Wow, lots of straw men and revisionist history
Let me add my observations.
Multi-platform game franchises sell, all the forum bickering over best exclusives is just noise. I'd like to add the best launch game IMO is AC4, which is a complete surprise to me considering my past experiences ith AC games.
KZ, FM, DR are all B-tier franchises, they don't sell consoles. Sorry folks, never have and apparently won't start now.
Children's games that are not
Lego or
Skylanders are not going to sell to early adoptors who are mostly males, most without kids. Sorry
Knack and
Zoo Tycoon. I would not have bought Knack if it were not for my son falling in love with it at Gamestop. He has finished three times, while I have got to chapter 3.
Sony and MS could sell any console at just about any price for the first million or two. The demand for a next gen system is huge. Meaningful sales number are not going to come out until all stores have them in stock and supply outstrips demand. Then you will finally measure the demand.
Sony was smart shipping enough consoles to the US and UK to take the crown while shipping to the other countries to raise good will and start word of mouth.
MS was smart focusing on NA and UK to feed the two markets were they will sell out. They also skipped many smaller countries where the media and voice stuff would have been broken and possibly made negative word of mouth. Now they have time to finish some of the localization and TV integration.
Sony was smart delaying Driveclub. The launch window was already crowded and multi-platform games dominated. Now they can finish the game and release it when it is quite. MS should have done the same with FM. They should have given T10 time to make more content and balanced the economy better.
Sony should have shipped GT6 in Sept, not related to these NPDs, but it will come up next month. High profile last gen games are kind of doomed under the rush to next gen. Time for GT7 prologue.