All purpose sales and sales rumors/anecdotes thread next gen+

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So the PS4 sold 30% more software than the XBone in the UK, despite launching a week later and the UK clearly being a country that favors the xbox brand?

I actually thought the xbone had a fairly stronger launch lineup in exclusives because of Dead Rising 3. This disparity of software sales is surprising to me.

Oh and the PS4 sold 2x more games in one month than the Wii U did in one full year. Lulz.

But the attach ratio is higher for XBO
Forza 5 is more likely to matter in the UK than Dead Rising, I would think ....
But the attach ratio is higher for XBO

In publicly available data, maybe. We don't know however what quantities have been sold through PSN. We might get to know that when Sony releases their numbers and assuming they list sales of PSN in their report.
...and the UK clearly being a country that favors the xbox brand?
That's an odd generalisation to make. PS2 completely eclipsed sales of XBox in the UK, so how do you get that the UK as a country favours the Xbox brand? Last gen, more XB's sold, but I see no reason to say the nation has a brand loyalty, and plenty of evidence to show no brand is secure against rivals. A better offering from a rival will sell.
If anything, people in the UK are relatively renowned for changing ships as we see fit, not just as far as games are involved but in pretty much everything in life... And of course our favourite past time: elevating the status of people or brands to near god level, just to enjoy bringing them down with a hammer as soon as the chance comes.
Indeed. After countless invasions eradicating any real culture, it's in our heritage to merrily sell out to the highest bidder. We don't care if our consoles come from the US or Japan or anywhere else as long as the product's good (though with enough faults to keep us grumbling) and the price is overly high.
Rather than seeing it as one brand being favored over the other, I think it can be viewed in more simpler terms:

Initial sales usually come from people regarded as 'hardcore gamers' or fans. Most of these buyers usually have a history associated with the brand. Xbox currently has a higher marketshare in the UK. Therefore, it would be logical to assume them to have a bit of an advantage given there should be more people willing to upgrade and support "their brand".

There could be a few reasons for the stronger PS4 start:

- better supply by Sony in the UK
- price difference
- trend that perhaps there are more Xbox users willing to jump to PS4 than the other way around due to different approaches / media and press coverage
- ps4 seeming the more attractive console at the right price due to generally positiv media coverage
- momentum carried by the world wide successful launch

It could be simply one dominant factor or a combination of all of them. This also applies to the other regions and is not necessarely limited to the UK.
In publicly available data, maybe. We don't know however what quantities have been sold through PSN. We might get to know that when Sony releases their numbers and assuming they list sales of PSN in their report.

We also don't know what quantities have been sold through XBLM. We can only comment on what we know. Everything else is speculation. Retail attach rates are relevant, even if they don't tell the whole story.
That's an odd generalisation to make. PS2 completely eclipsed sales of XBox in the UK, so how do you get that the UK as a country favours the Xbox brand? Last gen, more XB's sold, but I see no reason to say the nation has a brand loyalty, and plenty of evidence to show no brand is secure against rivals. A better offering from a rival will sell.

U.S. consumers behave similarly. We can be quite fickle with our affections as demonstrated by the frequency of meteoric rises and sudden, complete declines of consumer brands here.
But Americans tend to favour American brands over those from other nations. Even if the brands product is slightly inferior.
It looks like Target has some PS4 bundles in stock as well now. BestBuy seems to be the only retailer with non-bundled PS4 consoles available still, but it does look like availability is beginning to increase.
It looks like Target has some PS4 bundles in stock as well now. BestBuy seems to be the only retailer with non-bundled PS4 consoles available still, but it does look like availability is beginning to increase.

Is it sold out already? I tried adding it to my cart, but am displayed with the message:

"The maximum quantity of this item has already been added to cart."

The cart stays empty.

*Note: Everything else works fine and can be added. If it is already sold out, it may not be the best example to show that availability is increasing...
Is it sold out already? I tried adding it to my cart, but am displayed with the message:

Indeed it is. It was in stock for about 4 hours (came into stock at about 7:40, went out at 11:40) when I posted so I thought it was probably a pretty safe bet to stay in stock given how slowly it appeared consoles were selling at BestBuy and on the UK Amazon. Looks like that wasn't the case :oops:.
But Americans tend to favour American brands over those from other nations. Even if the brands product is slightly inferior.

