dungeons, but most of the ones outside were really fun, even if they had like no reward.
Master Quest..well....zelda 64 never was my favorite game..heck, the zelda series was never my favorite. Interesting to see what's changed and try out some of the stuff again, but zelda's game machinics were always a bit slow to me. Oh, it does have a better battle system than wind waker, it may be exactly the same, but I think it looks cooler, and it doesn't have that stupid instant win parry thing.(why bother attacking when you can just wait for it to flash?) Well, at least wind waker had better combat than starfox.
Super Smash Bros Melee is easily the best game on the gamecube. Absolutely fantastic, fun enough to play single player for a while no matter how stupid or cheap the computer may be, and incredibly fun in multiplayer. The one serious flaw with it is that there is only one, and it was released in the first 3 months of the gamecube being out.
Wow...Mario Party 4 gets to finish off my list. Well, it can be sort of entertaining, is better than wario world,(just play the final mission as wario and you have an instant replacement for wario world, lasts longer too), is the only game my sister will play, and is highly competitive, though I always win and the game takes a really long time to play.
Well, never said the cube was my favorite nintendo system, that still belongs to n64. Oh yeah, I do have gta3, vice city, and mgs2 for computer, but none of them can hold my attention. GTA2 allowed you to rampage better than the 3d gtas(though that's all it was good for), but nearly every mission can be cheesed through in some way that takes out all the fun and difficulty, and they have an annoying travel time between missions, plus you lose your weapons when you die which require more traveling to get back.(though I did play through a good part of vice city without weapons, often just running over some guy, taking a pistol, and mainly running away from enemies or cheesing my way through in a way that isn't very fun) MGS2 had a bad story and they overcomplicated the gameplay(mainly, forcing me to use that first person view which had horrible controls, plus I think the camera was zoomed in closer and there were quite a few paths where you couldn't sneak around guards and had to shoot them), thankfully the game was short and direct enough that I managed to finish in a short amount of time. Wow, I just spent a really long time typing up this worthless post.