All purpose sales and sales rumors/anecdotes thread next gen+

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Or XB1 owners are more into DD. Or that additional $100 is acting as barrier to the number of initial games purchases.

That's exactly what I was going to say. You have to realize that the people buying the One right now are not those who were bitching and complaining about the "restrictions" at the reveal, those people for the most part weren't going to buy the console anyway, or would only pick it up as a second console years down the road. The people buying the One right now are those that actually liked all the features MS was talking about and the vision that MS has for its console and the future of gaming and entertainment.

They are the people who are thrilled to be DD'ing all their games, saving them to the cloud, and not having to go back into stores during crazy holiday time to pick up a game.

I've got a PS3, but I've never purchased a single disc for it. All of the games I've bought on it were DD, because Sony was well ahead of the curve on that at the end of last generation. When I bought my PS3, the store was sold out of Last. I was originally pissed and almost didn't buy the console until I remembered I could just DD it when I got home, which is what I did.

That's a Sony example, but it's coming from a hardcore 360 user. I think Xbox users, particularly those that are first adopters now for the One, are very comfortable with DD. Which makes perfect sense since that is MS's sole purpose - not only for games, but music, movies, TV, etc.

So these software attach rates, which I agree are huge indicators as to the health of a console, are virtually meaningless at this point. I don't even think they can be used as a basis for extrapolation because the user bases (right now - among first adopters) are hugely different. Each base is buying the console they want based upon their biases and desires, and while the hardware is similar, it's clear the vision for the two consoles is quite different.
very rare! Perhaps non existant, has it ever happened?
You mention Gears of war (not release game but a year afterward) but its initial ~3month attach rate is about 30%, Which is a long way shy of 80%

I think its mainly if you have all the consoles what version of bf4/COD/AC etc do you buy. Well the ps4 version in all cases is significantly better, its not much of a no brainer that people are gonna pick it up.
Perhaps people who cant buy the ps4 will buy some ps4 software instead, OK sounds crazy aye? But a couple of weeks ago in german or UK I forget which, PS4 software was high in the sales charts, and the thing wasnt available to buy yet!

SMB via bundle
Or XB1 owners are more into DD (MS embraced full DD early and initially had a larger DD library). Or that additional $100 is acting as barrier to the number of initial games purchases.

I buy the latter. The former? Not so much.
Or XB1 owners are more into DD (MS embraced full DD early and initially had a larger DD library). Or that additional $100 is acting as barrier to the number of initial games purchases.

Sony has been doing of day one digital for many releases for a while and it is new to the XB platform, so I doubt their is any bias towards DD for retail releases for either platform.
Meh , launch day I bought Dead rising retail , killer instinct DD . This month we bought ryse and peggle. Next month will be that zoo game I think and that would be digital.

I hate changing discs , so thank you internet for ruining that
Sony has been doing of day one digital for many releases for a while and it is new to the XB platform, so I doubt their is any bias towards DD for retail releases for either platform.

Sony D1D is about a year old but MS offered full DD earlier. Neither says how readily either userbaser makes use of DD. But there is nothing to say that both userbases are the same in terms of digital buying habits.
Live had an advantage in being Live Arcade selling more initially, but Somy definitely picked things up significantly later on.

I had Killzone as a pack in, and so did probably 1:10. I think it probably did a little more than 25%, but definitely if you look at the number of players online, the figures seem to match the current sales numbers of the three shooters.

I always thought that if Sony managed 1:1 vs Microsoft in the US, that would be a great win for them, because they have been more like 1:2 since the last two years of the PS2 vs Xbox era in the US.

People shouldn't expect too much from Japan either. It only seemed to matter insofar as the worldwide sales of PS3 and 360 were so close for so long, but in the end, what's a couple of million over the whole of a generation? I look at the PS4 and see little reason why the Japanese would buy one rather than a PS3.

As for Forza, I think it was very important for MS to have that at launch. Despite the microtransactions hate, it's the game I've heard by far the most positive things about in the press and otherwise. The One would have been far worse off without it on the short and medium turn.
Or XB1 owners are more into DD (MS embraced full DD early and initially had a larger DD library). Or that additional $100 is acting as barrier to the number of initial games purchases.

I buy the latter. The former? Not so much.
I agree with mrcorbo.

