Up until the point where the deal was made Sega was unwilling to commit to Xbox. The deal that was made not only brought a few specific titles to the platform but also opened up for wider support. Tetsu Kayama went very far in honoring the deal and reportedly pressured development teams into supporting the Xbox. His strategy never paid off and now he's gone. Now Sega's Xbox support is being scaled back heavily.
Where are you getting this crap from? Are you making this up or somehting? You're stating stuff like it's fact when you really don't know the story.
Oh so now you've worked for developers and publishers,? You don't know what you're talking about, sorry.
Why would that turn people towards an unproven platform though? M$ had NFL Fever at launch but I doubt that is what made the difference.
It doesn't matter if the platform is unproven. If you see games that interest you, you'll buy that platform. In this case it's a football game and that attracts sports players (as most sports players probably like more than one sport) you start to build up a market for titles ike that.
Once people get the impression that a particular platform is the lesser one for a specific genre people will go elsewhere. People don't usually buy a football title for one platform, baseball for another, ice hockey for a third and so forth. They stick to one platform especially when talking games from the same publisher.
Exactly, and when nintendo didn't provide sports, racing or RPGs for the gamecube where did those fans go? They went to Xbox and PS2. When that happens, the publishers that are making those types of games will provide more support for those platforms sicne there's already a market for it. Now I think you understand, yes?
I can only conclude that your reading skills haven't improved.
Say what you want, but you still don't knwo what you are talking about.
Not true in regards to PS1/2. M$ lucked out with Halo of course but it's difficult to quantify how much of an effect Halo had on sports sales.
No, you don't understand. MS RELEASED Xbox with sports games, racing games, party games, and action games that covered most genres. Sony did the same thing with PS1. Nitnendo didn't do this ao how were they to attract the gamers that wanted those games?
Prior to launch I would have rated them equally.
Based on the way the consles were marketted, the launch lineups and the fact MS told publishers what market they were focusing on at launch, I wouldn't have rated them equally.
True in the case of PS2. Xbox arguably had more games for kids (shitty games but still)
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
NFL Fever 2002
Project Gotham Racing
Fuzion Frenzy
Madden NFL 2002
NASCAR Thunder 2002
Cel Damage
NASCAR Heat 2002
TransWorld Surf
Test Drive Off-Road Wide Open
NHL Hitz 2002
Mad Dash Racing
4x4 EVO 2
Dark Summit
Air Force Delta Storm
Dead or Alive 3
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2x
Tarzan Untamed
Luigi's Mansion
Wave Race: Blue Storm
Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron 2
Super Monkey Ball
Madden NFL 2002
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
All-Star Baseball 2002
Crazy Taxi
NHL Hitz 2002
Universal Studios
Well I disagree... we can argue back and forth abotu this forever, but he fact of the matte ris Nitnendo targetted younge rgamers to with the product MORE than MS did at launch.
GameCube marketing was clearly not targetted towards kids.
I'm NOT saying all thier marketting was, I'm saying they clearly did spend some of thier markeitng directed to children.
If that wasn't true, then why were gamecube commercials all over saturday mornings (the time kids watch TV cartoons)? I can remrmber seeing Gamecube adds every morning before going into work and the only place I'd see xbox or PS2 add was during sports centere at all times of night.
Well, looking past the fact that Rockstar's audience includes children and as such should fit the Nintendo stereotype quite well you have the Resident Evil deal among other things that showed that Nintendo was actively pursuing adult themed software.
Well for one thing that is NOT rockstars audience. the game might end up in some kids hands, but that's not their fault. It's the fault of parents and retailers who don't pay any attention to age ratings.
Also, nintendo didn't have resident evil when the console released. it just wasn't enough. Didn't sell nearly as well as some peopel in these forums predicted.
I didn't talk about family oriented games. I was referring to how the PS2 is the favored console amongst children. This isn't a recent development either. PS1 enjoyed the same success with children.
Yes, PS1 had the same success, although it didn't happen at first. The system wa spriced too high and there wasn't much of a selction of games when the PS2 was released. once the library built up fast, more titles that would interest younger gamers appeared.
Actually, the design of the GameCube along with the early marketing was more artsy than anything. They were trying to be different, to be chic... they obviously failed but they certainly weren't targetting kids specifically.
I don't know if I could call it chic, but I do recally representititves form nintendo sayign things like nintendo makes console systems for nintendo's games first, and comments like the gamecube is a "Toy". That certianly didn't seem chic to me...
Also the multiple colors (only to find out the black version sold best) the little handle on it certianly don't promote a feeling of artsy.
Nintendo was the only console maker that wasn't afraid to admit that kids are part of its strategy. For some companies children have turned into a tabu. Probably to avoid being stigmatized like Nintendo.
Wasn't afraid? I wouldn't say that. MS came right out and said on one occasion that in year three they planned to have more games for younger gamers in a hope to expand theri user base. Sony has already done this, so who's afraid to admit anything? It's just a matter of covering the correct section of the market when your system launches.
You can prove this of course?
OK, then please explain how you are going to prove that GTA3 is the most popular kids title next to Pokémon. Obviously a title that is targetted towards younger gamers.
I don't think you can reasonably expect a company to cover every genre. I would agree however that compared to Sony, Nintendo had more to prove. It would definitely have been in its own interest to provide a traditional racer, rpg and fighter.
There's very few 3rd parties that cover all those genre's by themselves. It's really up the the manufacturer if they want to cover them. Which then promotes people looking for more games in that genre. If nintendo covered more areas it was lacking, they'd be able to attract more gamers in those areas...
I think for some companies there is an interest in keeping Nintendo's kiddy image intact. At the same time there's an interest in making damn sure you are never in any way associated with children.
Sure I'd agree with that statement. Although I don't like the use of the word "kiddy"...
No survival horror title (which perhaps isn't the most fitting genre for ED but nevertheless the image it got) has sold more than SMS this gen.
What? you're honestly trying to say that Eternal darkness sold more than Supe Mario sunshine??? You really aren't thinking about this clearly are you?
In fact, ED sold in line with other titles within the genre.
Sold in line with other titles with in the genre
on gamecube
Specific no. But you clearly stated that GameCube has the lowest amount of older gamers which is a pretty arbitrary statement. While GameCube has an image of mainly attracting young gamers I have seen no evidence to support that claim.
I actually said:
gamecube has the lowest amount of older gamers interested in the type of titles that rockstar releases
Notice hte words "the type of titles that Rockstart releases". Thos being M rated titles. The evidence of Nitnendo attracting younger games is right in front of your nose. They certianly have a larger percentage than Xbox.
Like i said before, you don't know what you are talking about.
In other words you admit that you can't argue your case. Glad we cleared that up.
You ignore points, ignore questions, throw out 5 word sentances saying basically nothing (in this thread and others) and think you've argued your case? That's laughable man...