Dark Souls 3 [PS4,XO]

I really hope there's an easy mode made available for soft cores like me, the amount of deaths I accumulated must be sky high by now:(. And it does frustrate the crap out of me, sometimes I just wanna soak in the art a bit, examine the wonderfully crafted models and so on without dying in an instant. Perhaps a photo mode would make things more interesting. I swear From would benefit heaps from a mode like that.

You just have to

Now in all seriousness, i think this is the most user friendly Souls game I've played. The first 2-3 areas are basically drawn out tutorials :p
I really hope there's an easy mode made available for soft cores like me, the amount of deaths I accumulated must be sky high by now:(. And it does frustrate the crap out of me, sometimes I just wanna soak in the art a bit, examine the wonderfully crafted models and so on without dying in an instant. Perhaps a photo mode would make things more interesting. I swear From would benefit heaps from a mode like that.
But then would it be a SOuls game at all? Would it be fun to play at all? ponder ponder ....

As for me,I will get this after UC4.
IMO, the game will be very boring on easy difficulty. The game's charm is eternal dread at each step. If that goes away, a lot of the percieved storytelling and the importance to preicision will go away, leaving behind a hack and slash grind to the end. I feel the dread, and the following releif of reaching a bonfire is the essential charm of the game.

and I am not even that good at these games. Still haven't beaten BB.
Although I don't need it...but why no added easy difficulty.

Wouldn't hurt anyone imo.

Easy mode

1. Use white signs to summon help. Be careful as there is rumored to be a ring that allows people to put down red signs (invader) and make them look like white signs. Most enemies as in all souls games are significantly easier if there are 2 people. You can ping pong backstab for instance with harder enemies (non-bosses). Alternatively you can just stun lock many enemies more easily and for longer periods of time with multiple players synchronizing attacks.

2. Make sure you can use some form of ranged attack decently. Many of the harder enemies can also be cheesed with ranged attacks. Notably some of the tough enemies in areas where summoning help is prohibited. In general ranged character builds make PvE a lot easier, but isn't good for PvP.

3. Normal mode IS easy mode for a Dark Souls game. :) New game +/++/+++/etc. each get successively harder.

BTW - Playing a Souls game again reminds me of why I like the Souls games far more than Bloodborne. The sheer variety of weapons and move sets and infusions for weapons opens up so much variety not only in combat style but in character builds as well.

Really fun boss fight this one

First one in the game where i had to learn the patterns of the boss to beat it, great soundtrack as well! As you can see i'm playing without a shield (pretty much playing the game like Bloodborne :)).
That's quite flat and last-gen. Can't wait for games to start looking a little bit more like this... (Cryengine V)


It's a pretty picture devoid of gameplay mechanics A.I., etc... kinda reminds me of Crysis 1 but the picture doesn't convey atmosphere and tension...it's just eye candy.

I was thinking about the eventual improvements in From Software 3d engines but they did crank out two games so far this gen... I would hope that they would go a bit more hardcore on the coding but that would probably apply more to a PS4 exclusive game effort unless they are also working on a 3d engine that targets each console (and probably the 4K PS4.5) as that would help them a lot more.

Of course the Souls games are more than just about graphics.


I probably should have added "more often" at the end of that sentence. Not that Battlefront actually looks like that but it's certainly closer.

Didn't Digital Foundry have that video comparison of Battlefront vs Return of the Jedi's Forest of Endor and speeder bike scenes?

I gather that the new shiny Crytek engine is targeting VR immersion with possible improvements to regular videogame genres like FPS

I really hope there's an easy mode made available for soft cores like me, the amount of deaths I accumulated must be sky high by now:(. And it does frustrate the crap out of me, sometimes I just wanna soak in the art a bit, examine the wonderfully crafted models and so on without dying in an instant. Perhaps a photo mode would make things more interesting. I swear From would benefit heaps from a mode like that.

Soak the art in a world that is supposed to make your alert senses higher.

What you are talking about is possible if you kill most of the enemy before they kill you...then you can kinda relax a bit...otherwise best form of advice is to learn the controls and pay attention to sounds because enemies can come at you from all angles...without apology or cheapness.
You just have to

Now in all seriousness, i think this is the most user friendly Souls game I've played. The first 2-3 areas are basically drawn out tutorials :p
Having trouble killing Vordt of the Boreal Valley, it's almost as annoying as Father Gascogne in BB. I am so gonna get rekt in later on lol.
Really fun boss fight this one
[removed spoiler so it doesn't show in reply]

First one in the game where i had to learn the patterns of the boss to beat it, great soundtrack as well! As you can see i'm playing without a shield (pretty much playing the game like Bloodborne :)).

That's actually one of the easier bosses. It gets more interesting. :)

I finally finished the game. It feels shorter than DS2. There's definitely less bosses (I think I read somewhere 19 compared to 35 [might include DLC]), but boss fights in general are better, IMO. Although there is one boss fight in particular that I do not think was designed well. NPC storylines are more convoluted and related to each other than in DS2. Some areas are impressively large. Some of the optional areas are tiny.

Was hoping for better world texture quality but there's only so much you can do with a game that takes up only 18.5 GB.

Also first part of the game feels extremely well done with a lot of polish. After that it feels like some areas were rushed while other areas still got the same polish as most of the first part of the game. In other words the game feels a bit inconsistent after you kill the first Cinder.

OK, now that I've gotten the most boring ending (linking the fire), time to get the other 3 endings (dunno if there are more than 4 endings as I'm still avoiding spoilers).

Anyway, this is definitely going to end up on my top 10 of 2016 list.

Not sure why I didn't think to do this before as it's usually the first thing I do. But if you have the PC version, do yourself a favor and turn off DoF. Those blurry backgrounds that look horrible (like mountains and distant castles), suddenly look pretty darn good. Improves the visuals outdoors quite significantly.

I'm such a noob in this game, is there a HP cap at level 25? I leveled up my vitality a couple of times but my base hp stat still stays the same?
* Turns out I'm an idiot, increase Vigor for HP. Still confusing tho if you didn't know.
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Not sure why I didn't think to do this before as it's usually the first thing I do. But if you have the PC version, do yourself a favor and turn off DoF. Those blurry backgrounds that look horrible (like mountains and distant castles), suddenly look pretty darn good. Improves the visuals outdoors quite significantly.


Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

In all seriousness, I've always liked the out-of-focus distant objects.
Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

In all seriousness, I've always liked the out-of-focus distant objects.

Yes, I should have included, "in my opinion." However, since real vision doesn't work like that when you focus on distant objects, I find it quite objectionable. If I focus on a mountain in real life with my eyes, it's nice and sharp and not blurry and out of focus. I suppose using DOF is like putting in Chromatic aberration or lens flare into games. It gives it that look like it was filmed with a camera where it doesn't care where the viewer is looking. Personally I dislike all of that.

Hopefully developers won't use DoF in VR as it shouldn't be needed. And maybe someday when foveated rendering and eye tracking are a thing, maybe DoF can actually be used somewhat realistically, although even there I doubt it'd be able to track at what depth your eyes are focused. Meaning DoF will still be a horrible (again IMO) kludge.

Hardest boss fight so far, only because he hits like a truck (i was basically 2 hit) also annoying camera in the first part of the fight
^^The Dragonslayer Greatshield made this son of a bitch a good deal more manageable (absorbs 95% of lightning-based damage, negates physical damage entirely, and it almost matches Havel's greatshield in stability. Of course it's also heavy as fuck), but he was still a really tough customer. And yeah, the first part of the fight was really more about camera management than anything. Good fight, though.