Dark Souls 3 [PS4,XO]

Found the Deep Axe as well as the claymore.....but now I am stuck with weight issues :( ! I have lothric knight armour and Helm, coupled with claymore, with no shields, no other weapon, weight goes about 78% !!!
Switched to Deep Axe, but it's damage doesn't scale, and I can't tell where the "Dark" damage comes into play. My starting axe as a pyromancer does more basic damage and due to scaling.
They only give shards the first time you kill them iirc.

I used deep axe in the beginning. Was quite good without upgrades, so I had time to try out all weapons!

Nope, they have a random chance to drop titanite shards when killed. It's a fairly decent chance as well. I think I averaged somewhere around a 15-20% drop rate when I was farming them.

Found the Deep Axe as well as the claymore.....but now I am stuck with weight issues :( ! I have lothric knight armour and Helm, coupled with claymore, with no shields, no other weapon, weight goes about 78% !!!
Switched to Deep Axe, but it's damage doesn't scale, and I can't tell where the "Dark" damage comes into play. My starting axe as a pyromancer does more basic damage and due to scaling.

The dark damage is just non-physical damage. So if the weapon had 100 physical damage and 100 dark damage it would do 200 total damage. It's decent against average mobs. Really good against mobs weak to dark damage and not so good against mobs strong against dark damage. Also not good against mobs strong versus slashing damage, but conversely it's good versus mobs that are weak to slashing damage.

It doesn't scale with stats, but it has very high base damage and scales strongly with each level of reinforcement. Basically it's just a Dark infused weapon (you'll eventually be able to infuse any element you want onto a weapon if you desire). But when infusing an element to a weapon you lose stat scaling in favor of flat damage scaling when reinforcing weapons (+1 to +10). In some cases damage may scale better this way than with stat scaling. Raw infusion does something similar except it's all physical and not split between physical and elemental.

It's especially great early game if you don't want to put too many points into strength, dexterity, intelligence, or faith. And instead want to pump up Vigor (HP is always good), Vitality (so you can use heavier weapons and armor), and Endurance (so you can attack/dodge more before running out of stamina). So for instance a RAW, and to a slightly lesser extent elemental infusion build that focused on Vigor, Vitality, and Endurance would be an early game PVP monster as damage comes purely from reinforcing weapons. Also makes it very strong in PVE early game.

As for weapon load. If you are good at dodging or have a really good shield (100% block and high stability) you can skimp on armor to lower weight. Just make sure you have a piece of armor in every slot no matter how bad it is. If you leave one slot with no armor, you drastically reduce your damage mitigation.

I usually just wear whatever armor I think looks cool and that I have enough Vitality to wear without going over 30% or 60% weight. Depends on how far and how quickly I want to be able to dodge. 70+ I think puts you into heavy rolls for dodging which is bad. Unless you can mitigate a LOT of damage.

TL: DR - Weapons without stat scaling instead have greater scaling when reinforcing (+1 to +10 or +1 to +5)

Thanx for the info....my confusion stays as game keeps throwing new weapons at me , lol.
Slayed the fire demon and got a good armour which has lower weight but only slightly lower stats. That settles me for while.
I think I will end up with axes cos they have lower dex requirements and lower requirents generally, till now.
You can pretty much ignore heavy armor no matter how good you're at dodging shit. Worrying about armor stats in DS3 is almost as pointless as it was in Bloodborne, except Bloodborne didn't penalize you for making a fashion statement with fat rolling. Every armor in the game provides the exact same flat physical damage reduction. A bunch of tattered rags are just about as good as anything in DS3. Something ridiculously heavy such as Havel's set has a higher added absorbtion percentage and better poise, but the damage reduction via absorbtion is rather pitiful (and absorbtion scaling drops off of a cliff past the 20% absorbtion rate), and even lowly enemies seem to break your poise relatively easy in this game. Just make sure to fill each armor slot with at least something to get your flat damage reduction bonus.

Also stop worrying and just upgrade your stuff. As in all the souls games, upgrading your weapons beats upgrading your character. Besides, Titanite Shards are super common (and you can purchase them fairly early on too) and Large Titanite Shards aren't that much rarer. I maxed out 3 weapons during my first run and still had hundreds of Titanite Shards, dozens of Titanite Chunks and even 2 leftover Titanite Slabs in my inventory.
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How does non physical damage translate ? It has 103 physical and 103 dark damage on it. I mean it does not give me a 206 hit, does it? Or does it? I have never seen a 206 hit marker on any enemy.
It's a jrpg ar heart, so damage calculation is usually as bewildering you could possibly imagine. I think it goes something like this: The game calculates damage based on armor and resistances for your enemies just as it does for yourself. This means you'd only ever do theoretical max damage if your enemies had zero protection, and that's probably never the case. If you were up against a foe with no physical protection and 50% vs dark, I'd imagine you'd do 154/155 damage then. I'm not really sure about this, though. Split damage weapons in DS also tended to end up worse then the sum of their parts would suggest. Not sure why, though.
Damn game is too addicting, my eyes hurt now !

