Digital Foundry Article Technical Discussion [2023]

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Confidently wrong, I like it. If 7.5gb was enough for TLOU at high then 8gb users would set textures to high and only complain about cpu performance other bugs. The rest of your post is just speculation as you have absolutely on insight into the game as you didn’t work on the port.
They cannot, as the game spreads FUD about windows+apps reserving 1.6 GB of VRAM which is a huge lie that has been spread like wildfire on forums. It still doesn't excuse the lack of a proper inbetween texture option.
What is the aim of this debate ? are there actual people thinking it's normal medium texture look the way they are ?
In what world 8gb gpu displaying textures who seems to come from 360/ps3 era on a good third of assets of a scene okay ?
If mid range gpu have 6 or 8gbram and they port the game on pc, they have to create textures for them and not only rely on what i suspect are generated LOD ones.
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By the way game specifically exhibits weird VRAM-texture behaviour at 1080p. I've tried to showcase in this video.

This definitely does not happen at 1440p and above. For example, I get good quality textures at 1440p with characters and enviroment set to High.
At 1080p, if you set both to High, you get n64 textures. But if you reduce character to medium, magically loads better textures.

Seems like 1080p and VRAM management is a bit broken.

Doesn't happen at 1440p with exact same VRAM budget.

Weird stuff. You can get proper textures at 1080p with characters set to medium and enviroment set to high... but if you set both to high at 1080p... you get degraded textures.
TLoU running on a better GPU with 4GB than recommended:

"High" textures need 8GB in 1080p with the low preset, so even a GTX1060, GTX1660(TI) and RTX2060 cant provide a normal experience without a massive image quality degradation.
TLoU running on a better GPU with 4GB than recommended:

"High" textures need 8GB in 1080p with the low preset, so even a GTX1060, GTX1660(TI) and RTX2060 cant provide a normal experience without a massive image quality degradation.
High textures do not need 8 GB at 1080p with low preset. 1.6 GB "reserved" is a lie. You can run 1440p High / DLSS Quality with 7.2-7.3 GB free VRAM. It needs 7.2 GB VRAM with this combo (or 7.5 GB for native 1440p). Most users will have free 7.2-7.4 GB available to the game. You can additionally reduce volumetric effects and visual effects streaming memory to save some bit of VRAM there too.

1440p DLSSQ High preset minus low visual effects


Says that total is 8.8 GB (FUD, misinformation 1.6 GB reserved claim). Game application says 7.2 GB. And here it goes, perfectly fine, using 7.2-7.3 GB and runs smooth. You don't need 8.8 GB to run 1440p DLSSQ High texturs. You need 7.2 GB. And if you have free 7.2 GB VRAM, game will function perfectly smooth (if you have a capable CPU that is, 3600 won't cut it for locked 60. Gotta lock it to 45/50 to get stable frametimes on pre-Zen 3)

I feel like I'm going crazy here, really. I cannot make myself heard or understood for some reason. 1.6 GB is FUD, game is not RESTRICTING itself to that amount. game will use what it says it will use in "game application" value, if you have that much free VRAM available. And game actually respects that usage, as long as you really have that exact same amount free, the game will not crash frequently or present unplaylabe stutters. ı have no bad agenda here, I've played the game with this exact same setting or similar for 14 hours. 3 crashes, and %95 of the time game ran smooth. Only in hotel where I saw some more frequent hiccups. But that was temporary too.


I repeat, based on the fud 1.6 gb reservation, game makes you think you and have 6.4 GB usable memory for the game. It is a lie, as you can have 7.2 GB to 7.5 GB free memory on idle (if you do not open a lot of stuff in the background).

In other words, 1440P DLSSQ+High textures are POSSIBLE and workable. Most GPUs below 3060ti will have to run 1440pDLSS Quality regardless since the game is so heavy on the rasterization side. So it will be fine .They do not have to strangle themselves to the 6.4 GB limit imposed "supposedly" by the game. You can enjoy the game at 1440p/dlssq on a 2080/2070 super/3060ti with high quality textures, if you have 7.3-7.4 GB free VRAM. Make sure to not open a chromium browser. Most likely will be enough. Turn off unnecessary game launchers.
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High textures do not need 8 GB at 1080p with low preset.
I meant that a gamer needs at least 8GB to play with the high textures (and preset). Without OS and APP pool 4GB cant even cover 720p with low (...) and 6GB are barely enough for 1080p with the low preset and high textures.