I'm not sure if those preferences are 100% genuine or if a part of them are government-enforced.

Look at apple products. Their marketshare of laptops and smartphones in the US is completely overblown compared to the rest of the world.
One would assume americans prefer apple products, but at the same time we see in the news how their colleges demand owning a macbook for enrollment, their schools make massive orders of ipads for classes and their courts force competitors to take their products away from shelves because they're infringing on apple's patents on rectangles with round edges.
I'm not sure if those preferences are 100% genuine or if a part of them are government-enforced.

Look at apple products. Their marketshare of laptops and smartphones in the US is completely overblown compared to the rest of the world.
One would assume americans prefer apple products, but at the same time we see in the news how their colleges demand owning a macbook for enrollment, their schools make massive orders of ipads for classes and their courts force competitors to take their products away from shelves because they're infringing on apple's patents on rectangles with round edges.

Government enforced love of Apple? :LOL:
Please. Apple won government contracts because it had a product the government deemed to be useful and necessary to be used in classrooms and wherever they saw fit. The end.

Let's not turn this thread into one of those silly Apple conspiracy theories.
It looks like Target has some PS4 bundles in stock as well now. BestBuy seems to be the only retailer with non-bundled PS4 consoles available still, but it does look like availability is beginning to increase.

Yeah, I walk into Target two days ago. Walked by the CE area and saw 4 XB1s. Walked over to the PS aisle expecting none but there was actually 4 too. Yet the Target online store finder stated there were none available for that store.

Everytime I see one. I stand and look at it for 5 minutes, while I calculate the financial ramification of a $600 purchase (console, games and accessories). It didn't help I had my 6 year old son with me, who immediately starting advising me on what games I should buy. Mostly games that suited him. LOL.
One would assume americans prefer apple products, but at the same time we see in the news how their colleges demand owning a macbook for enrollment, their schools make massive orders of ipads for classes and their courts force competitors to take their products away from shelves because they're infringing on apple's patents on rectangles with round edges.

The numerical effects of Apple's litigation are what would matter to how to determine if American consumers like non-American brands. The most notorious suit applied mostly to products that been superceded by the time the case had wended its way through the glacial legal processes.
Consumers had moved on by that point, and it's not like a trade dress suit (Samsung lost one in SK as well, by the way) is going to change American preferences when the bulk of their impression of it--should they think of it at all--has the depth of "rectangles LOL".

If a court case could do that, they'd dump Apple because of other antitrust and DOJ suits it has lost recently.
What should matter more is that an American brand from an American company does have home-court advantage in that it should have a better understanding of its home market's desires and triggers. In the case of Apple, it can also be argued that its understanding of that market also allows it to lead the market's desires and triggers.

Since so much of the forum discussion of the Xbox One centered on how various elements were bad, or that they weren't bad--just badly marketed, we can see that an American brand can lose the plot. Given that a fair amount of the discussion around Microsoft's efforts is facepalming over its marketing, this goes to show that there is something more to getting positive perceptions than geography.
That is a lot of XBOs on shelves, like we have observed in non-Canada.

"retail channel" probably means this amount has left china. It dosent mean they literally had 900k at retailer warehouses before the end of 2013. But a healthy percentage? Probably

Next shipment data tells the full picture of demand from retailers

I'm wondering why babybumb thought that was worth highlighting out of all of the information reported. Was there something remarkable about it?

That Xbox One business isnt profitable at launch and with expenses associated with launch year? Well Microsoft found it intresting enough to put it out

I really doubt Sony "Game" unit made any money on PS4 - if they made money at all. Sony is way behind in subscription services profitability on PS3 vs Xbox 360 because they didnt charge for multiplayer on PS3
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Everytime I see one. I stand and look at it for 5 minutes, while I calculate the financial ramification of a $600 purchase (console, games and accessories). It didn't help I had my 6 year old son with me, who immediately starting advising me on what games I should buy. Mostly games that suited him.
I literally LOL'd. :D
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