BTW, co op feels so good but the invasions are so damn irritating -__- ! Is there no in game mechanics, like the sinister bell woman of BB which we could find and kill, to stop invasions?
Don't use ember and you can't get invaded, at least that's what i thought when playing the game, is it any different?
I'm not even sure :D

I thought ember works like humanity in previous souls. Maybe it was a coincidence but i only got invaded when i used ember.
Chances of invasion are very less without an ember. But u need ember for co-op and when u r having a wonderful time with ppl some bastard drops in and spoils the whole fun and then another and another -_-!
At least in BB u could stop it by killing the bell woman.
But you need ember for coop?!

Yes. However, invasions tend to work sorta like the following.
  • Embered - you'll likely get one invasion then no invasions for a while. Or sometimes just no invasions. Luck of the draw.
  • Embered + Phantom - 1 phantom (co-op) increases the chances of an invasion, but after one invasion if neither of you die then you won't get one for a while. If your phantom dies and you summon them again, it resets the invasion timer so you can get invaded again almost immediately. More phantoms in party = more chance of invasion and chance for multiple invasions at the same time.
You can also cheese the system if you only need co-op help for bosses. Play un-embered through the level. Then when you are ready for the boss fight either (1) use an ember or (2) put your sign down and help someone kill the boss to get embered up. Then summon a co-op phantom and go into the boss fight.

If you are patient and somewhat good at dodging you can easily beat most invaders. The toughest ones I've found to beat are ones that go high Vigor, Vit, End and wear heavy armor (contrary to some opinions % mitigation continues to scale well past 20%, the person that originally posted the youtube video about mitigation got it wrong and eventually correctly his video) while using RAW weapons. Hence they have a ton of HP, good mitigation, good damage, and tons of stamina. When I face one of those (rare) I barely do any damage to their HP bar compared to people that go with more balanced stats. And they can spam a ton of attacks even with heavy weapons and get medium dodge rolls with heavy armor and heavy greatshield. It's kind of nuts. However, in that case, if you have a good elemental infused weapon, you can surprise them as they'll have extremely low elemental resistance. You'll still have to be very careful though as they'll have high poise and high stamina, meaning you won't be able to easily spam attacks on them. High physical mitigation armor usually has relatively terrible elemental mitigation.

The two phantoms who defeated me were both super high stamina ones. One had high stamina plus a fast weapon, which I almost defeated but he invaded at a time when I had no estus at all and already down to like 30% health.
But the other one was impossible !! He had extremely high stamina, he just wouldn't stop, had no armour, super agile and had focussed completely on spells ! Basically I couldn't even get near him, as he was faster and my stamina would run out and he kept spamming me with spells from a distance ! I had pyromancy so got a few hits but otherwise it was impossible to catch him and get a sword hit !!! Was the most annoying of them all and kept teasing me with gestures mid fight as I couldn't catch him at all[emoji38]! The most OP combo I have come across.... Had aptly named himself Gandalf !
The two phantoms who defeated me were both super high stamina ones. One had high stamina plus a fast weapon, which I almost defeated but he invaded at a time when I had no estus at all and already down to like 30% health.
But the other one was impossible !! He had extremely high stamina, he just wouldn't stop, had no armour, super agile and had focussed completely on spells ! Basically I couldn't even get near him, as he was faster and my stamina would run out and he kept spamming me with spells from a distance ! I had pyromancy so got a few hits but otherwise it was impossible to catch him and get a sword hit !!! Was the most annoying of them all and kept teasing me with gestures mid fight as I couldn't catch him at all[emoji38]! The most OP combo I have come across.... Had aptly named himself Gandalf !

It would have taken a while, but you could have just been patient and dodged all his spells until he ran out of FP and FP flasks. For situations like that it's also handy to have a shortbow (composite bow also works) and firebombs or throwing daggers. Any of which can easily hit spell casters unless they are good. If they have a lot of FP flasks they won't have very many estus flasks.