Look at these beautiful graphics and decent stable performance on lowly 4 GB VRAM in a modern 2022 release. Asobo... you're a wonder. (Doesn't need super duper 32 GB RAM either!)

Here's also a comparison between the TLOU:RM and a game made to run on a system with ~5GB available to developers.

Man whoever did that other game were geniuses. Even has larger environments!

I mean, I'd like to see a texture comparison between the pc on medium and the PS4 Pro version of the last of us. I'd guess the PS4 Pro would win.

As luck would have it. :)

Bear in mind the textures in TLOU2 are also meant to stream from a laptop HDD. You can't claim memory subsystem/storage magic for their quality here.
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Yea I saw the DF video. Now post the picture of the whole scene since you said it's a sea of toothpaste because nobody plays a game by walking around, looking down and zooming in on the grass.

Again, this game has other issues that are imo more pressing that needs to be fixed. The texture rendering issues where you just see black, lighting issues, animation issues, etc that needs to be fixed before we waste time worrying about the concerns of 8gb vram users.
Yea I saw the DF video. Now post the picture of the whole scene since you said it's a sea of toothpaste because nobody plays a game by walking around, looking down and zooming in on the grass.

Oh, give me a break. It was aiming with the gun, which barely zooms in the screen compared to most games.

Finally, what some people are having issues understanding is that consoles are the minimum requirement. As in, your pc must be superior to consoles in all aspects. Whining that your underpowered pc can’t run a game is a personal problem.

You need to calm down. Stop saying every critique of a game's presentation in a technical discussion thread is 'whining' for pete's sake. Sony is the one advertising the recommended requirements for a certain performance level, and as we can see with the CPU/bottlenecks, they're blatantly false.

You may say "Pfft well yeah that's marketing", but the job of sites like DF is to evaluate what companies say vs reality, not only from their own marketing materials but how the game measures up to its competitors on a technical level. The current state of TLOU has been found wanting, for good reason.
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Here's also a comparison between the TLOU:RM and a game made to run on a system with ~5GB available to developers.

Man whoever did that other game were geniuses. Even has larger environments!

As luck would have it. :)

Bear in mind the textures in TLOU2 are also meant to stream from a laptop HDD. You can't claim memory subsystem/storage magic for their quality here.
From that comparison TLOU 2 looks better to my eyes. Certainly looks like nothing is being done in the remake that wouldn't work just fine on a PS4.
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Oh, give me a break. It was aiming with the gun, which barely zooms in the screen compared to most games.

You need to calm down. Stop saying every critique of a game's presentation in a technical discussion thread is 'whining' for pete's sake.
I don't know what gave you the impression that I'm not calm but, I'm quite calm. Again, you said it was a sea of toothpaste? I asked you to post an image showing it's a sea of toothpaste and you responded by posting bad faith pictures. Again, there are texture issues but calling them ps3 level, I've even seen references to N64 level textures? That's a lie. I never once denied that this game had issues. I'm merely pointing out that we've reached the hyperbolic stage and it's not due to this game alone but, the frustration behind recent pc ports.

Finally, it comes off as whining and entitlement. You can easily bypass the texture problems yourself by getting a card with more vram. 3060 is fine, 6700xt is fine, etc. If you purchased the game and it doesn't run well, you can get a refund from steam. What is happening is there's now a concerning trend of games where it appears at certain settings, 8gb vram might not be enough. Of course, this was obvious to those who were paying attention but, there's a ton of people who bought cards with 8gb of vram in the last 3 years. It appears that there's buyers remorse as the posts come off as whining. The only people complaining about textures are those with GPUs that have 8gb vram or less and that's a personal problem. Again, consoles are the minimum spec and if you feel your gpu is still capable but, it's limited by vram, go complain to Nvidia or Amd. This is not the first poor pc port in history and it will not be the last.
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From that comparison TLOU 2 looks better to my eyes. Certainly looks like nothing is being in the remake done that wouldn't work just fine on a PS4.

There are definitely some spots where you can see better details on TLOU:RM sure, and overall texture detail is indeed higher - mostly. But a common question I saw often when TLOU:RM arrived is "Why isn't this on the PS4?", or a more specific critique that it was obviously just a jumped-up PS4 upgrade due to its many similarities with TLOU2. Hell the 'long' 15 second load times were used as further evidence it was only a 'sort-of-native' PS5 version.

