Dark Souls 3 [PS4,XO]

The toughest ones I've found to beat are ones that go high Vigor, Vit, End and wear heavy armor (contrary to some opinions % mitigation continues to scale well past 20%, the person that originally posted the youtube video about mitigation got it wrong and eventually correctly his video) while using RAW weapons.


Even if the scaling works as expected, the benefits are still pitifully small. I'm usually rocking the Wolf armor set because it's rather lightweight for what it's offering. The Ava armor set is another great bang-for-the-buck type of set. Now if I were to exchange it for something like the Dragon Armor or Moore set (the one Eygon wears), armor weight would damn near double while the absorbtion percentage would go up by a whopping one or two percent. As far as damage is concerned, that's a negligible difference no matter whether the scaling works or not. You're far better off just equipping something like the Ring of Steel Protection if that percentage number looks worrisome to you. It adds something like 10 percent for a just one single weight unit.
If you're up against another player that seems to take little or no damage at all, he probably has ridiculous amounts of vigor to begin with while further extending his pool of health with rings.

Armor was always kinda borked in From games, and DS3 is no exception.
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DS2 had some fairly cool ideas, and I was hoping for at least some of them to make a comeback in DS3 (Pharos lock stone devices, a much more interesting new game+, raising an area's difficulty via bonfires, armor that actually does make a bit of a difference). It also had 3 phenomenal pieces of dlc. Overall it was just too scattershot for me, though. So many uninteresting bosses, uninspired and ugly (the forest area), incredibly annoying (Shrine of Amana) or just plain nonsensical locations (an invisible volcano with Bowser's Castle in the middle apparently floating above a giant windmill powered by poison), annoying enemy gank squads, soul memory, obtuse and completely random puzzle mechanics (there's exactly one environmental thing you can burn with the torch. You also have to be in a really specific spot in order for it to work. Plus it's basically mandatory) and some of the biggest bullshit enemies in the series (Duracel-powered hammer Knights in Dragon Aerie).

For me, DS1 still reigns supreme. Runner up would be Bloodborne, followed by DSIII, then DS2 and lastly Demon's Souls. They're all really good, though.
I still really like DS2 for the story and expanded world. The world was larger but not as coherently linked as DS3. I like that in DS3 I can literally see everything I'm going to explore or has been explored that is visible from the place I'm currently exploring. You can actually SEE the path of your journey in game at any time. That coherency is fantastic and all locations are linked immediately without zoning = mysteriously travelled huge distances that you don't get to see. It feels like a world with the exception of the Firelink Shrine area being somewhat disconnected from the rest of the world, although you can still see a major location you'll be going to from. The same for
Archdragon Peak
although again you can at least see it from where you leave to go there. I just wish it was as large as DS2 (without DLC). I also prefer the village style hub of DS2 over the shrine hub of DS3.

DS2 also seemed to offer up more story and lore (again pre-DLC) but NPC storylines were more straight forward. I liked how the NPC interactions are more nuanced and intertwined in DS3. For example,

Patches, Siegward, and Greirat having intertwined storylines.
Anri, Yoel, Yuria, and Orbeck having their storylines intermingled.

I definitely don't miss soul memory. And I like a major improvement in DS3 over both DS2 and DS1. The ability to co-op with a friend regardless of how far apart your levels are via the use of a password. I didn't like that there were a few areas where you were prohibited from summoning a co-op friend. Luckily there weren't many of those and most of them were very small areas.

Can't wait to see what the DLC is like. I hope it's as high quality as the DLC was for DS2.

HAve to say 23 hours in, this has to be the easiest of them all, considering my progress. Maybe its just because Pyromancy's ranged attacks get me through most of the tough enemies. I am not using a shield at all, have flame in one hand and Exile Greatsword in the other and haven't really hit a place where I would bang my head against a wall yet. AM in the Cathedral of the Deep currently and this place does throw mobs at you which is a bit tricky, but nothing yet which would make me give up !

Was Pyromancy a good viable option in DS2 too? If so, maybe I can go back to that game, cos I gave up on that really early, the shortening health bar really made me depressed after each try.
oh, and would kill for DS1 remake on next gen with these new BB level gfx. I completely missed out on that game due to other games and the high price it sold for in my country at that time.
I too think it's the easiest Souls I've played but maybe that's because of my experience. I also think pound for pound it has the best and most creative boss fight in a souls game.
Yeah, each iteration was easier and easier for me...Demon Souls was really the hardest, and is still the one I didn't finish back than (even with the nice walkthrough/guide book I had in my special edition, lol).

I do like the openness and non-linearity of DS2 best. I also liked that it felt so massive with so much content.

I do like the rpg nuances better in DS2: you have to upgrade attunement to increase the iframes...was a game changer. Equipment weight had a strong impact even below 70%. No focus, but spells with certain amount of 'ammo', you could stack the spells to get more. Poise did work and was a great mechanic. Etc etc...DS2 feels much deeper to me in combat than the others, but it is my personal impression only of course (can't really remember Demon...)
Yeah, each iteration was easier and easier for me...Demon Souls was really the hardest, and is still the one I didn't finish back than (even with the nice walkthrough/guide book I had in my special edition, lol).

I do like the openness and non-linearity of DS2 best. I also liked that it felt so massive with so much content.

I do like the rpg nuances better in DS2: you have to upgrade attunement to increase the iframes...was a game changer. Equipment weight had a strong impact even below 70%. No focus, but spells with certain amount of 'ammo', you could stack the spells to get more. Poise did work and was a great mechanic. Etc etc...DS2 feels much deeper to me in combat than the others, but it is my personal impression only of course (can't really remember Demon...)

