Dark Souls 3 [PS4,XO]

Finished it, took me 32 hours or so. Good game, just not as good as Bloodborne (mainly because of the gameplay). Some of the best bosses in the whole series though, highly recommended to beginners in the series as i think it has the best difficulty curve out of any souls game.
I spent almost twice that time in the game thus far. (about to cross the finish line as well I think) I did get quite distracted by the Aldrich covenant in Irithyll, though.
Hardest boss fight so far, only because he hits like a truck (i was basically 2 hit) also annoying camera in the first part of the fight

Interestingly I didn't find him the hardest (although he's right up there) or even most annoying boss fight in the game. The most annoying one was earlier (the big guy with the bracelets to avoid spoilers). IMO, the camera was even more annoying in that one. Although in co-op the boss you spoilered is pretty annoying if your partner likes to run away from attacks. You end up having to chase the damn thing forever. :p

And yes, this actually has a pretty gentle difficulty curve and even attempts to do a beginner's tutorial in the first area. Difficultly doesn't suddenly whack you in the face near the start of the game like past souls games.

They also don't do as many surprise death things as they did in past souls games. For example, there's no trapped chests anymore. There's also far less breakables that can kill you by rolling into them. Trigger plates for traps are a lot easier to see as well. Etc. There do seem to be more ambush setups though, but most can be found ahead of time if you are really observant, which I wasn't on most of them until my second playthrough where I'm all like, "I can seeeeeee you."

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Still using the deep axe +3.

What weapons are you guys using? Any recommendations? I heard that the standard long sword is a very good quality weapon.
I'm mostly using a +10 Butcher Knife. Has the moveset of an axe, its weapon art regenerates health on hit (how very, very Bloodborne), it has S scaling on strength, and it can be had before you're even done with the Undead Settlement. I mostly use it for bosses because mistiming a swing isn't an immediate death sentence like it would be with something like an Ultra Greatsword.
I'm also using a longsword infused with fire on a select few occasions (there are enemies in the game which fire incapacitates completely)
Other than that I'm really liking my Profaned Greatsword. It's an Ultra Greatsword which catches on fire if you charge your R2 attacks or use weapon arts. Like all of the really heavy weapons it's very well suited for taking on dangerous regular enemies due to its poise breaking capablities. Too slow for most bosses, though. It's a quality weapon with a C on both Strength and Dex, and it already hits like a truck despite my character barely exceeding its minimum requirement for Dex.

And the standard lonsword is indeed great. Fantastic moveset. Don't know which infusion it is, but there's one that increases both its dex and strength scaling attributes to a B each. That's really the thing with the From games. Sticking with the weapon you enjoy, no matter how early in the game you found it, tends to be a perfectly viable way to finish the game.
I spent almost twice that time in the game thus far. (about to cross the finish line as well I think) I did get quite distracted by the Aldrich covenant in Irithyll, though.

Dunno, I breezed through the game and killed every optional boss, collected most items and cleared every optional area. It was the easiest souls game I've played, never got stuck anywhere for more than 20 minutes. Maybe that's because i went through the entire list of chalice dungeons in Bloodborne twice with different characters and nothing in Ds3 was as challenging as these.
Didn't like the butcher's knife. Settled for the Claymore...which was a great sword :)-)) until I found the following:

While farming for some souls at Lothric Wall by killing the Dark Wraith repeatedly...I got his Dark Sword...aaaaamazing looks and great moveset (has the stomp weapon art, but is a straight sword).

Could upgrade it to +4 with the titanite I had stored (need moooar) and realised when I infuse this with heavy gem...it hits harder than my beloved Claymore+4 as it gets an A scaling in strength!!!

Did respec my char a little bit towards strength...I will never use another weapon ever...even when playing other games!!
If it helps, nothing in Dark Souls 3 ever reaches ToH (The old Hunters - Bloodborne dlc) level of difficulty. And it's a pretty short Dark Souls game (by souls standards).
Short?? 30h in and maybe in the middle (reached the dungeon).

Game has substance and lot's of content...don't miss the optional stuff :) again, totally worth it.

How long did it take you to finish @Clukos?
32~ hours, found every optional area, got almost all items and defeated all bosses (plus optional ones). I took my time as well, like i always do in souls games, explored as much as i could :D
BB took me a whole lot longer because of the chalice dungeons, plus some areas i think were way harder than anything I've seen in Ds3 so it took me more time to traverse through (the two nightmare levels for example), in total i think it took me 60+ hours for a complete playthrough. I've been using a sharp Uchikatana in Ds3 and now a Chaos blade as well, dex build.
Hmm. Bloodborne took me more than 70h without the dungeons. I _really_ took my time. In DS3 I am over 30h in and just arrived in Irithyll. I hope there is a lot more to come.

Also. Strangely I am always landing at a str/dex char with a battle axe. Always, every game ;)... I also cannot shake the BB playstyle with a lot of evasive maneuvers and little shield use.
Can't believe some people actually are able to finish these games.
I haven't been able to get past the first "tutorial" boss :mrgreen:
Maybe if I put more effort, but these games just frustrate the hell out of me. I get sooo pissed when I fail several times in a row that I feel too stressed out to continue.
Is there some Action Replay solution for PS4, I really would use it for these games.