Dark Souls 3 [PS4,XO]

I'm past the second boss. Game is OK, not really into it yet. The combat is still slow and plodding. Tons of gear, but none of it is worth using. I'm still using everything I started with.
I'm past the second boss. Game is OK, not really into it yet. The combat is still slow and plodding. Tons of gear, but none of it is worth using. I'm still using everything I started with.

That's one of the hallmarks of the Souls games. You can progress as fast or as slow as you want or your skill allows. You can use as little or as much gear as you want or your skill allows. Combat is as slow or as fast as your skill allows. Once your skill is high enough there aren't many enemies that can't be taken down extremely quickly.

There are already people doing speed runs at Soul Level 1. And all bosses speed runs (any SL) is getting close to being doable in an hour.

If your skill is good enough the only gear that you need is a good weapon and maybe an offhand that you are comfortable parrying with (to make runs faster).

If you want to be a tank you can be a tank (getting mitigation to ~50% or more with the use of Iron Flesh or ~35-40% is easily achieved without). If you want to be fast and agile you can. If you want to be a stealth thief that backstabs everything with Zero risk you can. Hell you can even play a build that makes your enemies do your fighting for you (Rapport).

It's very much focused around how you want to play the game and whether your current skill level allows you to play that way. :)

On the one hand I really enjoy the fact that your starting gear stays viable all the way through. On the other hand it sort of devaluates most late game weapons, particularly the ones forged from boss souls. Heck, most boss weapons downright suck when pitted against super basic gear like the longsword of godly awesomeness. This worked rather well for Bloodborne because your options were fewer yet far more distinct. Picking up a new weapon in Bloodborne wasn't so much about hunting for maximum damage, but a desire for switching up your play style.

In DS3, the countless variations within weapon classes aren't particularly noteworthy, so you might as well stick with the first thing you find comfortable to use.
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It also comes down to each particular weapons move sets. As well as whether you want quick hitting or hard hitting or something in between. While the Greatsword (which happens to be an Ultra Greatsword, go figure), for example, is the highest damaging weapon in the game, it isn't for everyone. The starting assassin weapon, the Estoc, is considered by many to be extremely OP and cheesy for PvP, but it's still not everyone's favorite weapon to use in PvP. Hell, Havel's Greatshield when 2 handed is an amazingly effective PvP weapon, but fails miserably as a PvE weapon.

Every single weapon in DS3 is viable. It just comes down to what you want to use (looks, style, move set, whatever), do you feel comfortable using it, and what do you want to use it for (PvP or PvE).

I think the problem with many of the boss weapons is that they are sometimes very situational. As some are extremely powerful versus certain other bosses, but might not be as good in general use. And there are always exceptions. For example, the Dragonslayer Greatshield, almost makes the Nameless King's second phase trivial. And that's just one of many examples.

And that doesn't mean that boss weapons can't be as good in general use as regular weapons. Like the above example of the Estoc being extremely OP for a quality PvP build. But the Crystal Sage's Rapier is equally as OP with an Int/Dex build and has the added bonus of +50 item find if you are trying to farm something.

And hell for souls fashion? Boss weapons are fantastic. It's hard to beat something as flashy as the Dancer's Enchanted Sword (used to be semi OP in PvP with endless stunlock but got nerfed) or the Demon's Fist (semi decent in PvP also as it gives hyper armor with the buff combined with quick parry animation). :)

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Yeah, this is also my only problem with the DS games...the boss weapons are bot very good.

Exception iiirc, in DS2, the sacred chime hammer was a boss weapon and for me indeed one of the best.
There are some good ones in DS3 too. I quite like my +5 Profaned Greatsword (I think it's a Pontiff weapon). Does wonders against all the knight type enemies. Still, so far nothing could touch the bog standard longsword or the Dark Sword for me. Unlike all the boss weapons I've crafted so far, you can also enchant or buff them with whatever the hell you want, making them even more deadly. Honorable mention goes out to the Sunlight Blade, which is at least a very late game weapon. Not a boss weapon, but also not something you can pick up within the first hour.
Wow, so I ma not alone :D. I stay undecided between the Longsword, Dark Sword and Claymore. lathout I love the look of Exiled Greatsword so much that I played a huge chunk of game with it and still whip it out when I want to do major damage in one or two hits !
Apparently, you can get a nice sword from the Ari side quest, which scales brutally with luck and gives you one of the best swords which hits with as much as 800AR :oops:
Apparently, you can get a nice sword from the Ari side quest, which scales brutally with luck and gives you one of the best swords which hits with as much as 800AR :oops:

Yeah Anri's Straight Sword is easily one of the best weapons in the game. It has excellent scaling with Luck and scales reasonably well with added Dex or Str. It has innate bleeding which is enhanced by the Luck stat. It grants 2 hp/sec HP regen like a blessed weapon. AND, it can still be buffed, unlike a blessed weapon. AND it's a reasonably fast weapon. Very fast for a straight sword but obviously still not as fast as a rapier or dagger class weapon.

I'm actually digging Gundyr's Halberd quite a bit as well. It has a very punishing weapon art that tracks enemies insanely well. Be careful to not become predictable with it in PvP however as it is easily riposted if they know you are going to use it. If they don't, however, it'll wreck then pretty hard.

I also dig a lot of the heavy weapons (great axes, great swords, ultra great swords, and halberds) as they all grant hyper armor (attacks can't be interrupted) which means they always trade well with enemies. Especially enemies with very quick attacks that can easily interrupt you. You do have to be somewhat patient and plan your attacks due to their generally slow attack windups, however. And if you get a riposte off with the bigger ones (like the Fume Ultra Greatsword), you'll usually one shot almost anyone in PvP with a build that takes advantage of a heavy weapon.

My current favorite weapon to mess around with right now is the Gotthard Twinswords. Excellent move set, especially when 2 handed (many attacks will hit twice). Can be infused or buffed and has good scaling.

Dark Souls 3 in first person is amazing, and not as janky as the first person efforts on previous versions of the game.

Best thing is, it allows strafing without having to be locked on. Meaning that you don't need to be locked on to always be facing an enemy in order to attack them. Normally to accomplish something similar without locking on you have to push your character towards the enemy to attack them. In other words, your character is always facing the direction they are moving (except when locked on) and they always attack the direction they are facing. This makes it so that your character is facing the direction of the camera, not necessarily the direction they are moving. In other words, more like a first person game or a more traditional 3rd person action game.

First person is also incredibly immersive, especially when making jumps. Onto small ledges. Where you die if you miss. Also really gives a breath taking sense of scale of just how large some of the bosses are in relation to the player.


Can someone tell me what sword that is and where to get it ? I was exaclty ar this place when i moved onto someother game and just suddenly saw this video and i dived back in. But i can't get over how powerful his sword is and how cool it looks !
I am with Dark sword and armour of thorns right now and ar thai exact place. I had died near the giant last i played it.

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Can someone tell me what sword that is and where to get it ? I was exaclty ar this place when i moved onto someother game and just suddenly saw this video and i dived back in. But i can't get over how powerful his sword is and how cool it looks !
I am with Dark sword and armour of thorns right now and ar thai exact place. I had died near the giant last i played it.

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That's the Fume Ultra Greatsword.


Relatively easy to get. It's powerful, but very heavy and very slow (as are all greatswords). It used to be relatively good, but got a massive nerf back in patch 1.03. I'm not sure it's worth using anymore.

I really don't understand why a predominately single player experience has to suffer from moba-like nerfing bullshit. People, stop treating this thing like it's a Street Fighter game. DS is pretty much unbalanced by design.
My dreams are doomed already?
I am pretty fine with great swords, was usjng the Curved one for major part of the game as it looked and sliced super slick ! Lets see, but the news of the nerf basically killed my interest in the weapon.

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I really don't understand why a predominately single player experience has to suffer from moba-like nerfing bullshit. People, stop treating this thing like it's a Street Fighter game. DS is pretty much unbalanced by design.
Cos people are so concerned about thier end game pvp skills. I for one dont care one bit, never cared in any souls game, its all about the weapons, how i look, the super special enemies that these game shave and the moody mind twisting maps !

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I'm pretty sure that in the case of Souls, players like you and me are in the vast majority. As per usual, it's the vocal minority that's being catered to here.
Heck, most PvP encounters in DS turn into gank fests anyway (which I'm perfectly okay with). The convenants are pretty much designed to make things nasty.
DS3 is a game where you already have to self-govern an awful lot in order to have a somewhat fair go at each other, so why not go the extra mile and limit yourself from using "broken" weapons instead of ruining the fun for others.
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lol you guys make this game sound so good ;)
If I didn't read this thread I don't think I would have booted this game up again. I'm at Boreal Valley Dungeon. After reading everything here, I dropped my shield, and started 2Handing my wolfs great sword. lol not sure if this is the right thing, but I'm certainly killing a lot faster than 1handing it.

I'm level 55, I'm not sure if I have enough souls, any idea on what to do if you just need more power? Do you go back to older areas and just farm for souls?
I usually farm for crafting items instead, but since most of them are enemy drops that get rarer as the game progresses, you cannot help but collect a metric ton of souls in the process anyways. Having a higher soul level helps of course, but upgrading your gear boosts your survivability a lot quicker.
Your soul level is fine, btw.
lol you guys make this game sound so good ;)
If I didn't read this thread I don't think I would have booted this game up again. I'm at Boreal Valley Dungeon. After reading everything here, I dropped my shield, and started 2Handing my wolfs great sword. lol not sure if this is the right thing, but I'm certainly killing a lot faster than 1handing it.

I'm level 55, I'm not sure if I have enough souls, any idea on what to do if you just need more power? Do you go back to older areas and just farm for souls?

If you are good at dodging and reading enemy "tells" then you don't need a shield. Shields are used to either make defense easier (timing is less critical and stamina management more important) or to vastly increase your DPS by parrying (bucklers, fists, and some light weapons though there are exceptions). Although some shields in the game are quite nice to have equipped but never used as they provide passive bonuses like stamina regen, bonus amount of souls dropped, etc.

As mentioned in the post before mine, upgrading weapons is much more efficient for DPS than upgrading your level (A +5 weapon does vastly more damage than a +1, for example, and a +9 significantly more than a +5) . Stats are important but for reasons that are mostly indirectly related to damage (though if your weapon has A or S stat scaling, it can still be significant). Things like meeting weapon minimum requirements, having enough encumbrance to wear the vanity armor you want to wear, a level of stamina that you're comfortable with, etc.
