Did I mention I got a job?

Yup, it happened.

Been working about 3 weeks now at Portillo's as "lead pasta", just finished up my training about 4-5 days ago and have been working solo since. It's a lot of work, but it's almost fun for me. :)

Just thought I'd mention, in case I've been missed from the boards at all. :p

Nice Digi! Do they have free Wi-Fi in restaurant?
You know, sneak your PC or laptop into the kitchen and you can have best of both worlds :idea: Work while browsing B3D or browse B3D while working :p
ive always been curious

have your eating habits changed at all since being there?
i.e surrounded by food for hours at a time
r u now hungry more often
or by the time u leave you dont really want to think of foood
Grats. :)

Just wondering... It's ok for you to go without your...err...habit, during work hours? :p You don't get like, cravings or munchies or whatever? (If you do, working at a restaurant would seem ideal! :LOL:)
Restaurants are tough work IMHO.
The food thing is two edged too...yes, you get sick of some things, but you get a discount and can pack on pounds. A good policy when working restaurants is to NOT eat the food there and pack your meals...
Arch, what are you doing, my role model? Stooping down to the things us lesser mortals do as well?
I'm earning monies, Ivy is coming this spring. ;) I don't consider any job "stooping"...I just consider 'em as opportunities for income. I ain't got no pride, besides they schedule me around my children at this place which is damned hard to find! :p

No my eating habits haven't changed, I haven't been eating as much lately but that started before I started working there....I've lost 20lbs in the past year without noticing it much and I'd like to continue that trend for a while.

It's REALLY made me appreciate days off, man they're a whole lot more precious/fun now! I gotta work this weekend and I'm not looking forward to it, although I am adjusting to the new job well and doing good with it. Still gotta work on my speed, but I got all the basics down now.
I don't consider any job "stooping"...

Bravo. I've been employed by whatever means since I was in fifth grade and can't understand people who will refuse paying work because it's "beneath them."

I'll say again, restaurant work is hard work.
Bravo. I've been employed by whatever means since I was in fifth grade and can't understand people who will refuse paying work because it's "beneath them."

I'll say again, restaurant work is hard work.
A moralistic reprimand from you, Mize? :D

I only refuse it when it's less than I get for free form the government, or it's mind-numbingly stupid.

As I have no formal education and don't go well with authority (politicians), I am hunting for a new job about once a year.

But it was a joke. Digi, if you're happy with it, great. Working in a restaurant is nice, there are always new and interesting people around.
Working in a restaurant is nice, there are always new and interesting people around.
I'm starting to appreciate lately just how lucky I am to have the position I have there working the bit I do, I have very little contact with the customers unless I want to have it. Win/win.

The people there are a trip, and it is actually a fun place to work. Now that I got done with the training, and more importantly now that I'm confident in my abilities to set-up/run my little portion of the kitchen, I'm really enjoying the job.

I forgot how big a variety of people there are out there, it's refreshing me in a good way. It's easy to get along with almost everyone, (with a couple of notable exceptions, but they're more funny than bad :LOL: Racist stuff, some people think that since I'm white like them I must be racist like them too. I personally find racism repugnant, and have been having a bit of fun with 'em for it. :) ), and I'm getting in to the cooking/prep. Found more than a few new tricks to use in my own kitchen. (And DAMN do I want some new hardware for my kitchen too! :D)

Kids are hungry, I has no time to myself anymore....well, that's not true. I don't have much time to myself on the days I work, but tomorrow I has off so it's all good after I put the kids to bed tonight. :cool:

It's a job, I likes it. Win/win.
Btw, my comment earlier on employment was not a dig at dig (lol) for not having been employed. Stay at home parents have a most important and challenging job and younger kids who have a parent willing and able to make that sacrifice are very fortunate.
I didn't think anyone was making a dig at me and I haven't been offended by anything said, if that helps any. :)

They hired me originally to be a "closer", one who works until 11pm and then sticks around after until everything is cleaned up; but they now want me as their "opener", who is who comes in 2-1/2 hours before the place opens and gets everything ready for the day.

I like this a whole lot better. I get off around the time the kids get off school, so I don't miss a whole lot of their day. The kids gave me their official approval on hearing the news today. :cool: