First post here.. just trying to bring the thread back to Eidos parting, and if N is in trouble..... and share how much i like my GC (with a reason)
1. talk about money
- if one was to invest in a console it is GC that does bring money, more, and faster, right NOW (no evidence, please someone put the numbers here if you have it).
conclusion: N is not in trouble at all
2. talk about games
- won't start enumerating now, I'll just mention that I've got my GC since end of March 2003, and still have to CATCH UP with OLD AAA titles, not to mention the list of upcoming once...... man I just can't find the time to read a book. Consider it a personal opinion, but one would hardly find a GC owner with another opinion ..... i think? anyone on this board?
conclusion: N is not in trouble at all
3. future titles
- again, I won't start the list (US-releases), it's more than enough of console selling titles.. Is there a GC-owner that's not happy with what's coming? please reply! otherwise...
conclusion: N is not in trouble at all
4. next gen
- well about this one I don't know

it's still all hype and..... well, hype. please someone else put something here

but having in mind how successful actually for me GC is, i think I'll be getting the next one too.
conclusion (as all non-XB-fanboys, here have already said): bye bye Eidos, we won't miss you.
PS. to all the XB fanboys: why all the spitting at the Cube? do you own one? what is it that you don't like about it? that's insane, you're brain-washed by a marketing CAMPAIGN... that's SO obvious... don't you have a mind of your own? use it! please!
Edit: sorry, non-native english, confused by the spell-checker