I hated the iframes stuff. As a melee character it just felt like wasting points for what was essentially a base level functionality in all the other Souls games. Unlike the stupid luck stat in DS3, it's not something you could simply ignore. I mean good luck getting around Fume Knight's attacks with the base amount of iframes.

I also think DS3 seems like the easiest, but if you were to go back to the old ones, the sheer amount of bosses which are complete pushovers would probably surprise you. I watched a boss compilation video yesterday, and the openings most of these bosses leave you with after certain attack patterns is surprisingly generous. The older games generally had way longer treks between bonfires and some truly fiendish level designs. If you went into the earlier games with a decade worth of Soulsborne knowledge, Bloodborne might actually be the toughest of the bunch. Especially if you factor in the chalice dungeons.
So... Coming from Dark Souls Prepare to Die, should I go straight to Dark Souls 3 or go to "Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin" first ?
Or wait for a special edition such as Prepare to Die or Scholar of the First Sin ?
I hated the iframes stuff. As a melee character it just felt like wasting points for what was essentially a base level functionality in all the other Souls games. Unlike the stupid luck stat in DS3, it's not something you could simply ignore. I mean good luck getting around Fume Knight's attacks with the base amount of iframes.

I also think DS3 seems like the easiest, but if you were to go back to the old ones, the sheer amount of bosses which are complete pushovers would probably surprise you. I watched a boss compilation video yesterday, and the openings most of these bosses leave you with after certain attack patterns is surprisingly generous. The older games generally had way longer treks between bonfires and some truly fiendish level designs. If you went into the earlier games with a decade worth of Soulsborne knowledge, Bloodborne might actually be the toughest of the bunch. Especially if you factor in the chalice dungeons.

Agreed, defiled chalice must be one of the hardest things I've completed in a Souls game. The normal bosses on the other hand are fairly balanced and most of them you can parry cheese and win easily if you time it correctly. The DLC on the other hand though... I can still hear Orphan of Kos screaming in my head :neutral:
Agreed, defiled chalice must be one of the hardest things I've completed in a Souls game. The normal bosses on the other hand are fairly balanced and most of them you can parry cheese and win easily if you time it correctly. The DLC on the other hand though... I can still hear Orphan of Kos screaming in my head :neutral:
DON'T talk about that DLC, I haven't killed Ludwig yet -_- !
So... Coming from Dark Souls Prepare to Die, should I go straight to Dark Souls 3 or go to "Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin" first ?
Or wait for a special edition such as Prepare to Die or Scholar of the First Sin ?
Go for DS3 ! I would say, the rest can also chime in with their opinions. DS2 lacked th emood and motivation for me. With DS3: I can't stop playig.

Bloodborne is still my :love: simply because of its art style !
Agreed, defiled chalice must be one of the hardest things I've completed in a Souls game. The normal bosses on the other hand are fairly balanced and most of them you can parry cheese and win easily if you time it correctly. The DLC on the other hand though... I can still hear Orphan of Kos screaming in my head :neutral:

I honestly thought Orphan was a piece of piss (one of the very few bosses in the game I killed without using retries) compared to Ludwig and especially Laurence. That dude I consider to be the single most troublesome enemy in all the Souls/Souls-like games. Granted, it was on new game+ and I was fairly powerful at that time thanks to a whole bunch of lovely blood gems from the Chalice dungeon, but Laurence still wasn't impressed. The only challenge in BB that come close was that one hunter you had to fight at the end of Aileen's quest line.
I honestly thought Orphan was a piece of piss (one of the very few bosses in the game I killed without using retries) compared to Ludwig and especially Laurence. That dude I consider to be the single most troublesome enemy in all the Souls/Souls-like games. Granted, it was on new game+ and I was fairly powerful at that time thanks to a whole bunch of lovely blood gems from the Chalice dungeon, but Laurence still wasn't impressed. The only challenge in BB that come close was that one hunter you had to fight at the end of Aileen's quest line.

I think like all the souls series it really depends on the level and gear, i think OoK was easier the second time through with my over-leveled and well geared up character as well. After a point, leveling up makes Souls games very easy. The difficult part about the defiled chalice was that no matter how leveled up you were, the quirk of the dungeon really made you play at the best of your abilities.
Hmm....where the hell do i go after beating Aldrich ???

Assuming you have killed all 3 Lords of Cinder up to that point, you should automatically get teleported to a certain location to fight a certain boss (many consider this the first challenging boss, although I see you cheesed it). There will be hints in the area you get teleported to.

The 3 Lords up to this point will be.

Abyss Watchers - Farron Keep
Aldritch - Anor Londo
Yhorm the Giant - Profaned Capital

If you didn't get all 3 and get teleported yet, then I'm going to guess I know which one you are missing. You'll want to explore
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
for another exit that you probably missed.

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Assuming you have killed all 3 Lords of Cinder up to that point, you should automatically get teleported to a certain location to fight a certain boss (many consider this the first challenging boss, although I see you cheesed it). There will be hints in the area you get teleported to.

The 3 Lords up to this point will be.

Abyss Watchers - Farron Keep
Aldritch - Anor Londo
Yhorm the Giant - Profaned Capital

If you didn't get all 3 and get teleported yet, then I'm going to guess I know which one you are missing. You'll want to explore
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
for another exit that you probably missed.


Killed 2 IIRC......and yea I went the swordsman way with Dancer of the Boreal Valley. A friend had come over and showed me the way. It was fun actually to see it is part of the lore in some way, though executed like a glitch !

I was not clicking on the spoiler tags, but quoting ur post revealed it all ! Looks like i have not found a whole area yet. Wonder where it is though, cos I thought I cleared all of Irithyll pretty well. lets see .....

Edit: Oh and Aldrich and Sullivan were tough too, took me quite some tries and then co op to beat them.