Eventually as a consumer/reviewer, you have to judge what's actually delivered to the screen, and not simply because of what platform it originated on and just assume any bottlenecks you're seeing are justified based on that platforms raw specs. Yes, it's not a great gaming CPU - but it also perfectly reasonable to see a Ryzen 3600 being absolutely thrashed for close to a minute while your character sits still behind a crate because the game is decompressing assets for the next very pedestrian, very uninspired small warehouse environment you'll be slowing walking through for the next few minutes and wonder 'wtf?'. That just doesn't make sense for what you're seeing on screen.

Hell, speaking of environments:

Developer Naughty Dog unveiled some new information about The Last of Us Part 2 in today's State of Play livestream. During the showcase, director Neil Druckmann confirmed that the upcoming sequel features "some of the largest environments" Naughty Dog has ever created.
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maybe with the PS5 IO design they have more room with the VRAM to throw away what's not needed immediatly while on PC they keep more stuff in VRAM to compensate ?
Yea I saw the DF video. Now post the picture of the whole scene since you said it's a sea of toothpaste because nobody plays a game by walking around, looking down and zooming in on the grass.

Again, this game has other issues that are imo more pressing that needs to be fixed. The texture rendering issues where you just see black, lighting issues, animation issues, etc that needs to be fixed before we waste time worrying about the concerns of 8gb vram users.
Here is gameplay with a GTX1660TI - a GPU with more VRAM and more performance than a PS4 Pro:

For the fun: This is an emulation of the PS3 version on the PC in 4K:

/edit: And here is someone emulating the PS3 version with a 5800X and GTX1660TI:
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There are definitely some spots where you can see better details on TLOU:RM sure, and overall texture detail is indeed higher - mostly. But a common question I saw often when TLOU:RM arrived is "Why isn't this on the PS4?", or a more specific critique that it was obviously just a jumped-up PS4 upgrade due to its many similarities with TLOU2. Hell the 'long' 15 second load times were used as further evidence it was only a 'sort-of-native' PS5 version.

Eventually as a consumer/reviewer, you have to judge what's actually delivered to the screen, and not simply because of what platform it originated on and just assume any bottlenecks you're seeing are justified based on that platforms raw specs. Yes, it's not a great gaming CPU - but it also perfectly reasonable to see a Ryzen 3600 being absolutely thrashed for close to a minute while your character sits still behind a crate because the game is decompressing assets for the next very pedestrian, very uninspired small warehouse environment you'll be slowing walking through for the next few minutes and wonder 'wtf?'. That just doesn't make sense for what you're seeing on screen.

Hell, speaking of environments:
I think tlou part 1 was a "simple" job. They brute forced the game on PS5 to get the job done with the same tech they had to spend years optimizing to work well for PS4.

And then they were asked to port that code directly to PC without realizing how much of a hassle it would be to have to decouple everything they used on PS5 to a PC equivalent.

It seems like they use a lot of io streaming to take the load off of other parts of PS5 which they did not properly account for on PC port
I absolutely dont care if the Game runs well on someones Quad Core / GTX 1060. Neihter should the Devs
That's ridiculous to even ask for to happen.
PC only Titles can try and do that.
But PS5 First Party Titles should , can and will demand HW that hovers roughly around PS5 Specs. And HERE is the Full Stop! No where else!
So I agree, but the Devs did make a list of requirements for systems to run the game, with examples of resolutions and framerates. And the game does not match those performance targets. They recommended 8GB cards for high settings. In fact, the recommended specs are basically matched to the lower end machine in the DF video, yet it clearly was having issues.
It's crazy to think this games uses ~6GB of VRAM at 4k with these level of graphics.
Nah, it's crazy that other games look so poor while using more. Plenty of games look great on 6-8GB cards. TLOU is an outlier.
I think tlou part 1 was a "simple" job. They brute forced the game on PS5 to get the job done with the same tech they had to spend years optimizing to work well for PS4.

And then they were asked to port that code directly to PC without realizing how much of a hassle it would be to have to decouple everything they used on PS5 to a PC equivalent.

It seems like they use a lot of io streaming to take the load off of other parts of PS5 which they did not properly account for on PC port

That’s an interesting theory and would explain a lot. Intelligent asset streaming really should be a standard part of game engines these days though. If anything the faster IO should accelerate your existing streaming pipeline not completely replace it.

Nah, it's crazy that other games look so poor while using more. Plenty of games look great on 6-8GB cards. TLOU is an outlier.

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