Dark Souls 3 [PS4,XO]

OK, I just spend 11 hours straight on it. Game is beautiful. Runs well. Kills me a lot. Kills me more. Than laughs and kills me again.

Most fun in a death simulator in a long time. :p Now I should sleep, but I don't want to. Need to die more.

fought like 4 bosses so far, beat first on first try, rest maybe 2-3 tries. Seems easier than BB in terms of boss battles. Not a bad thing honestly, game is more relax and more fun and the challenges are still there.
After OoK everything seems easy :D

Really enjoying the game so far, only beaten the last boss but I like it, even though i do miss the trick weapons!
Played a bit more, gameplay is definitely simplified in comparison to Bloodborne. But the game is really good, just too easy so far, not even using a shield and breezing through :D
I liked Bloodborne, but I'm not masochist enough to get this one.
Yes, you all say it's easier, but I know it's a trap !
So, the amount of hp you get back from the estus does not scale with you hp stat like in bloodborne :(

Do the invincible frames during rolling increase with the level of a specific stat, as in DS2? Or are they fixed like in BB?
So, the amount of hp you get back from the estus does not scale with you hp stat like in bloodborne :(

Do the invincible frames during rolling increase with the level of a specific stat, as in DS2? Or are they fixed like in BB?

You need to find special bones (forgot what they are called) that you burn in the bonfire to increase the potency of your flasks. Mine for example are +5 now and heal significantly more than a non-upgraded flask. Most regions should have at least one bone you can find.

BTW - pansy arse invaders are getting to be really really tiresome. If you are going to invade someone, fight. Don't run away like a chicken and hide in enemies. Even though I'm currently beating ~90-95% of the invaders into my world, it's getting so annoying that I wish I could just turn off the feature until I finish the story mode at least once. When you have to chase a freaking scaredy cat invader for 15 minutes because they just keep running, it's a waste of my time.

You need to find special bones (forgot what they are called) that you burn in the bonfire to increase the potency of your flasks.

Yeah you can use this to increase estus healing
Yeah some areas really shine, although i think it's less consistent than Bloodborne visually, some areas look really bad, like this one:


I probably should have added "more often" at the end of that sentence. Not that Battlefront actually looks like that but it's certainly closer.
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I really hope there's an easy mode made available for soft cores like me, the amount of deaths I accumulated must be sky high by now:(. And it does frustrate the crap out of me, sometimes I just wanna soak in the art a bit, examine the wonderfully crafted models and so on without dying in an instant. Perhaps a photo mode would make things more interesting. I swear From would benefit heaps from a mode like that.