I see no reason why Xbox One owners would buy more digital copies. The PS4's play-go system works very well. And Sony included a $10 PSN credit with every NA PS4, giving even more incentive to purchase digital copies.
I agree with mrcorbo.

I see no reason why Xbox One owners would buy more digital copies. The PS4's play-go system works very well. And Sony included a $10 PSN credit with every NA PS4, giving even more incentive to purchase digital copies.

Its really dependent on a bunch of unclear factors. I think the biggest one being which ever 360/PS3 userbase has better online marketplace participation will probably lead to at least initially a higher participation in digital distribution purchases on next gen consoles.

I don't know or have an opinion on which userbase uses it marketplace more, but a user who is used to DD on their current console will more readily use it their newer console.

In the US at least there are probably a higher number of DD users on the 360 simply because its a bigger userbase. And the fact that it seems that MS has always placed alot of value on its Live marketplace. But I have no ideal because while I have used the PS Store, I have never used Live Marketplace. And MS nor Sony don't push out enough info to highlight in depth user behaviors on their online markets.

I just put it out "Or" statement as a possibility not as a fact.
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Its really dependent on a bunch of unclear factors. I think the biggest one being which ever 360/PS3 userbase has better online marketplace participation will probably lead to at least initially a higher participation in digital distribution purchase on next gen consoles.

I don't know or have an opinion on which userbase uses it marketplace more, but a user who is used to DD on their current console will more readily use it their newer console.
I think that X360 owners used XBL a bit more, but PSN has come a long way. And this is assuming that the majority of X360 owners stayed with Xbox. The CoD split seems to suggest that many X360 owners purchased a PS4. So I think it's a moot point to be honest.
Sony D1D is about a year old but MS offered full DD earlier. Neither says how readily either userbaser makes use of DD. But there is nothing to say that both userbases are the same in terms of digital buying habits.

I'm talking about same day DD for retail games, I wasn't aware the 360 ever had any. Sony also has had it for the Vita for all games.
I think that X360 owners used XBL a bit more, but PSN has come a long way. And this is assuming that the majority of X360 owners stayed with Xbox. The CoD split seems to suggest that many X360 owners purchased a PS4. So I think it's a moot point to be honest.

Hard to know since we have no ideal how many users participated in $69 dual license DD version of the COD that was sold by retailers. Or how NPD handled that purchase.
Well, it would still be interesting to see what the lucky first adopters are playing. Being a PS4 owner, there really isn't very much to choose from and given that Bluray isn't exactly new, it's highly unlikely that anyone who does own one actually use it for something other than games.

As far as I see it, the games that are most likely bought are (in no particular order):

- KillZone: SF
- Battlefield 4
- CoD Ghosts
- Assassins Creed 4
- Knack

I'm purposely not mentioning Resogun here since it can only be bought through PSN. If we assume there are 2 million PS4s outthere being used for games - it does raise the question what they are playing.

Warframe is a good game and its F2P, not sure anyone publishes numbers on F2P but anecdotally the Warframe thread is usually in the first page on GAF.

DCU seems a shallower in terms of the game play but in either case I'm sure both are drawing decent numbers.
I agree with mrcorbo.

I see no reason why Xbox One owners would buy more digital copies. The PS4's play-go system works very well. And Sony included a $10 PSN credit with every NA PS4, giving even more incentive to purchase digital copies.

Where was the notification for that? I don't recall seeing it.....
I'm talking about same day DD for retail games, I wasn't aware the 360 ever had any. Sony also has had it for the Vita for all games.

I know. Same Day DD launch late last year for the PS3 while the 360 got late this year. The 360 had full game DD since 2009 (PS3 2010) and DD services since 2004.
I know. Same Day DD launch late last year for the PS3 while the 360 got late this year. The 360 had full game DD since 2009 (PS3 2010) and DD services since 2004.

Well they have both had DD games for years, but the expectation that a full retail game is available on launch day in the online store has been around longer with the PS3, so that idea can't really be used to explain XB1 DD buying habits IMO.
Who reads the paper in the box!!!! Half the fun is ripping everything out and plugging things in where they dont belong, nobody reads that crap! :LOL:

Normally I agree... I never look at manuals or instructions or paperwork... only if I can't figure something out. But I knew about this before I got my PS4.

Hopefully you didn't throw it out. :)
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