Oh please deathnight, Qroach is in the industry so he automatically knows everything..he's the "expert"

. Eidos' Mike McGarvey is "in the industry" as well...now look how smart he's running his company

. It's a common practice by company heads to play the blame game when their own company has been struggling. What's McGarvey supposed to do? Tell the truth? Fact: Yes Eidos games (not including TS2) sold poorly on GCN. Also Fact: Eidos games (not including TS2) sold poorly on ALL SYSTEMS. Sure the GCN having the smaller user base will show lower numbers but that's not to impair smart publishers like Sega, Capcom, Lucas Arts, Namco, EA, Atari and Activision from putting out very successful Gamecube games. You'll hear no tears hit the ground from GCN owners when Eidos crys about it's self-inflicted troubles.
Interesting tidbit about one of Eidos pretty successful franchises (FRD has now smartly pulled from Eidos btw)..i'm talking about Timesplitters 2.
Oct -02 PS2 - 218,131
Oct-02 Xb - 179,422
Oct-02 GCN - 132,540
Whooaa! What's that I see there Mr. McGarvey and Mr. Roach? Come on industry experts! Yeah GCN had the fewsest sold (close though). But man the GCN version has a better *industry buzzword coming up>* Tie Ratio compared to the other two systems. Well that can't be

. TS2 for GCN came out about a week and a half after the PS2,XB versions and just 4 days after Super Mario Sunshine, and Starfox Adventures...and it's still ended up selling better per installed base capita numbers than the other systems. THIS on a *disgruntled industry expert buzzphrase ahead>* " much younger demographic system "?!?
Let's look at why TS2 is the anomaly in Mr. McGarvey's reasoning:
1) It's a damn good fun game. Say whaaat! It's a damn good fun and quality game?!?!? Well....yes it is.
2) It's a damn good and fun 3rd party game.

On GCN? Yep.
3) It was released at the same time across all three systems (spotting the PS2 and XB just over a week.) But close enuf timeframe. Wait a minute! You mean TS2 did'nt come 4,5 or even 6 months after the other two? Right..just a few days.
And here we have Eidos best effort on GCN (and all three systems) to date and it does better on a "kiddie" system next to some big anticipated games on said system. A mature FPS game did better on a "kiddie" system than it did on the Halobox..er I mean FPSBox..er I mean a system that is known for such "shootin and runnin around games". TS2 did better on a kids' console although it was a port from a weaker console graphics wise. And that said console was home to the very successful prequel from the year before! And that console had a user base many many many times GCN's size yet it sold ONLY 85,000 more units than GCN TS2 did. But Mr. McGarvey said there was a decrease in profitability and blah blah blah blah..and typically the Nintendo GCN blah blah blah blah.
Why dont we see Atari pulling it's XB support? Godzilla DAMM for XB was released April 03 (six months after GCN) with many enhancements and features and it sold 18,930 units compared to 250,038 on GCN. Say what? A quality fun 3rd party game did well on GCN ?!? But Mr. Mcgarvey said.. ... .. and.. an.. and.. ... and Mr. Roach said ... and..aand .....
.. That's the sound of jealous confused industry workers that lack the fortitude to say that they just can't stand Nintendo.